
Kennen Sie jede freie Komponente, kompatibel mit Delphi 2010 oder XE ZIP-Archive verwalten (eigentlich nur das Lesen Archivinhalte und Extrahieren von Dateien erforderlich)?

Bitte keine Betas.

Ich dachte über ZipForge von ComponentAce, aber es ist nur für den persönlichen Gebrauch. Keine Software-Verteilung erlaubt.

War es hilfreich?


Sie können die Turbopower Abbrevia für das Jahr 2010 erhalten von:

Andere Tipps

Sie können einen Blick auf dieser , wenn Sie mögen 7zip

Wenn Sie nur Decodierung (entwickelt für Delphi 2007, noch nicht unter Delphi getestet 2010 / XE):

unit UnitZip;


  SysUtils, Classes;

  EZipException = class( Exception );

  TZipFileInfo = record
    LastModified:                      TDateTime;
    Crc32:                             Longword;
    CompressedSize:                    Longword;
    UncompressedSize:                  Longword;

  TZipFileReader = class
    // Information about the memory mapped file
    FFileHandle:                       THandle;
    FFileMapping:                      THandle;
    FMappedAddress:                    Pointer;
    // Location of the ZIPfile in memory. Currently we only support memory mapped ZIPfiles without disk spanning.
    FStart:                            Pointer;
    FSize:                             Longword;
    // ZIP file contents
    FFilenames:                        TStrings;
    function    GetZipFileInfo         ( const FileName: AnsiString ): TZipFileInfo;
    constructor Create                 ( const FileName: string; ZipStartOffset: Int64 = 0; Size: Longword = 0 ); overload;
    constructor Create                 ( const ResourceName, ResourceType: string; Instance: HMODULE = 0 ); overload;
    constructor Create                 ( Buffer: Pointer; Size: Longword ); overload;
    destructor  Destroy;               override;
    function    GetFile                ( const FileName: string ): TBytes; overload;
    function    GetFile                ( FileID: Integer ): TBytes; overload;
    property    FileNames:             TStrings read FFileNames;
    property    FileInfo               [ const FileName: AnsiString ]: TZipFileInfo read GetZipFileInfo;


  ZLib, Windows;

  cResourceNotFound   = 'Resource not found: %s.%s.';
  cResourceNotLoaded  = 'Resource not loaded: %s.%s.';
  cCannotOpenFile     = 'Cannot open file %s: OS error: %d.';
  cCannotGetFileSize  = 'Cannot get file size of file %s: OS error: %d.';
  cCannotMapFile      = 'Cannot create file mapping of file %s: OS error: %d.';
  cZipFileTooSmall    = 'ZIP file is too small.';
  cZipFileFormatError = 'ZIP file is invalid.';
  cZipBufferInvalid   = 'ZIP memory buffer is invalid.';
  cUnsupportedMethod  = 'ZIP unsupported compression method: %d.';
  cFileNotFoundInZip  = 'File not found in ZIP content: %s';

// ZIP file format records.
// The generic zip file format is ( TLocalFileHeader; Name; Extra; compressed data )* ( TFileHeader; Name; Extra; Remark )* TLastHeader

  TFileInfo = packed record
    NeededVersion:                     Word;            // 20
    Flags:                             Word;            // 1=Text,4=extra present
    ZipMethod:                         Word;            // 0=stored 8=deflate
    LastModified:                      Longword;        // time in dos format or Unix Timestamp
    Crc32:                             Longword;
    CompressedSize:                    Longword;
    UncompressedSize:                  Longword;
    NameSize:                          Word;
    ExtraSize:                         Word;

  TFileHeader = packed record
    Signature:                         Longword;        // $02014b50 PK#1#2
    MadeBy:                            Word;            // Version number, 20
    FileInfo:                          TFileInfo;
    CommentSize:                       Word;            // 0
    FirstDiskNumber:                   Word;            // 0
    IntFileAttr:                       Word;            // 0 = binary; 1 = text
    ExtFileAttr:                       Longword;        // DOS file attributes (Archived=32)
    LocalFileHeaderHeadOff:            Longword;        // @TLocalFileHeader
  PFileHeader = ^TFileHeader;

  TLocalFileHeader = packed record
    Signature:                         Longword;        // $02014b50 PK#3#4
    FileInfo:                          TFileInfo;
  PLocalFileHeader = ^TLocalFileHeader;

  TLastHeader = packed record
    Signature:                         Longword;        // $02014b50 PK#5#6
    ThisDiskNumber:                    Word;
    CentralDirDisk:                    Word;
    ThisDiskFileCount:                 Word;
    TotalFileCount:                    Word;
    FileHeaderSize:                    Longword;
    FileHeaderOffset:                  Longword;
    CommentSize:                       Word;
  PLastHeader = ^TLastHeader;

  MagicLastHeader  = $06054b50;
  MagicLocalHeader = $04034b50;
  MagicFileHeader  = $02014b50;

  IntPtr = Longword; // NativeInt on Delphi2007 is an Int64 ??

{$if CompilerVersion < 19}
procedure SetAnsiString( var S: AnsiString; P: PAnsiChar; L: Integer ); inline;
  SetString( S, P, L );

{ TZipFileReader }

constructor TZipFileReader.Create( const FileName: string; ZipStartOffset: Int64; Size: Longword );
  // Open the file in question.
  FFileHandle := CreateFile( PChar( FileName ), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );
  if FFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotOpenFile, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );
  if Size = 0 then Size := GetFileSize( FFileHandle, nil );
  if Size = INVALID_FILE_SIZE then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotGetFileSize, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );

    // Create a file mapping of the file in question
    FFileMapping := CreateFileMapping( FFileHandle, nil, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, nil);
    if FFileMapping = 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotMapFile, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );

      // Get the file mapped in memory (NOTE: The offset needs to be on the  memory allocation granularity of the system)
      // Hence we assign it it's own pointer -> todo rounding etc.
      FMappedAddress := MapViewOfFile( FFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, Int64Rec( ZipStartOffset ).Hi, Int64Rec( ZipStartOffset ).Lo, Size );
      if not Assigned( FMappedAddress ) then EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotMapFile, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );
      Create( FMappedAddress, Size );
      CloseHandle( FFileMapping );
      FFileMapping := 0;
    CloseHandle( FFileHandle );
    FFileHandle := 0;

constructor TZipFileReader.Create( const ResourceName, ResourceType: string; Instance: HMODULE );
  Resource: HRSRC;
  Global:   HGLOBAL;
  Resource := FindResource( Instance, PChar( ResourceName ), PChar( ResourceType ) );
  if Resource = 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cResourceNotFound, [ ResourceName, ResourceType ] );
  Global := LoadResource( Instance, Resource );
  if Global = 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cResourceNotLoaded, [ ResourceName, ResourceType ] );
  Create( LockResource( Global ), SizeofResource( HInstance, Resource ) );
  // Note: kb57808: SizeofResource() returns the resource size rounded up to the alignment size.

constructor TZipFileReader.Create( Buffer: Pointer; Size: Longword );
  LastHeader: PLastHeader;
  FileHeader: PFileHeader;
  i, Off:     Longword;
  Name:       AnsiString;
  // Note the location.
  FStart := Buffer;
  FSize  := Size;

  // Some sanity checks.
  if FSize < sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) + sizeof( TFileHeader ) + sizeof( TLastHeader ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileTooSmall );
  if IsBadReadPtr( Buffer, Size ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipBufferInvalid );
  if PLongword( Buffer )^ <> MagicLocalHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );

  // Find the last header. Due to the alignment of SizeofResource, we need o search for it.
  LastHeader := Pointer( IntPtr( Buffer ) + Size - sizeof( TLastHeader ) );
  for i := 0 to 31 do begin
    if LastHeader^.Signature = MagicLastHeader then Break;
    Dec( IntPtr( LastHeader ) );
  if LastHeader^.Signature <> MagicLastHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );

  FFilenames := TStringList.Create();

  Off := LastHeader^.FileHeaderOffset;
  for i := 0 to LastHeader^.TotalFileCount - 1 do begin
    // Get header
    if Off + sizeof( TFileHeader ) >= Size then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
    FileHeader := Pointer( IntPtr( Buffer ) + Off );
    Inc( Off, sizeof( TFileHeader ) );
    if FileHeader^.Signature <> MagicFileHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );

    // Get filename
    if Off + FileHeader^.FileInfo.NameSize + FileHeader^.FileInfo.ExtraSize >= Size then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
    SetAnsiString( Name, Pointer( IntPtr( Buffer ) + Off ), FileHeader^.FileInfo.NameSize );
    Inc( Off, FileHeader^.FileInfo.NameSize + FileHeader^.FileInfo.ExtraSize );

    // Save filename and offset into ZIPfile where it can be found.
    FFileNames.AddObject( Name, Pointer( FileHeader^.LocalFileHeaderHeadOff ) );
  // For quick access.
  TStringList( FFilenames ).Sorted := True;


destructor TZipFileReader.Destroy;
  if Assigned( FMappedAddress ) then UnmapViewOfFile( FMappedAddress );
  if FFileMapping <> 0 then CloseHandle( FFileMapping );
  if FFileHandle  <> 0 then CloseHandle( FFileHandle  );
  inherited Destroy;

function TZipFileReader.GetFile( const FileName: string ): TBytes;
  ID: Integer;
  // Convert filename in FileID and access by ID.
  ID := FFilenames.IndexOf( FileName );
  if ID < 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cFileNotFoundInZip, [ FileName ] );
  Result := GetFile( ID );

function TZipFileReader.GetFile( FileID: Integer ): TBytes;
  Off:   Longword;
  Local: PLocalFileHeader;
  ZRec:  TZStreamRec;
  ZLibHeader: array [ 0..1 ] of Byte = ( $78, $01 ); // Deflate 32KB window size no preset dictionary.
  // Sanity check
  if ( FileID < 0 ) or ( FileID >= FFilenames.Count ) then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( 'Invalid File ID: %d', [ FileID ] );

  // Get the file header and perform sanity check
  Off := Longword( FFilenames.Objects[ FileID ] );
  if Off + sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
  Local := Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off );
  if Local^.Signature <> MagicLocalHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
  Inc( Off, sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) + Local^.FileInfo.NameSize + Local^.FileInfo.ExtraSize );
  if Off + Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
  // note: should we check the name again?

  SetLength( Result, Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize );
  if Length( Result ) > 0 then case Local^.FileInfo.ZipMethod of
    0:   begin // STORED
           if Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize <> Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
           Move( Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off )^, Result[ 0 ], Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize );
    8:   begin // DEFLATE
           ZeroMemory( @ZRec, sizeof( ZRec ) );
           ZRec.next_in   := @ZLibHeader;
           ZRec.avail_in  := sizeof( ZLibHeader );
           ZRec.total_in  := sizeof( ZLibHeader ) + Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize;
           ZRec.next_out  := @Result[ 0 ];
           ZRec.avail_out := Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize;
           ZRec.total_out := Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize;
           ZRec.zalloc    := zlibAllocMem;
           ZRec.zfree     := zlibFreeMem;
           if inflateInit_( ZRec, zlib_Version, sizeof( ZRec ) ) <> 0 then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
             if not( inflate( ZRec, Z_FULL_FLUSH ) in [ Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END ] ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
             ZRec.next_in   := Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off );
             ZRec.avail_in  := Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize;
             if not( inflate( ZRec, Z_FINISH ) in [ Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END ] ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
             inflateEnd( ZRec );
    else raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cUnsupportedMethod, [ Local^.FileInfo.ZipMethod ] );

  // todo: CRC32 sanity check if requested.

function TZipFileReader.GetZipFileInfo( const FileName: AnsiString ): TZipFileInfo;
  FileID: Integer;
  Off:    Longword;
  Local:  PLocalFileHeader;
  // Get the correct file ID
  FileID := FFilenames.IndexOf( FileName );
  if FileID < 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cFileNotFoundInZip, [ FileName ] );

  // Get the file header and perform sanity check
  Off := Longword( FFilenames.Objects[ FileID ] );
  if Off + sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
  Local := Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off );
  if Local^.Signature <> MagicLocalHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
  Inc( Off, sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) + Local^.FileInfo.NameSize + Local^.FileInfo.ExtraSize );
  if Off + Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );

  // Return requested data.
  Result.LastModified     := Local^.FileInfo.LastModified;
  Result.Crc32            := Local^.FileInfo.Crc32;
  Result.CompressedSize   := Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize;
  Result.UncompressedSize := Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize;


Werfen Sie einen Blick auf diese Open Source SynZip Einheit . Es ist sogar noch schneller für die Dekomprimierung als die Standard-Einheit mit Delphi ausgeliefert, und es wird eine kleinere exe (crc Tabellen werden beim Start erstellt).


Keine externe DLL benötigt wird.

Ich habe gerade einige Änderungen Unicode-Dateinamen innerhalb von Zip-Inhalt zu handhaben, nicht nur charset Win-Ansi, aber irgend Unicode Zeichen. Feedback ist willkommen.

Ich mag die WinZip kompatibel TZipMaster für Delphi, finden Sie hier:


ist TZipMaster ein nicht-visueller VCL-Wrapper   erstellt von ChrisVleghert und   EricW.Engler für ihre Freeware Zip   und Dekomprimieren DLLs.


Diese DLLs sind auf der InfoZip basiert   Offizielle Freeware Zip / Unzip Quelle   Code, sind aber nicht gleichwertig   InfoZip DLLs. Die InfoZip Quelle   Code wurde geändert zu verbessern   ihre Einfachheit der Nutzung, Leistung und   Flexibilität für den Einsatz mit Delphi und   C ++ Builder.

Auch diese Frage hat vor auf Stack-Überlauf abgedeckt, die einige andere Lösungen für Sie ergeben können.

Wenn mit Ihrem Projekt ein ActiveX-DLL-Verteilung für Sie kein Problem ist, dann Chilkat Zip ( scheint den Trick zu tun. Delphi Beispiele sind hier: asp

DotNetZip ist eine Managed-Code (.NET) Bibliothek, die eine COM-Schnittstelle verfügbar macht.

MS-PL lizenziert.

Lizenziert unter: CC-BY-SA mit Zuschreibung
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