运行以下程序将打印的"空间溢出:目前的大小8388608字节。" 我已经阅读 , 但还是不知道如何解决我的问题。我使用foldr,不应该是保证是"尾递归"?


module Main where
import Data.List

value a  b = 
  let l = length $ takeWhile (isPrime) $ map (\n->n^2 + a * n + b) [0..]
  in (l, a ,b)

euler27 = let tuple_list = [value a b | a <-[-999..999] , b <- [-999..999]]
      in foldr (\(n,a,b) (max,v) -> if n > max then (n , a * b) else (max ,v) ) (0,0) tuple_list
main = print euler27

编辑:删除该等复杂的 isPrime 为了简单



作为pierr回答说,应当使用 foldl'.更多的细节:

  • foldl' 计算出它的"左边"之前给你的折叠的步骤。
  • foldr 给你的折叠的步骤"咚"右侧的价值。这种"咚",将计算出需要的时候。

让我们做一个总和 foldr 看看它是如何计算结果:

foldr (+) 0 [1..3]
1 + foldr (+) 0 [2..3]
1 + 2 + foldr (+) 0 [3]
1 + 2 + 3 + foldl (+) 0 [] -- this is a big thunk..
1 + 2 + 3 + 0
1 + 2 + 3
1 + 5

和与 foldl':(签略在代码,因为这样并不显示它很好)

foldl (+) 0 [1..3]
-- seq is a "strictness hint".
-- here it means that x is calculated before the foldl
x `seq` foldl (+) x [2..3] where x = 0+1
foldl (+) 1 [2..3]
x `seq` foldl (+) x [3] where x = 1+2
foldl (+) 3 [3]
x `seq` foldl (+) x [] where x = 3+3
foldl (+) 6 []

在良好的用途 foldr, 不泄漏。"步骤"必须:

  • 返回的结果,这并不取决于"右边",忽视它或含在一个懒惰的结构
  • 返回的右侧为是

例子很好 foldr 使用:

-- in map, the step returns the structure head
-- without evaluating the "right-side"
map f = foldr ((:) . f) []

filter f =
  foldr step []
    step x rest
      | f x = x : rest -- returns structure head
      | otherwise = rest -- returns right-side as is

any f =
  foldr step False
    -- can use "step x rest = f x || rest". it is the same.
    -- version below used for verbosity
    step x rest
      | f x = True -- ignore right-side
      | otherwise = rest -- returns right-side as is



foldr (\(n,a,b) (max,v) -> if n > max then (n , a * b) else (max ,v) ) (0,0) tuple_list

foldl' (\(max ,v) (n,a,b) -> if n > max then (n , a * b) else (max ,v) ) (0,0) tuple_list


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