
I am trying to use the Facebook SDK. I need to add 3 key:values pairs to my info.plist. I can't find the info.plist in my files, I only found the main-Info.plist in the folder libs/external of my project but when I inserted there the key:values for the Facebook SDK it gave the following error:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'com.facebook.sdk:InvalidOperationException', reason: 'FBAppBridge: AppID not found; Add a string valued key with the appropriate id named FacebookAppID to the bundle *.plist'
*** First throw call stack:

So I created a new file named Info.plist and added there the necessary information. After I done that I couldn't even build my app. What should I do?

Here is an images that shows all the *.plist files in my project: enter image description here

I have the feeling that all the values that should be in my bundle .plist are here: enter image description here But I can't add new values here!! P.S. I created this project using spritebuilder.

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

When creating a project using SpriteBuilder a file Info.plist was created in the localization: "Source/Resources/info.plist". For some reason this file is not accessible on xcode I could only find it on the finder. I just had to add this file to XCode and edit it there and it was solved.

다른 팁

the info.plist will be renamed based on the name of your app, it will beocome AppName-Info.plist.

You may have found the wrong one. Undo those changes, and look for the AppName-Info.plist in the root of your xcode project.

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