
I have created a scene in 3DS Max with a stock engine model and some things i added my self, the plane, and the button.

Regardless of how i export the scene, whether its as a .X using panda exporter or .fbx using 2012.2 fbx exporter both, when loaded into XNA and rendered, all appear on top of each other.

Since the individual parts of the engine all remain where they should (and are seperate in 3ds max) im pretty sure there is something im not setting correctly in 3ds max with the layout of the rest of my objects.

Update 1 : The code i use to load the models in xna is as follows

        Matrix[] transforms = new Matrix[model.Bones.Count];

        foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes)
            foreach (BasicEffect be in mesh.Effects)
                be.Projection = camera.projection;
                be.View = camera.view;
                be.World = GetWorld() * mesh.ParentBone.Transform;
                // adding the additional * transforms[i]; didnt do anything  


This code works great for other peoples models but not any that i make. Its like 3ds max isnt exporting out the positions of the objects that i create in the scene relative to the scenes origin.

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