I am trying to use the Facebook SDK. I need to add 3 key:values pairs to my info.plist. I can't find the info.plist in my files, I only found the main-Info.plist in the folder libs/external of my project but when I inserted there the key:values for the Facebook SDK it gave the following error:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'com.facebook.sdk:InvalidOperationException', reason: 'FBAppBridge: AppID not found; Add a string valued key with the appropriate id named FacebookAppID to the bundle *.plist'
*** First throw call stack:

So I created a new file named Info.plist and added there the necessary information. After I done that I couldn't even build my app. What should I do?

Here is an images that shows all the *.plist files in my project: enter image description here

I have the feeling that all the values that should be in my bundle .plist are here: enter image description here But I can't add new values here!! P.S. I created this project using spritebuilder.


解决方案 2

When creating a project using SpriteBuilder a file Info.plist was created in the localization: "Source/Resources/info.plist". For some reason this file is not accessible on xcode I could only find it on the finder. I just had to add this file to XCode and edit it there and it was solved.


the info.plist will be renamed based on the name of your app, it will beocome AppName-Info.plist.

You may have found the wrong one. Undo those changes, and look for the AppName-Info.plist in the root of your xcode project.

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