
I have an HTML table with one TH row and several TRs that are added dynamically. Each TR has a button in the last column.

What do I need so that by click on the button the closest TR gets removed from the table? I tried using $(this).closest.remove() but this didn't work so I assume I need to add IDs or something else here.

A basic example table would look like the following:

<table class='tableClass'>
            <td>Text</td><td>Text</td><td><button type='button' class='btnClass'>Delete</button></td>
            <td>Text</td><td>Text</td><td><button type='button' class='btnClass'>Delete</button></td>
            <td>Text</td><td>Text</td><td><button type='button' class='btnClass'>Delete</button></td>
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You need to give the closest function a selector. Try this:

$('.btnClass').click(function() {

Also, your HTML is invalid as th should be a child of tr:

<table class='tableClass'>
                <button type='button' class='btnClass'>Delete</button>
                <button type='button' class='btnClass'>Delete</button>
                <button type='button' class='btnClass'>Delete</button>

Example fiddle


You can do this using .closest( selector ) properly like:


Actually in your code:


you are missing both the opening and closing parenthesis () and the selector tr.


From your HTML code it looks like you want to remove parent TR, try this

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