
Wenn Sie mit Buisness Klassen, wie die typischen Kunden- und Mitarbeitern Klassen zu tun, ist es besser zu Einsatz Getter und Setter nur oder Gebrauchseigenschaften?

ich nach Delphi bin übersetzen (für selbstlernend) einige OO Beispiele von Java-Bücher, in diesen Beispielen gibt es immer GetName () und SetName () Eigenschaften werden nicht verwendet.

Jetzt kann ich sehen, dass, wenn ich eine Komponente mit veröffentlichten Eigenschaften erstellen habe ich einen sehr guten Grund Eigenschaften für den Einsatz, aber in normalen Klassen, welcher Ansatz besser? Ist der Code lesbarer mit Getter und Setter (, die die Tatsache betonen wir lesen / schreiben eine Eigenschaft) oder mit Eigenschaften (das auf den ersten Blick mit parameterlos Methoden verwechselt werden)?

War es hilfreich?


No. Getters and setters are only there in Java because it doesn't have properties. It makes for much cleaner code to use properties. And then if you need a getter or a setter, you can build it into the property, but you don't have to litter the accessing code with a bunch of function calls.

Andere Tipps

Wow. There is sooo much more to properties than "they'r just wrappers for the getter and setter methods".

Properties are an elegant, yet powerful, way to provoide controlled access to the class fields.

Accessing fields

As already stated, you can access the class fields directly. This is very nice indeed and makes the code clearer. It is also a very nice way to implement a workable first version of your class.

TMyClass = class
  FValue: String;
  property Value: String read FValue write FValue;

Later on, you can redesign your class to validate and manipulate the field access using methods. The public interface will is still the same.

TMyClass = class
  FValue: String;
  procedure SetValue(AValue: String);
  property Value: String read FValue write SetValue;

procedure TMyClass.SetValue(AValue: String);
  if AValue = '' 
  then FValue := 'No value!'
  else FValue := AValue;

Controlling access

Properties gives you an easy overview of readonly/writeonly fields. E.g. a readonly/immutable class:

TClient = class
  FName: String;
  FSite: String;
  FMail: String;
  constructor Create(AName, ASite, AMail: String);
  property Name: String read FName;
  property Site: String read FSite;
  property Mail: String read FMail;


TClient = class
  FName: String;
  function GetName: String; virtual; abstract;
  property Name: String read GetName write FName;

TImportantClient = class(TClient)
  function GetName: String; override;

TArgumentativeClient = class(TClient)
  function GetName: String; override; 

function TImportantClient.GetName: String; 
  Result := '+++ ' + FName;

function TArgumentativeClient.GetName: String; 
  Result := ':-( ' + FName;

{----- ----- ----- ----- -----}
  ClientB: TClient;
  ClientA := TImportantClient.Create;
  ClientB := TArgumentativeClient.Create;

  ClientA.Name := 'Mr. Nice';
  ClientB.Name := 'Mr. Dumbhead';

{----- ----- ----- ----- -----}

Default properties

In your class, you can define a default class fields which means that you can access the field directly without specifying the property name.

A := MyStringList[i]:
MyStringList[i] := B;

{ instead of }

A := MyStringList.Strings[i];
MyStringList.Strings[i] := B;

{ or }

A := MyStringList.GetString(i);
MyStringList.SetString(i, B);


With the Index keyword, Delphi will pass a constant value as an argument to the getter/setter methods.

TMyRect = class
  FValues: Array[0..3] of Integer;
  function GetProperty(Index: Integer): Integer;
  property Top    : Integer  Index 0  read GetProperty;
  property Left   : Integer  Index 1  read GetProperty;
  property Width  : Integer  Index 2  read GetProperty;
  property Height : Integer  Index 3  read GetProperty;

function TMyRect.GetProperty(Index: Integer): Integer;
  Result := FValues[Index];

Some resources

There are still some topics to cover (implementing interfaces, stored values, RTTI/design time properties etc), but this post started to get a bit long...

More can be read at these sites:

Properties are a great advantage of Delphi. I have done quite a bit of Java and Delphi myself and definitely would go for Properties. Practically both approaches will eventually do the same thing, with the only difference that properties look MUCH neater than getters/setters.

I suggest you go for properties, and take full advantage of them!

It really is a matter of taste and use.

For pascal like programmers, it's very clear if you're reading or writing a value, so I think the code is more readable if you do not use getters and setters in the java-like way where you write GetXXX or SetXXX in every sentence of your program.

For me, and I assume for the majority of pascal programmers, the code is more readable if you just put the name of the property you're reading/writing, and we all know a Getter or Setter method will be called (if necessary).

Also, I think it is a huge benefit (and elegance) from the delphi property model that you can get/set the property value directly from a field To have a lot of Get/Set methods with just a line of code where the value is assigned or read from a field is a total waste of effort/time.

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