
¿Usted sabe cualquier componente libre, compatible con Delphi 2010 o XE para gestionar archivos ZIP (en realidad, sólo se leen los contenidos de archivo y extraer archivos requeridos)?

Por favor, no betas.

pensé en ZipForge de ComponentAce, pero es gratuita sólo para uso personal. No se permitió la distribución de software.

¿Fue útil?


Usted puede obtener el TurboPower Abbrevia para el año 2010 a partir de:

Otros consejos

se puede echar un vistazo a este si te gusta 7zip

Si sólo necesita decodificar (desarrollado para Delphi 2007, aún no probado en Delphi 2010 / XE):

unit UnitZip;


  SysUtils, Classes;

  EZipException = class( Exception );

  TZipFileInfo = record
    LastModified:                      TDateTime;
    Crc32:                             Longword;
    CompressedSize:                    Longword;
    UncompressedSize:                  Longword;

  TZipFileReader = class
    // Information about the memory mapped file
    FFileHandle:                       THandle;
    FFileMapping:                      THandle;
    FMappedAddress:                    Pointer;
    // Location of the ZIPfile in memory. Currently we only support memory mapped ZIPfiles without disk spanning.
    FStart:                            Pointer;
    FSize:                             Longword;
    // ZIP file contents
    FFilenames:                        TStrings;
    function    GetZipFileInfo         ( const FileName: AnsiString ): TZipFileInfo;
    constructor Create                 ( const FileName: string; ZipStartOffset: Int64 = 0; Size: Longword = 0 ); overload;
    constructor Create                 ( const ResourceName, ResourceType: string; Instance: HMODULE = 0 ); overload;
    constructor Create                 ( Buffer: Pointer; Size: Longword ); overload;
    destructor  Destroy;               override;
    function    GetFile                ( const FileName: string ): TBytes; overload;
    function    GetFile                ( FileID: Integer ): TBytes; overload;
    property    FileNames:             TStrings read FFileNames;
    property    FileInfo               [ const FileName: AnsiString ]: TZipFileInfo read GetZipFileInfo;


  ZLib, Windows;

  cResourceNotFound   = 'Resource not found: %s.%s.';
  cResourceNotLoaded  = 'Resource not loaded: %s.%s.';
  cCannotOpenFile     = 'Cannot open file %s: OS error: %d.';
  cCannotGetFileSize  = 'Cannot get file size of file %s: OS error: %d.';
  cCannotMapFile      = 'Cannot create file mapping of file %s: OS error: %d.';
  cZipFileTooSmall    = 'ZIP file is too small.';
  cZipFileFormatError = 'ZIP file is invalid.';
  cZipBufferInvalid   = 'ZIP memory buffer is invalid.';
  cUnsupportedMethod  = 'ZIP unsupported compression method: %d.';
  cFileNotFoundInZip  = 'File not found in ZIP content: %s';

// ZIP file format records.
// The generic zip file format is ( TLocalFileHeader; Name; Extra; compressed data )* ( TFileHeader; Name; Extra; Remark )* TLastHeader

  TFileInfo = packed record
    NeededVersion:                     Word;            // 20
    Flags:                             Word;            // 1=Text,4=extra present
    ZipMethod:                         Word;            // 0=stored 8=deflate
    LastModified:                      Longword;        // time in dos format or Unix Timestamp
    Crc32:                             Longword;
    CompressedSize:                    Longword;
    UncompressedSize:                  Longword;
    NameSize:                          Word;
    ExtraSize:                         Word;

  TFileHeader = packed record
    Signature:                         Longword;        // $02014b50 PK#1#2
    MadeBy:                            Word;            // Version number, 20
    FileInfo:                          TFileInfo;
    CommentSize:                       Word;            // 0
    FirstDiskNumber:                   Word;            // 0
    IntFileAttr:                       Word;            // 0 = binary; 1 = text
    ExtFileAttr:                       Longword;        // DOS file attributes (Archived=32)
    LocalFileHeaderHeadOff:            Longword;        // @TLocalFileHeader
  PFileHeader = ^TFileHeader;

  TLocalFileHeader = packed record
    Signature:                         Longword;        // $02014b50 PK#3#4
    FileInfo:                          TFileInfo;
  PLocalFileHeader = ^TLocalFileHeader;

  TLastHeader = packed record
    Signature:                         Longword;        // $02014b50 PK#5#6
    ThisDiskNumber:                    Word;
    CentralDirDisk:                    Word;
    ThisDiskFileCount:                 Word;
    TotalFileCount:                    Word;
    FileHeaderSize:                    Longword;
    FileHeaderOffset:                  Longword;
    CommentSize:                       Word;
  PLastHeader = ^TLastHeader;

  MagicLastHeader  = $06054b50;
  MagicLocalHeader = $04034b50;
  MagicFileHeader  = $02014b50;

  IntPtr = Longword; // NativeInt on Delphi2007 is an Int64 ??

{$if CompilerVersion < 19}
procedure SetAnsiString( var S: AnsiString; P: PAnsiChar; L: Integer ); inline;
  SetString( S, P, L );

{ TZipFileReader }

constructor TZipFileReader.Create( const FileName: string; ZipStartOffset: Int64; Size: Longword );
  // Open the file in question.
  FFileHandle := CreateFile( PChar( FileName ), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );
  if FFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotOpenFile, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );
  if Size = 0 then Size := GetFileSize( FFileHandle, nil );
  if Size = INVALID_FILE_SIZE then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotGetFileSize, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );

    // Create a file mapping of the file in question
    FFileMapping := CreateFileMapping( FFileHandle, nil, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, nil);
    if FFileMapping = 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotMapFile, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );

      // Get the file mapped in memory (NOTE: The offset needs to be on the  memory allocation granularity of the system)
      // Hence we assign it it's own pointer -> todo rounding etc.
      FMappedAddress := MapViewOfFile( FFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, Int64Rec( ZipStartOffset ).Hi, Int64Rec( ZipStartOffset ).Lo, Size );
      if not Assigned( FMappedAddress ) then EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotMapFile, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );
      Create( FMappedAddress, Size );
      CloseHandle( FFileMapping );
      FFileMapping := 0;
    CloseHandle( FFileHandle );
    FFileHandle := 0;

constructor TZipFileReader.Create( const ResourceName, ResourceType: string; Instance: HMODULE );
  Resource: HRSRC;
  Global:   HGLOBAL;
  Resource := FindResource( Instance, PChar( ResourceName ), PChar( ResourceType ) );
  if Resource = 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cResourceNotFound, [ ResourceName, ResourceType ] );
  Global := LoadResource( Instance, Resource );
  if Global = 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cResourceNotLoaded, [ ResourceName, ResourceType ] );
  Create( LockResource( Global ), SizeofResource( HInstance, Resource ) );
  // Note: kb57808: SizeofResource() returns the resource size rounded up to the alignment size.

constructor TZipFileReader.Create( Buffer: Pointer; Size: Longword );
  LastHeader: PLastHeader;
  FileHeader: PFileHeader;
  i, Off:     Longword;
  Name:       AnsiString;
  // Note the location.
  FStart := Buffer;
  FSize  := Size;

  // Some sanity checks.
  if FSize < sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) + sizeof( TFileHeader ) + sizeof( TLastHeader ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileTooSmall );
  if IsBadReadPtr( Buffer, Size ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipBufferInvalid );
  if PLongword( Buffer )^ <> MagicLocalHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );

  // Find the last header. Due to the alignment of SizeofResource, we need o search for it.
  LastHeader := Pointer( IntPtr( Buffer ) + Size - sizeof( TLastHeader ) );
  for i := 0 to 31 do begin
    if LastHeader^.Signature = MagicLastHeader then Break;
    Dec( IntPtr( LastHeader ) );
  if LastHeader^.Signature <> MagicLastHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );

  FFilenames := TStringList.Create();

  Off := LastHeader^.FileHeaderOffset;
  for i := 0 to LastHeader^.TotalFileCount - 1 do begin
    // Get header
    if Off + sizeof( TFileHeader ) >= Size then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
    FileHeader := Pointer( IntPtr( Buffer ) + Off );
    Inc( Off, sizeof( TFileHeader ) );
    if FileHeader^.Signature <> MagicFileHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );

    // Get filename
    if Off + FileHeader^.FileInfo.NameSize + FileHeader^.FileInfo.ExtraSize >= Size then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
    SetAnsiString( Name, Pointer( IntPtr( Buffer ) + Off ), FileHeader^.FileInfo.NameSize );
    Inc( Off, FileHeader^.FileInfo.NameSize + FileHeader^.FileInfo.ExtraSize );

    // Save filename and offset into ZIPfile where it can be found.
    FFileNames.AddObject( Name, Pointer( FileHeader^.LocalFileHeaderHeadOff ) );
  // For quick access.
  TStringList( FFilenames ).Sorted := True;


destructor TZipFileReader.Destroy;
  if Assigned( FMappedAddress ) then UnmapViewOfFile( FMappedAddress );
  if FFileMapping <> 0 then CloseHandle( FFileMapping );
  if FFileHandle  <> 0 then CloseHandle( FFileHandle  );
  inherited Destroy;

function TZipFileReader.GetFile( const FileName: string ): TBytes;
  ID: Integer;
  // Convert filename in FileID and access by ID.
  ID := FFilenames.IndexOf( FileName );
  if ID < 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cFileNotFoundInZip, [ FileName ] );
  Result := GetFile( ID );

function TZipFileReader.GetFile( FileID: Integer ): TBytes;
  Off:   Longword;
  Local: PLocalFileHeader;
  ZRec:  TZStreamRec;
  ZLibHeader: array [ 0..1 ] of Byte = ( $78, $01 ); // Deflate 32KB window size no preset dictionary.
  // Sanity check
  if ( FileID < 0 ) or ( FileID >= FFilenames.Count ) then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( 'Invalid File ID: %d', [ FileID ] );

  // Get the file header and perform sanity check
  Off := Longword( FFilenames.Objects[ FileID ] );
  if Off + sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
  Local := Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off );
  if Local^.Signature <> MagicLocalHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
  Inc( Off, sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) + Local^.FileInfo.NameSize + Local^.FileInfo.ExtraSize );
  if Off + Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
  // note: should we check the name again?

  SetLength( Result, Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize );
  if Length( Result ) > 0 then case Local^.FileInfo.ZipMethod of
    0:   begin // STORED
           if Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize <> Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
           Move( Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off )^, Result[ 0 ], Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize );
    8:   begin // DEFLATE
           ZeroMemory( @ZRec, sizeof( ZRec ) );
           ZRec.next_in   := @ZLibHeader;
           ZRec.avail_in  := sizeof( ZLibHeader );
           ZRec.total_in  := sizeof( ZLibHeader ) + Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize;
           ZRec.next_out  := @Result[ 0 ];
           ZRec.avail_out := Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize;
           ZRec.total_out := Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize;
           ZRec.zalloc    := zlibAllocMem;
           ZRec.zfree     := zlibFreeMem;
           if inflateInit_( ZRec, zlib_Version, sizeof( ZRec ) ) <> 0 then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
             if not( inflate( ZRec, Z_FULL_FLUSH ) in [ Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END ] ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
             ZRec.next_in   := Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off );
             ZRec.avail_in  := Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize;
             if not( inflate( ZRec, Z_FINISH ) in [ Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END ] ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
             inflateEnd( ZRec );
    else raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cUnsupportedMethod, [ Local^.FileInfo.ZipMethod ] );

  // todo: CRC32 sanity check if requested.

function TZipFileReader.GetZipFileInfo( const FileName: AnsiString ): TZipFileInfo;
  FileID: Integer;
  Off:    Longword;
  Local:  PLocalFileHeader;
  // Get the correct file ID
  FileID := FFilenames.IndexOf( FileName );
  if FileID < 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cFileNotFoundInZip, [ FileName ] );

  // Get the file header and perform sanity check
  Off := Longword( FFilenames.Objects[ FileID ] );
  if Off + sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
  Local := Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off );
  if Local^.Signature <> MagicLocalHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
  Inc( Off, sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) + Local^.FileInfo.NameSize + Local^.FileInfo.ExtraSize );
  if Off + Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );

  // Return requested data.
  Result.LastModified     := Local^.FileInfo.LastModified;
  Result.Crc32            := Local^.FileInfo.Crc32;
  Result.CompressedSize   := Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize;
  Result.UncompressedSize := Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize;


Tome un vistazo a este OpenSource unidad SynZip . Es incluso más rápido para la descompresión de la unidad por defecto incluido en Delphi, y se generará un archivo EXE más pequeño (CRC tablas se crean en el arranque).

No se necesita ninguna DLL externa.

acabo de hacer algunos cambios para manejar nombres de archivo Unicode dentro de contenido Zip, no sólo charset Win-Ansi pero cualquier caracteres Unicode. La retroalimentación es bienvenida.

Me gusta el TZipMaster compatible con WinZip para Delphi, disponible aquí:


TZipMaster es un VCL envoltura no visual   creado por ChrisVleghert y   EricW.Engler por su postal del freeware   y descomprimir DLL.


Los archivos DLL se basan en el InfoZip   Zip Oficial freeware fuente / Descomprimir   código, pero no son equivalentes a   DLL de InfoZip. La fuente InfoZip   código ha sido modificado para mejorar   su facilidad de uso, potencia y   flexibilidad para su uso con Delphi y   C ++ Builder.

Además, esta pregunta tiene sido cubierto antes desbordamiento de pila, lo que puede producir algunas otras soluciones para usted.

Si se está distribuyendo un archivo DLL de ActiveX con su proyecto no es un problema para usted, entonces Chilkat Zip ( parece hacer el truco. ejemplos de Delphi están aquí: asp

DotNetZip es una biblioteca de código administrado (.NET), que expone una interfaz COM.

Open Source
MS-PL con licencia.

Licenciado bajo: CC-BY-SA con atribución
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