
Im Moment habe ich ein Spiel, das leicht größer als 1 MB große Bilder nimmt, als Hintergrund zu dienen. Ich weiß genau, wann dieser Übergang sollte stattfinden, so dass ich eine Loader-Klasse diese großen Bilder im Hintergrund zu handhaben gemacht Laden, aber wenn ich die Bilder lade es friert immer noch das Hauptthread in dem die Zeichnung stattfindet. Da dieser Code läuft auf den 360 zog ich den Faden zum 4. Hardware-Thread, aber das scheint nicht zu helfen. Unten ist die Klasse ich verwende. Irgendwelche Gedanken darüber, warum meine neue Content-Manager, die in einem eigenen Thread sein sollte, ist die Auslosung in meinem Haupt-Thread zu unterbrechen würde geschätzt.

namespace FileSystem  
/// <summary>
/// This is used to reference how many objects reference this texture.
/// Everytime someone references a texture we increase the iNumberOfReferences.
/// When a class calls remove on a specific texture we check to see if anything
/// else is referencing the class, if it is we don't remove it. If there isn't 
/// anything referencing the texture its safe to dispose of.
/// </summary>
class TextureContainer
    public uint uiNumberOfReferences = 0;
    public Texture2D texture;

/// <summary>
/// This class loads all the files from the Content.
/// </summary>
static class FileManager
    static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager Content; 
    static EventWaitHandle wh = new AutoResetEvent(false);
    static Dictionary<string, TextureContainer> Texture2DResourceDictionary;
    static List<Texture2D> TexturesToDispose;
    static List<String> TexturesToLoad;
    static int iProcessor = 4;

    private static object threadMutex = new object();
    private static object Texture2DMutex = new object();
    private static object loadingMutex = new object();

    private static bool bLoadingTextures = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns if we are loading textures or not.
    /// </summary>
    public static bool LoadingTexture
        get {
                lock (loadingMutex)
                    return bLoadingTextures;

    /// <summary>
    /// Since this is an static class. This is the constructor for the file loadeder. This is the version
    /// for the Xbox 360.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_Content"></param>
    public static void Initalize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string rootDirectory, int _iProcessor )
        Content = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager(serviceProvider, rootDirectory);
        Texture2DResourceDictionary = new Dictionary<string, TextureContainer>();
        TexturesToDispose = new List<Texture2D>();
        iProcessor = _iProcessor;

    /// <summary>
    /// Since this is an static class. This is the constructor for the file loadeder.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_Content"></param>
    public static void Initalize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string rootDirectory)
        Content = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager(serviceProvider, rootDirectory);
        Texture2DResourceDictionary = new Dictionary<string, TextureContainer>();
        TexturesToDispose = new List<Texture2D>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the thread incase we wanted to set up some parameters
    /// Outside of the constructor.
    /// </summary>
    static public void CreateThread()
        Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartThread));


    // This is the function that we thread.
    static public void StartThread()
        //BBSThreadClass BBSTC = (BBSThreadClass)_oData;

    /// <summary>
    /// This thread shouldn't be called by the outside world.
    /// It allows the File Manager to loop.
    /// </summary>
    static private void Execute()
        // Make sure our thread is on the correct processor on the XBox 360.
        Thread.CurrentThread.SetProcessorAffinity(new int[] { iProcessor });
        Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
        // This loop will load textures into ram for us away from the main thread.
        while (true)
            // Locking down our data while we process it.
            lock (threadMutex)
                lock (loadingMutex)
                    bLoadingTextures = true;
                bool bContainsKey = false;
                for (int con = 0; con < TexturesToLoad.Count; con++)
                    // If we have already loaded the texture into memory reference
                    // the one in the dictionary.
                    lock (Texture2DMutex)
                        bContainsKey = Texture2DResourceDictionary.ContainsKey(TexturesToLoad[con]);

                    if (bContainsKey)
                        // Do nothing
                    // Otherwise load it into the dictionary and then reference the
                    // copy in the dictionary
                        TextureContainer TC = new TextureContainer();
                        TC.uiNumberOfReferences = 1;    // We start out with 1 referece.
                        // Loading the texture into memory.

                            TC.texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>(TexturesToLoad[con]);

                            // This is passed into the dictionary, thus there is only one copy of
                            // the texture in memory.

                            // There is an issue with Sprite Batch and disposing textures.
                            // This will have to wait until its figured out.
                            lock (Texture2DMutex)
                                bContainsKey = Texture2DResourceDictionary.ContainsKey(TexturesToLoad[con]);
                                Texture2DResourceDictionary.Add(TexturesToLoad[con], TC);
                            // We don't have the find the reference to the container since we
                            // already have it.
                        // Occasionally our texture will already by loaded by another thread while 
                        // this thread is operating. This mainly happens on the first level.
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // If this happens we don't worry about it since this thread only loads
                            // texture data and if its already there we don't need to load it.
            lock (loadingMutex)
                bLoadingTextures = false;

    static public void LoadTextureList(List<string> _textureList)
        // Ensuring that we can't creating threading problems.
        lock (threadMutex)
            TexturesToLoad = _textureList;

    /// <summary>
    /// This loads a 2D texture which represents a 2D grid of Texels.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_textureName">The name of the picture you wish to load.</param>
    /// <returns>Holds the image data.</returns>
    public static Texture2D LoadTexture2D( string _textureName )
        TextureContainer temp;
        lock (Texture2DMutex)
            bool bContainsKey = false;
            // If we have already loaded the texture into memory reference
            // the one in the dictionary.
            lock (Texture2DMutex)
                bContainsKey = Texture2DResourceDictionary.ContainsKey(_textureName);

                if (bContainsKey)
                    temp = Texture2DResourceDictionary[_textureName];
                    temp.uiNumberOfReferences++;    // Incrementing the number of references
                // Otherwise load it into the dictionary and then reference the
                // copy in the dictionary
                    TextureContainer TC = new TextureContainer();
                    TC.uiNumberOfReferences = 1;    // We start out with 1 referece.
                    // Loading the texture into memory.
                        TC.texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>(_textureName);

                        // This is passed into the dictionary, thus there is only one copy of
                        // the texture in memory.
                    // Occasionally our texture will already by loaded by another thread while 
                    // this thread is operating. This mainly happens on the first level.
                    catch(Exception e)
                        temp = Texture2DResourceDictionary[_textureName];
                        temp.uiNumberOfReferences++;    // Incrementing the number of references

                    // There is an issue with Sprite Batch and disposing textures.
                    // This will have to wait until its figured out.
                    Texture2DResourceDictionary.Add(_textureName, TC);

                    // We don't have the find the reference to the container since we
                    // already have it.
                    temp = TC;
        // Return a reference to the texture
        return temp.texture;

    /// <summary>
    /// Go through our dictionary and remove any references to the
    /// texture passed in.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="texture">Texture to remove from texture dictionary.</param>
    public static void RemoveTexture2D(Texture2D texture)
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TextureContainer> pair in Texture2DResourceDictionary)
            // Do our references match?
            if (pair.Value.texture == texture)
                // Only one object or less holds a reference to the 
                // texture. Logically it should be safe to remove.
                if (pair.Value.uiNumberOfReferences <= 1)
                    // Grabing referenc to texture
                    // We are about to release the memory of the texture,
                    // thus we make sure no one else can call this member
                    // in the dictionary.
                    // Once we have removed the texture we don't want to create an exception.
                    // So we will stop looking in the list since it has changed.
                // More than one Object has a reference to this texture.
                // So we will not be removing it from memory and instead 
                // simply marking down the number of references by 1.

    /*public static void DisposeTextures()
        int Count = TexturesToDispose.Count;
        // If there are any textures to dispose of.
        if (Count > 0)
            for (int con = 0; con < TexturesToDispose.Count; con++)
                // This is not like a normal dispose. This will actually
                // remove the object from memory. Texture2D is inherited
                // from GraphicsResource which removes it self from 
                // memory on dispose. Very nice for game efficency,
                // but "dangerous" in managed land.
                Texture2D Temp = TexturesToDispose[con];
            // Remove textures we've already disposed of.

    /// <summary>
    /// This loads a 2D texture which represnets a font.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_textureName">The name of the font you wish to load.</param>
    /// <returns>Holds the font data.</returns>
    public static SpriteFont LoadFont( string _fontName )
        SpriteFont temp = Content.Load<SpriteFont>( _fontName );
        return temp;

    /// <summary>
    /// This loads an XML document.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_textureName">The name of the XML document you wish to load.</param>
    /// <returns>Holds the XML data.</returns>
    public static XmlDocument LoadXML( string _fileName )
        XmlDocument temp = Content.Load<XmlDocument>( _fileName );
        return temp;

    /// <summary>
    /// This loads a sound file.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_fileName"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static SoundEffect LoadSound( string _fileName )
        SoundEffect temp = Content.Load<SoundEffect>(_fileName);
        return temp;
War es hilfreich?


Aus dem Blog-Eintrag: Lock-Conten während Ladebildschirm Animationen von Shawn Hargreaves


sein Hier Drachen! Der obige Code wird   arbeiten, aber haftet, um Ihren   Laden mehrere hundert Mal langsamer.


Der Grund dafür ist, dass jedes Mal, wenn   berühren Sie das Grafikgerät aus einem   anderer Thread nimmt der Rahmen   aus einem kritischen Abschnitt , um die Nutzungs   avoid heisenbadness. Wenn die Animation   ist ständig neu zu zeichnen, um die Animation   Thread wird so ziemlich immer besitzen   diese Sperre, so dass jede Zeit Ihre Ladung   Funktion will eine Grafik erstellen   Ressource wie eine Textur, Vertex-   Puffer oder Shader, muss er warten, bis   die Animation Thread freigibt. Dies   könnte eine Weile, wenn die Animation nehmen   Thread nur ständig Schleifen über   das gleiche Stück Zieh Code!


Die Lösung ist auf verlangsamen Ihre   Animations Faden durch einen Schlaf Einfügen   Anruf , die es hogging stoppt die   Grafikgerät.

In Ihrem Fall aber, weil Sie Laden sehr große zusammenhängende Texturen, können Sie einfach Ihre Lademöglichkeit Redesign müssen passieren, wenn der Benutzer braucht keine Animationen zu sehen, weil Sie es erwarten, eine Sperre zu sein.

Andere Tipps

Ohne den Rest des Codes zu sehen, es ist schwer zu sagen, aber meine Vermutung ist, dass Sie Sperr-Konflikt irgendwo haben. Ich habe eine schnelle Prüfung der Lade 10 massiver Modelle (ca. 5 Sekunden Ladezeit) und ich konnte sie auf einem separaten Thread laden, ohne den Haupt-Thread pausiert.

Das Problem war, dass ich in dem Haupt-Thread eine große Menge kleinerer Grafiken laden. Ich fügte hinzu, diese in die Liste für das Laden in den Thread und die Probleme ging.

So können Sie die bisherigen Antworten waren korrekt. Ich war einfach nicht die Dinge richtig verwendet wird.

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