
هذا سؤال طويل إلى حد ما، لذا يرجى الوقوف معي.

We are implementing an emulator for a piece of hardware that is being developed at the same time. The idea is to give 3rd parties a software solution to test their client software and give the hardware developers a reference point to implement their firmware.

The people who wrote the protocol for the hardware used a custom version of SUN XDR called INCA_XDR. It's a tool to serialize and de-serialize messages. It's written in C and we want to avoid any native code so we are parsing the protocol data manually.

The protocol is by nature rather complex and the data packets can have many different structures, but it always has the same global structure:

[الرأس] [المقدمة] [البيانات] [الذيل]

[HEAD] =
    byte sync 0x03
    byte length X       [MSB]       X = length of [HEADER] + [INTRO] + [DATA]
    byte length X       [LSB]       X = length of [HEADER] + [INTRO] + [DATA]
    byte check X        [MSB]       X = crc of [INTRO] [DATA]
    byte check X        [LSB]       X = crc of [INTRO] [DATA]
    byte headercheck X              X = XOR over [SYNC] [LENGTH] [CHECK]

    byte version 0x03
    byte address X                  X = 0 for point-to-point, 1-254 for specific controller, 255 = broadcast
    byte sequence X                 X = sequence number
    byte group X        [MSB]       X = The category of the message
    byte group X        [LSB]       X = The category of the message
    byte type X         [MSB]       X = The id of the message
    byte type X         [LSB]       X = The id of the message

[DATA] =
    The actuall data for the specified message,
    this format really differs a lot.

    It always starts with a DRCode which is one byte.
    It more or less specifies the general structure of
    the data, but even within the same structure the data
    can mean many different things and have different lenghts.
    (I think this is an artifact of the INCA_XDR tool)

[TAIL] =
    byte 0x0D

As you can see there is a lot of overhead data, but this is because the protocol needs to work with both RS232 (point-to-multipoint) and TCP/IP (p2p).

    name        size    value
    drcode      1       1   
    name        8               contains a name that can be used as a file name (only alphanumeric characters allowed)
    timestamp   14              yyyymmddhhmmss  contains timestamp of bitmap library
    size        4               size of bitmap library to be loaded
    options     1               currently no options

أو قد يكون لها هيكل مختلف تمامًا:

    name        size    value
    drcode      1       2   
    lastblock   1       0 - 1   1 indicates last block. Firmware can be stored
    blocknumber 2               Indicates block of firmware
    blocksize   2       N       size of block to load
    blockdata   N               data of block of firmware

في بعض الأحيان يكون مجرد رمز DR، ولا توجد بيانات إضافية.

Based on the group and the type field, the emulator needs to perform certain actions. So first we look at those two fields and based on that we know what to expect of the data and have to parse it properly.

Then the response data needs to be generated which again has many different data structures. Some messages simply generate an ACK or NACK message, while others generate a real reply with data.

قررنا تفكيك الأشياء إلى قطع صغيرة.

أولا وقبل كل شيء هناك IDataProcessor.

إنهم ليسوا مسؤولين عن التواصل، بل يتم تمريرهم ببساطة بايت[]

التحقق من صحة البيانات الأولية يعني التحقق من الرأس بحثًا عن أخطاء المجموع الاختباري وCRC والطول.

يتم تمرير الرسالة الناتجة إلى فئة تطبق IMessageProcessor.

To inform the IMessageProcessor about errors, some additional properties have been added to the Message class:

bool nakError = false;
bool tailError = false;
bool crcError = false;
bool headerError = false;
bool lengthError = false;

وهي غير مرتبطة بالبروتوكول وهي موجودة فقط لـ IMessageProcessor

IMessageProcessor هو المكان الذي يتم فيه إنجاز العمل الحقيقي.(ليس لدي خبرة سابقة مع F# أو حتى اللغات الوظيفية بخلاف LINQ وSQL)

The IMessageProcessor analyzes the data and decides what methods it should call on the IHardwareController. It might seem redundant to have IHardwareController, but we want to be able to swap it out with a different implementation and not be forced to use F# either. The current implementation is a WPF windows, but it might be a Cocoa# window or simply a console for example.

The IHardwareController is also responsible for managing state because the developers should be able to manipulate hardware parameters and errors through the user interface.

مرة أخرى...

(قد تكون هناك حاجة إلى تغليف إضافي للبيانات على سبيل المثال)

(على الأقل بقدر ما أستطيع أن أرى الآن، آمل أن يثبت شخص ما أنني مخطئ)

هذه هي المرة الأولى التي أستخدم فيها F#، لذا فأنا أتعلم بالفعل أثناء تقدمي.لذا فإن هذا الملف سيصبح ضخمًا!

من المهم أن تعرف:يتم عكس ترتيب البايت عبر السلك (لأسباب تاريخية)

module Arendee.Hardware.MessageProcessors

open System;
open System.Collections
open Arendee.Hardware.Extenders
open Arendee.Hardware.Interfaces
open System.ComponentModel.Composition
open System.Threading
open System.Text

let VPL_NOERROR = (uint16)0
let VPL_CHECKSUM = (uint16)1
let VPL_FRAMELENGTH = (uint16)2
let VPL_OUTOFSEQUENCE = (uint16)3
let VPL_EXISTS = (uint16)6
let VPL_INVALID = (uint16)7
let VPL_TYPERROR = (uint16)8
let VPL_NOTLOADING = (uint16)9
let VPL_NOTFOUND = (uint16)10
let VPL_OUTOFMEM = (uint16)11
let VPL_INUSE = (uint16)12
let VPL_SIZE = (uint16)13
let VPL_BUSY = (uint16)14
let SYNC_BYTE = (byte)0xE3
let TAIL_BYTE = (byte)0x0D
let MESSAGE_GROUP = 701us

type public StandardMessageProcessor() = class
    let mutable controller : IHardwareController = null               

    interface IMessageProcessor with
        member this.ProcessMessage m : Message = 
            printfn "%A" controller.Status
            controller.Status <- ControllerStatusExtender.DisableBit(controller.Status,ControllerStatus.Nak)

            match m with
            | m when m.LengthError -> this.nakResponse(m,VPL_FRAMELENGTH)
            | m when m.CrcError -> this.nakResponse(m,VPL_CHECKSUM)
            | m when m.HeaderError -> this.nakResponse(m,VPL_CHECKSUM)
            | m -> this.processValidMessage m
            | _ -> null      

        member public x.HardwareController
            with get () = controller
            and set y = controller <- y                 

    member private this.processValidMessage (m : Message) =
        match m.Intro.MessageGroup with
        | 701us -> this.processDefaultGroupMessage(m);
        | _ -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_GROUPNOTSUPPORTED);

    member private this.processDefaultGroupMessage(m : Message) =
        match m.Intro.MessageType with
        | (1us) -> this.firmwareVersionListResponse(m)                        //ListFirmwareVersions              0
        | (2us) -> this.StartLoadingFirmwareVersion(m)                     //StartLoadingFirmwareVersion       1
        | (3us) -> this.LoadFirmwareVersionBlock(m)                     //LoadFirmwareVersionBlock          2
        | (4us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                       //RemoveFirmwareVersion             3
        | (5us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                       //ActivateFirmwareVersion           3        
        | (12us) -> this.nakResponse(m,VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                       //StartLoadingBitmapLibrary         2
        | (13us) -> this.nakResponse(m,VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                       //LoadBitmapLibraryBlock            2        
        | (21us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //ListFonts                         0
        | (22us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //LoadFont                          4
        | (23us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //RemoveFont                        3
        | (24us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //SetDefaultFont                    3         
        | (31us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //ListParameterSets                 0
        | (32us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //LoadParameterSets                 4
        | (33us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //RemoveParameterSet                3
        | (34us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //ActivateParameterSet              3
        | (35us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //GetParameterSet                   3        
        | (41us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //StartSelfTest                     0
        | (42us) -> this.returnStatus(m)                                      //GetStatus                         0
        | (43us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //GetStatusDetail                   0
        | (44us) -> this.ResetStatus(m)                     //ResetStatus                       5
        | (45us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //SetDateTime                       6
        | (46us) -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_FRAMELENGTH)                      //GetDateTime                       0
        | _ -> this.nakResponse(m, VPL_REQUESTNOTSUPPORTED)

    (* The various responses follow *)

    //Generate a NAK response
    member private this.nakResponse (message : Message , error) =
        controller.Status <- controller.Status ||| ControllerStatus.Nak
        let intro = new MessageIntro()
        intro.MessageGroupVersion <- MESSAGE_GROUP_VERSION
        intro.Address <- message.Intro.Address
        intro.SequenceNumber <- this.setHigh(message.Intro.SequenceNumber)
        intro.MessageGroup <- MESSAGE_GROUP
        intro.MessageType <- 130us
        let errorBytes = UShortExtender.ToIntelOrderedByteArray(error)
        let data = Array.zero_create(5)
        let x = this.getStatusBytes
        let y = this.getStatusBytes
        data.[0] <- 7uy
        data.[1..2] <- this.getStatusBytes
        data.[3..4] <- errorBytes      
        let header = this.buildHeader intro data
        let message = new Message()
        message.Header <- header
        message.Intro <- intro
        message.Tail <- TAIL_BYTE
        message.Data <- data

    //Generate an ACK response
    member private this.ackResponse (message : Message) =   
        let intro = new MessageIntro()
        intro.MessageGroupVersion <- MESSAGE_GROUP_VERSION
        intro.Address <- message.Intro.Address
        intro.SequenceNumber <- this.setHigh(message.Intro.SequenceNumber)
        intro.MessageGroup <- MESSAGE_GROUP
        intro.MessageType <- 129us
        let data = Array.zero_create(3);
        data.[0] <- 0x05uy
        data.[1..2] <- this.getStatusBytes
        let header = this.buildHeader intro data
        message.Header <- header
        message.Intro <- intro
        message.Tail <- TAIL_BYTE
        message.Data <- data

    //Generate a ReturnFirmwareVersionList
    member private this.firmwareVersionListResponse (message : Message) =
        if message.Data.[0] <> 0x00uy then
            let intro = new MessageIntro()
            intro.MessageGroupVersion <- MESSAGE_GROUP_VERSION
            intro.Address <- message.Intro.Address
            intro.SequenceNumber <- this.setHigh(message.Intro.SequenceNumber)
            intro.MessageGroup <- MESSAGE_GROUP
            intro.MessageType <- 132us    
            let firmwareVersions = controller.ReturnFirmwareVersionList();
            let firmwareVersionBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint16)firmwareVersions.Count) |> Array.rev

            //Create the data
            let data = Array.zero_create(3 + (int)firmwareVersions.Count * 27)
            data.[0] <- 0x09uy                              //drcode
            data.[1..2] <- firmwareVersionBytes             //Number of firmware versions

            let mutable index = 0
            let loops = firmwareVersions.Count - 1
            for i = 0 to loops do
                let nameBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(firmwareVersions.[i].Name) |>  Array.rev
                let timestampBytes = this.getTimeStampBytes firmwareVersions.[i].Timestamp |> Array.rev
                let sizeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(firmwareVersions.[i].Size) |> Array.rev

                data.[index + 3 .. index + 10] <- nameBytes
                data.[index + 11 .. index + 24] <- timestampBytes
                data.[index + 25 .. index + 28] <- sizeBytes
                data.[index + 29] <- firmwareVersions.[i].Status
                index <- index + 27            

            let header = this.buildHeader intro data
            message.Header <- header
            message.Intro <- intro
            message.Data <- data
            message.Tail <- TAIL_BYTE

    //Generate ReturnStatus
    member private this.returnStatus (message : Message) =
        if message.Data.[0] <> 0x00uy then
            let intro = new MessageIntro()
            intro.MessageGroupVersion <- MESSAGE_GROUP_VERSION
            intro.Address <- message.Intro.Address
            intro.SequenceNumber <- this.setHigh(message.Intro.SequenceNumber)
            intro.MessageGroup <- MESSAGE_GROUP
            intro.MessageType <- 131us

            let statusDetails = controller.ReturnStatus();

            let sizeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint16)statusDetails.Length) |> Array.rev

            let detailBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(statusDetails) |> Array.rev

            let data = Array.zero_create(statusDetails.Length + 5)
            data.[0] <- 0x08uy
            data.[1..2] <- this.getStatusBytes
            data.[3..4] <- sizeBytes    //Details size
            data.[5..5 + statusDetails.Length - 1] <- detailBytes

            let header = this.buildHeader intro data
            message.Header <- header
            message.Intro <- intro
            message.Data <- data
            message.Tail <- TAIL_BYTE

    //Reset some status bytes    
    member private this.ResetStatus (message : Message) =
        if message.Data.[0] <> 0x05uy then
            this.nakResponse(message, VPL_INVALID)
            let flagBytes = message.Data.[1..2] |> Array.rev 
            let flags = Enum.ToObject(typeof<ControllerStatus>,BitConverter.ToInt16(flagBytes,0)) :?> ControllerStatus
            let retVal = controller.ResetStatus flags

            if retVal <> 0x00us then

    //StartLoadingFirmwareVersion (Ack/Nak)
    member private this.StartLoadingFirmwareVersion (message : Message) =
        if (message.Data.[0] <> 0x01uy) then
            this.nakResponse(message, VPL_INVALID)
            //Analyze the data
            let name = message.Data.[1..8] |> Array.rev |> ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString
            let text = message.Data.[9..22] |> Array.rev |> Seq.map(fun x -> ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(x.ToString()).[0]) |> Seq.to_array |> ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString
            let timestamp = DateTime.ParseExact(text,"yyyyMMddHHmmss",Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture)

            let size = BitConverter.ToUInt32(message.Data.[23..26] |> Array.rev,0)
            let overwrite = 
                match message.Data.[27] with
                | 0x00uy -> false
                | _ -> true

            //Create a FirmwareVersion instance
            let firmware = new FirmwareVersion();
            firmware.Name <- name
            firmware.Timestamp <- timestamp
            firmware.Size <- size

            let retVal = controller.StartLoadingFirmwareVersion(firmware,overwrite)

            if retVal <> 0x00us then
                this.nakResponse(message, retVal) //The controller denied the request

    //LoadFirmwareVersionBlock (ACK/NAK)
    member private this.LoadFirmwareVersionBlock (message : Message) =
        if message.Data.[0] <> 0x02uy then
            this.nakResponse(message, VPL_INVALID)
            //Analyze the data
            let lastBlock = 
                match message.Data.[1] with
                | 0x00uy -> false
                | _true -> true

            let blockNumber = BitConverter.ToUInt16(message.Data.[2..3] |> Array.rev,0)            
            let blockSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(message.Data.[4..5] |> Array.rev,0)
            let blockData = message.Data.[6..6 + (int)blockSize - 1] |> Array.rev

            let retVal = controller.LoadFirmwareVersionBlock(lastBlock, blockNumber, blockSize, blockData)

            if retVal <> 0x00us then
                this.nakResponse(message, retVal)

    (* Helper methods *)
    //We need to convert the DateTime instance to a byte[] understood by the device "yyyymmddhhmmss"
    member private this.getTimeStampBytes (date : DateTime) =
        let stringNumberToByte s = Byte.Parse(s.ToString()) //Casting to (byte) would give different results

        let yearString = date.Year.ToString("0000")
        let monthString = date.Month.ToString("00")
        let dayString = date.Day.ToString("00")
        let hourString = date.Hour.ToString("00")
        let minuteString = date.Minute.ToString("00")
        let secondsString = date.Second.ToString("00")

        let y1 = stringNumberToByte yearString.[0]
        let y2 = stringNumberToByte yearString.[1]
        let y3 = stringNumberToByte yearString.[2]
        let y4 = stringNumberToByte yearString.[3]  
        let m1 = stringNumberToByte monthString.[0]
        let m2 = stringNumberToByte monthString.[1]
        let d1 = stringNumberToByte dayString.[0]
        let d2 = stringNumberToByte dayString.[1]
        let h1 = stringNumberToByte hourString.[0]
        let h2 = stringNumberToByte hourString.[1]
        let min1 = stringNumberToByte minuteString.[0]
        let min2 = stringNumberToByte minuteString.[1]
        let s1 = stringNumberToByte secondsString.[0]
        let s2 = stringNumberToByte secondsString.[1]

        [| y1 ; y2 ; y3 ; y4 ; m1 ; m2 ; d1 ; d2 ; h1 ; h2 ; min1 ; min2 ; s1; s2 |]

    //Sets the high bit of a byte to 1
    member private this.setHigh (b : byte) : byte = 
        let array = new BitArray([| b |])
        array.[7] <- true
        let mutable converted = [| 0 |]
        array.CopyTo(converted, 0);

    //Build the header of a Message based on Intro + Data
    member private this.buildHeader (intro : MessageIntro) (data : byte[]) =
        let headerLength = 7;
        let introLength = 7;
        let length = (uint16)(headerLength + introLength + data.Length)
        let crcData = ByteArrayExtender.Concat(intro.GetRawData(),data)
        let crcValue = ByteArrayExtender.CalculateCRC16(crcData)
        let lengthBytes = UShortExtender.ToIntelOrderedByteArray(length);
        let crcValueBytes = UShortExtender.ToIntelOrderedByteArray(crcValue);
        let headerChecksum = (byte)(SYNC_BYTE ^^^ lengthBytes.[0] ^^^ lengthBytes.[1] ^^^ crcValueBytes.[0] ^^^ crcValueBytes.[1])
        let header = new MessageHeader();
        header.Sync <- SYNC_BYTE
        header.Length <- length
        header.HeaderChecksum <- headerChecksum
        header.DataChecksum <- crcValue

    member private this.getStatusBytes =
        let l = controller.Status
        let status = (uint16)controller.Status
        let statusBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(status);
        statusBytes |> Array.rev


(يرجى ملاحظة أنه في المصدر الحقيقي، يكون للفئات أسماء مختلفة، أكثر تحديدًا من "الأجهزة")

آمل الحصول على اقتراحات أو طرق لتحسين الكود أو حتى طرق مختلفة للتعامل مع المشكلة.


وبناء على إجابة بريان، كتبت ما يلي:

type DrCode9Item = {Name : string ; Timestamp : DateTime ; Size : uint32; Status : byte}
type DrCode11Item = {Id : byte ; X : uint16 ; Y : uint16 ; SizeX : uint16 ; SizeY : uint16
                     Font : string ; Alignment : byte ; Scroll : byte ; Flash : byte}
type DrCode12Item = {Id : byte ; X : uint16 ; Y : uint16 ; SizeX : uint16 ; SizeY : uint16}
type DrCode14Item = {X : byte ; Y : byte}

type DRType =
| DrCode0 of byte
| DrCode1 of byte * string * DateTime * uint32 * byte
| DrCode2 of byte * byte * uint16 * uint16 * array<byte>
| DrCode3 of byte * string
| DrCode4 of byte * string * DateTime * byte * uint16 * array<byte>
| DrCode5 of byte * uint16
| DrCode6 of byte * DateTime
| DrCode7 of byte * uint16 * uint16
| DrCode8 of byte * uint16 * uint16 * uint16 * array<byte>
| DrCode9 of byte * uint16 * array<DrCode9Item>
| DrCode10 of byte * string * DateTime * uint32 * byte * array<byte>
| DrCode11 of byte * array<DrCode11Item>
| DrCode12 of byte * array<DrCode12Item>
| DrCode13 of byte * uint16 * byte * uint16 * uint16 * string * byte * byte
| DrCode14 of byte * array<DrCode14Item>

I could continue doing this for all the DR types (quite a few), but I still don't understand how that would help me. I've read about it on Wikibooks and in Foundations of F# but something is not clicking in my head yet.

تحديث 2

لذلك، أفهم أنه يمكنني القيام بما يلي:

let execute dr =
    match dr with
    | DrCode0(drCode) -> printfn "Do something"
    | DrCode1(drCode, name, timestamp, size, options) -> printfn "Show the size %A" size
    | _ -> ()
let date = DateTime.Now

let x = DrCode1(1uy,"blabla", date, 100ul, 0uy)

لكنني لا أرى ذلك.

execute x
هل كانت مفيدة؟


أعتقد أن F# مناسب بشكل طبيعي لتمثيل الرسائل في هذا المجال من خلال النقابات التمييزية؛أنا أتخيل على سبيل المثال.

type Message =
    | Message1 of string * DateTime * int * byte //name,timestamp,size,options
    | Message2 of bool * short * short * byte[]  //last,blocknum,blocksize,data

بالإضافة إلى طرق تحليل/إلغاء تحليل الرسائل من/إلى مصفوفة بايت.كما قلت، هذا العمل بسيط ومضجر فقط.

أنا أقل وضوحًا بشأن معالجة الرسائل، ولكن بشكل عام بناءً على وصفك، يبدو أن لديك القدرة على التعامل معها.

أنا قلق قليلاً بشأن "مرونة الأداة" لديك - ما هي القيود التي تواجهك؟(على سبيل المثال.Net، يجب أن تتم صيانته بواسطة مبرمجين يعرفون التقنيات X، Y، Z، ويجب أن تستوفي معايير أداء معينة، ...)

نصائح أخرى

إليكم سنتي 2 (تحذير:لا أعرف F#):تريد تعيين محتوى الملف إلى الإجراءات.لذلك أقترح عليك تحليل الملف.نظرًا لكون F# لغة وظيفية، فقد تناسب تقنية التحليل التي تسمى تحليل النسب العودية. كتاب "الخبير F#" يحتوي على مناقشة لتحليل النسب العودي.

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