
I tried this for many hours and I keep arriving at log(logn) (where log is base 2) but this does not agree with Masters Theorem which maintains it would be just log(n).

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Master's Theorem doesn't apply here, as we aren't dividing the input by a constant at each step. Your answer is correct.

Altri suggerimenti

In order to apply the Master Theorem, we have to be dividing by a constant at each step. We can still use it in this case, but we have to transform the problem.

Let k=log n, where the logarithm is base b, and define S(k)=T(b^k). Then S(k)=T(b^k)=T(n)=T(n^{1/2})+1=T((b^k)^{1/2})+1=T(b^{k/2})+1=S(k/2)+1, and we can apply the Master theorem to S, which tells us that S(k)=Theta(log k). Therefore, T(n)=T(b^{log n})=S(log n)=Theta(log(log n)), as you found.

People correctly suggested you that masters theorem does not work here. To solve your problem you have to start unrolling the recursion: enter image description here.

The recursion will at some point stop, so we have to find a reasonable stopping point. Trying 0, 1, 2, you can see that 2 looks good, because you can easily solve the equation: enter image description here.

Solving it, you get enter image description here.

So the recursion will continue log(log(n)) times and this is your time complexity.

P.S. a little bit harder recurrence was solved here.

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