In my RSVP page I want to be able to bring up a message to guests showing the name along with a message saying "You have been invited to ......".

I have added a field in my database rsvpEvent and double checked the naming is correct.

If someone could look at this page

First name : craig
Last name : test
Password : rsvp

Here is the line of code I have added

if($attendee != null) {
    // hey we found something, we should move on and print out any associated users and let them rsvp
    $output = "<div>\r\n";
    if(strtolower($attendee->rsvpStatus) == "noresponse") {
        $output .= RSVP_START_PARA."Hi ".htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($attendee->firstName." ".$attendee->lastName)).RSVP_END_PARA;

        $output .= RSVP_START_PARA."You have been invited to ".($attendee->rsvpEvent).RSVP_END_PARA;

        /*if(trim(get_option(OPTION_WELCOME_TEXT)) != "") {
            $output .= RSVP_START_PARA.trim(get_option(OPTION_WELCOME_TEXT)).RSVP_END_PARA;
        } else {
            $output .= RSVP_START_PARA.__("There are a few more questions we need to ask you if you could please fill them out below to finish up the RSVP process.", 'rsvp-plugin').RSVP_END_PARA;

        $output .= rsvp_frontend_main_form($attendee->id);
    } else {
        $output .= rsvp_frontend_prompt_to_edit($attendee);
    return rsvp_handle_output($text, $output."</div>\r\n");

Line 7 is the new line of code that has been added, can someone tell me where I am going wrong?


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