I subclassed the NSButtonCell class to give a different look to my button. I have the drawing code working fine. It's a rounded button filled with CGGradients to look like the iTunes playback controls. They are not completely the same, but they resemble enough to me.

Now my problem is the button type. I set the button type in the -[PlayerButtonCell initImageCell:] but I'm not getting it working to only draw the pushed in look when the button is pressed. I present you a piece of my code:

//  PlayerButtonCell.m
//  DownTube

#import "PlayerButtonCell.h"

@implementation PlayerButtonCell
/* MARK: Init */
- (id)initImageCell:(NSImage *)image {
    self = [super initImageCell:image];
    if(self != nil) {
        [self setImage:image];
        [self setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
    return self;

- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView {
    NSImage *myImage;
    NSBezierPath *myPath;
    NSRect myFrame;
    NSInteger myState;

    myFrame = NSInsetRect(cellFrame , STROKE_WIDTH / 2.0 , STROKE_WIDTH / 2.0);
    myImage = [self image];
    myState = [self state];

    NSLog(@"%d", [self buttonType]);

    /* Create bezier path */
        myPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:myFrame];

    /* Fill with background color */
        /* Fill code here */

    /* Draw gradient if on */
    if(myState == NSOffState) {
        /* Code to draw the button when it's not pushed in */

    } else {
        /* Code to draw the button when it IS pressed */

    /* Stroke */
        /* Code to stroke the bezier path's edge. */

As you can see, I check the pushed in status by the [NSButtonCell state] method. But the button cell acts like a check box, as in NSSwitchButton. This, I do not want. I want it to momentary light.

Hope someone can help me,

EDIT: I create a button with this code of it is of any use:

- (NSButton *)makeRefreshButton {
    NSButton *myButton;
    NSRect myFrame;
    NSImage *myIcon;
    PlayerButtonCell *myCell;

    myIcon = [NSImage imageNamed:kPlayerViewRefreshIconName];
    myCell = [[PlayerButtonCell alloc] initImageCell:myIcon];

    myFrame.origin = NSMakePoint(CONTENT_PADDING , CONTENT_PADDING);
    myFrame.size = CONTROL_PLAYBACK_SIZE;

    myButton = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:myFrame];
    [myButton setCell:myCell];
    [myButton setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];

    [myCell release];

    return [myButton autorelease];


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