
ما هو جدول thunk فيما يتعلق بجدول عنوان الاستيراد الذي يتم استخدامه في ملفات exe لاستيراد وظائف المستخدمة في DLL الخارجية؟

هل هذا الجدول thunk مجرد جدول يحتوي على "thunks" لوظائف أخرى؟

هل كانت مفيدة؟


thunks هي جزء من جدول الاستيراد (IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT) وتأخير جدول الاستيراد (IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT). تم وصفها http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms809762.aspx.

سوف أنظر إلى رمز المصدر القديم الخاص بي وسأقوم بنشر رمز عمل لاحقًا يتفريغ كل من هذه الجداول معلومات الربط الشاملة.


هنا رمز أنا مغرم في أحد برنامجي القديم. يدعم PE 32 بت فقط ، ولكن يمكن تعديله بسهولة إلى 64 بت. بالمناسبة يمكنك أن ترى ، أنه تفريغ أيضًا معلومات ربط. لاختبار هذا ربط PE الذي تريد تفريغه فيما يتعلق بربط. exe (استخدم على سبيل المثال ، bind.exe -u -v Test.dll).

يتكون الرمز من حوالي 1000 سطر ، لذلك لم أتمكن من نشره هنا. أتلقى رسالة خطأ

أُووبس! لا يمكن تقديم تحريرك لأن:

  • يقتصر الجسم على 30000 حرف ؛ لقد دخلت 55095

لذلك وضعته هنا: http://www.ok-soft-mbh.com/forstackoverflow/peinfo.c. آمل أن يساعدك الرمز بشكل أفضل كوصف طويل.

تحديث 2: أرى أن إجابتي القديمة ليست جيدة للبحث عن المحرك. لذلك أنا أتضمن جزء من رمز PEInfo.c (وظائف DumpImports و DumpExports) أقل:

void MakeIdent (UINT nOffset)
    for (; nOffset; nOffset--)
        printf ("    ");    // 4 blanks

void DumpDword (UINT nOffset, LPCSTR pszPrefix, DWORD dw)

    if (dw < 100)
        printf ("%s: %d\n", pszPrefix, dw);
    else if (dw%(256*256) == 0)
        printf ("%s: 0x%X\n", pszPrefix, dw);
        printf ("%s: %d (0x%X)\n", pszPrefix, dw, dw);

void DumpTimeDateStamp (UINT nOffset, LPCSTR pszTimeDateStampPrefix, DWORD dwTimeDateStamp)
    //struct tm tmTime;//= localtime_s ((time_t *)&dwTimeDateStamp);
    //errno_t err = localtime_s (&tmTime, ((time_t *)&dwTimeDateStamp));

    struct tm *ptmTime = _localtime32 ((__time32_t *)&dwTimeDateStamp);
    SYSTEMTIME stSystemTime;
    static CHAR szString[128];

    stSystemTime.wYear = (WORD)(1900 + ptmTime->tm_year);
    stSystemTime.wMonth = (WORD)(ptmTime->tm_mon + 1);
    stSystemTime.wDay = (WORD)ptmTime->tm_mday;
    stSystemTime.wDayOfWeek = (WORD)(ptmTime->tm_wday + 1);
    stSystemTime.wHour = (WORD)ptmTime->tm_hour;
    stSystemTime.wMinute = (WORD)ptmTime->tm_min;
    stSystemTime.wSecond = (WORD)ptmTime->tm_sec;
    stSystemTime.wMilliseconds = 0;

    printf ("%s: 0x%8X (", pszTimeDateStampPrefix, dwTimeDateStamp);

    if (GetDateFormatA (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &stSystemTime, NULL, 
        szString, sizeof(szString)/sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0) {
        printf (szString);

    if (GetTimeFormatA (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &stSystemTime, NULL, 
                       szString, sizeof(szString)/sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0) {
        if (szString[0] != 0)
            printf (" ");
        printf (szString);
    printf (")\n");

void DumpImports (UINT nOffset, IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 *pOptionalHeader, PBYTE pbyFile,
                  IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *pSectionHeader, IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *pNtHeader) // header of the section, which contains export section
    IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *pImportDescriptor = (IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *)((PBYTE)pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData +
        pOptionalHeader->DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress);
    DWORD dwBoundImportVA = pOptionalHeader->DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT].VirtualAddress;
    IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *pFirstBoundImportDescriptor = NULL, *pBoundImportDescriptor;

    //DumpDword (nOffset, TEXT("Characteristics"), pImportDescriptor->Characteristics);
    if (dwBoundImportVA) {
        UINT i;
        IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *pFirstSectionHeader = (IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)((PBYTE)pOptionalHeader + //sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32));

        for (i=0; i<pNtHeader->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
            if (pFirstSectionHeader[i].VirtualAddress <= dwBoundImportVA &&
                dwBoundImportVA < pFirstSectionHeader[i].VirtualAddress + pFirstSectionHeader[i].Misc.VirtualSize) {

                pFirstBoundImportDescriptor = (IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *)((PBYTE)pbyFile + pFirstSectionHeader[i].PointerToRawData +
                                            dwBoundImportVA - pFirstSectionHeader[i].VirtualAddress);
        if (i >= pNtHeader->FileHeader.NumberOfSections)
            pFirstBoundImportDescriptor = (IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *)((PBYTE)pbyFile + dwBoundImportVA);

    for (;pImportDescriptor->Characteristics; pImportDescriptor++) {
        IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *pOriginalFirstThunk = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *)((PBYTE)pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData +
            pImportDescriptor->OriginalFirstThunk - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress);
        IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *pFirstThunk = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *)((PBYTE)pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData +
            pImportDescriptor->FirstThunk - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress);
        IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *pOriginalThunk, *pThunk;

        printf ("%s ", pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData + pImportDescriptor->Name - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress);
        //DumpDword (nOffset, TEXT("Ordinal Base"), pExportDirectory->Base);

        if (pImportDescriptor->TimeDateStamp == 0) {
            printf ("(DLL is Not bound)\n");
        else if (pImportDescriptor->TimeDateStamp == -1) {
            //if bound, and real date\time stamp
            //                                    //     in IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT (new BIND)
            printf ("(DLL bound with New BIND)\n");
        else {
            printf ("(DLL bound with Old BIND) ");
            DumpTimeDateStamp (nOffset, "TimeDateStamp", pImportDescriptor->TimeDateStamp);

        if (pImportDescriptor->TimeDateStamp)   // if bound
            printf (TEXT("      Ordinal          hint BoundAddrs Name\n"));
            printf (TEXT("      Ordinal          hint Name\n"));

        for (pOriginalThunk=pOriginalFirstThunk, pThunk=pFirstThunk; pOriginalThunk->u1.AddressOfData; pOriginalThunk++, pThunk++) {
            if (IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL32(pOriginalThunk->u1.Ordinal)) {
                // Ordinal
                if (pImportDescriptor->TimeDateStamp)
                    printf (TEXT("%4u (0x%04X)               0x%08X\n"),
                            pOriginalThunk->u1.Ordinal & ~IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32,
                    // pThunk->u1.AddressOfData == pOriginalThunk->u1.Ordinal so don't print it 
                    printf (TEXT("%4u (0x%04X)\n"),
                            pOriginalThunk->u1.Ordinal & ~IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32,
            else {
                IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME *pImportByName = (IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME *) (pOriginalThunk->u1.AddressOfData +
                    (PBYTE)pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress);

                // Hint - Index into the Export Name Pointer Table. A match is attempted first with this value.
                // If it fails, a binary search is performed on the DLL’s Export Name Pointer Table.
                if (pImportDescriptor->TimeDateStamp)   // if bound
                    printf (TEXT("%18u (0x%04X) 0x%08X %hs\n"), pImportByName->Hint, pImportByName->Hint, pThunk->u1.AddressOfData,
                    printf (TEXT("%18u (0x%04X) %hs\n"), pImportByName->Hint, pImportByName->Hint, pImportByName->Name);

    if (pFirstBoundImportDescriptor) {
        printf ("PE Header contains the following bound import information:\n");

        for (pBoundImportDescriptor=pFirstBoundImportDescriptor; pBoundImportDescriptor->TimeDateStamp;
            pBoundImportDescriptor = (IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *)((PBYTE)(pBoundImportDescriptor+1) + pBoundImportDescriptor->NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs*sizeof(IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF))) {
            PSTR pszDllName = (PSTR) ((DWORD)pFirstBoundImportDescriptor + pBoundImportDescriptor->OffsetModuleName);
            IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF *pRef = (IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF *)(pBoundImportDescriptor+1);

            printf ("Bound to %hs", pszDllName);
            DumpTimeDateStamp (0, "", pBoundImportDescriptor->TimeDateStamp);
            if (pBoundImportDescriptor->NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs) {
                UINT i;

                for (i=0;i<pBoundImportDescriptor->NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs;i++) {
                    PSTR pszDllName = (PSTR) ((DWORD)pFirstBoundImportDescriptor + pRef->OffsetModuleName);

                    printf ("Contained forwarders bound to %hs", pszDllName);
                    DumpTimeDateStamp (0, "", pRef->TimeDateStamp);

void DumpExports (UINT nOffset, IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 *pOptionalHeader, PBYTE pbyFile,
                  IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *pSectionHeader) // header of the section, which contains export section
    UINT i;
    UINT iNames;
    PDWORD pdwAddressOfFunctions;
    PWORD pwOrdinals;
    PDWORD pdwNameRVA;
    IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *pExportDirectory = (IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *)((PBYTE)pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData +
        pOptionalHeader->DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress);
    DWORD dwVAExportStart = pOptionalHeader->DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress;
    DWORD dwVAExportEnd = pOptionalHeader->DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress + 

    DumpDword (nOffset, TEXT("Characteristics"), pExportDirectory->Characteristics);
    DumpTimeDateStamp (nOffset, "TimeDateStamp", pExportDirectory->TimeDateStamp);

    printf ("DllName: %s\n", pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData + pExportDirectory->Name - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress);
    DumpDword (nOffset, TEXT("Ordinal Base"), pExportDirectory->Base);

    printf (TEXT("Version: %d.%d\n"), pExportDirectory->MajorVersion, pExportDirectory->MinorVersion);

    DumpDword (nOffset, TEXT("Number of exported functions"), pExportDirectory->NumberOfFunctions);
    DumpDword (nOffset, TEXT("Number of functions exported by name"), pExportDirectory->NumberOfNames);

    printf (TEXT("Ordn hint RVA      Name\n"));

    pdwAddressOfFunctions = (PDWORD)(pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData + pExportDirectory->AddressOfFunctions - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress);
    pwOrdinals = (PWORD)(pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData + pExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress);
    pdwNameRVA = (PDWORD)(pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData + pExportDirectory->AddressOfNames - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress);

    for (iNames = 0; iNames < pExportDirectory->NumberOfNames; iNames++) {

        // AddressOfFunctions MUST be ouf of Export Directory. If it is not so, it is a Forwarding entry
        if (pdwAddressOfFunctions[pwOrdinals[iNames]] < dwVAExportStart ||
            pdwAddressOfFunctions[pwOrdinals[iNames]] > dwVAExportEnd)
            // AddressOfFunctions is normaly in .text section and export table in .edata or .rdata section, so
            // AddressOfFunctions must be not in Export Directory
            printf("%4u %4u %08X %s\n",
                    pwOrdinals[iNames] + pExportDirectory->Base, iNames, pdwAddressOfFunctions[pwOrdinals[iNames]],
                    (pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData + pdwNameRVA[iNames] - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress));
            printf("%4u %4u          %s (forwarded to %s)\n",
                    pwOrdinals[iNames] + pExportDirectory->Base, iNames,
                    (pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData + pdwNameRVA[iNames] - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress),
                    (PSTR)(pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData + pdwAddressOfFunctions[pwOrdinals[iNames]] - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress));

    // print functions exported by ordinal
    for (i = 0; i < pExportDirectory->NumberOfFunctions; i++) {
        if (pdwAddressOfFunctions[i] != 0) {
            // if EXPORTS in DEF-file look like 
            // EXPORTS
            //    Message1  @100
            //    Message2  @200
            //    Message3  @300
            //    Message4  @400
            //    Message5  @500
            // it will be added in export section 401 (500-100+1) entries. 5 from there with not 0 address and the rest
            // empty entries with 0
            // we will dump only not empty entries

            UINT iNames;
            WORD wOrdinal = (WORD)(i + pExportDirectory->Base);

            // try to find (i + pExportDirectory->Base) ordinal in the list of pwOrdinals
            for (iNames = 0; iNames<pExportDirectory->NumberOfNames; iNames++) {
                if (pdwAddressOfFunctions[pwOrdinals[iNames]] == pdwAddressOfFunctions[i])

            if (iNames >= pExportDirectory->NumberOfNames) {
                // if not found as exported by name, print it here
                if (pdwAddressOfFunctions[i] < pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress ||
                    pdwAddressOfFunctions[i] > pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress + pSectionHeader->Misc.VirtualSize)
                    printf("%4u      %08X [NONAME]\n", wOrdinal, pdwAddressOfFunctions[i]);
                    printf("%4u               [NONAME] (forwarded to %s)\n",
                           wOrdinal, (PSTR)(pbyFile + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData + pdwAddressOfFunctions[i] - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress));
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