
I'm using $resource to add/delete list. The problem is after deletion I still see sometimes deleted element.

How I can resolve it?

This is the code:


var services = angular.module('', ['ngResource']);

services.factory('IndustrialistsFactory', function ($resource) {
    return $resource(
        {id: '@id'},
            query: { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
            create: { method: 'POST'}

services.factory('IndustrialistFactory', function ($resource) {
    return $resource(
        {id: '@id', industrialistId:'@industrialistId'},
        delete: { method: 'DELETE', params: {id: '@id'} }


app.controller('industrialistCtrl', ['$scope', 'IndustrialistsFactory', 'IndustrialistFactory',

function ($scope, IndustrialistsFactory, IndustrialistFactory) {

        $scope.createNewUser = function (id) {
            IndustrialistsFactory.create({id: id},$scope.industrialist);

            $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id });


        $scope.deleteUser = function (industrialistId, id) {
            IndustrialistFactory.delete({id: id, industrialistId: industrialistId  });

            $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id});

    $scope.init = function (id) {
        $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({id: $});



Was it helpful?


The $resource is asyn process and returns promise1.

From your code:

IndustrialistFactory.delete({id: id, industrialistId: industrialistId  });

$scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id});

You try to delete element and immediately after load new object.

Try to run $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id}); only after you got callback that element was deleted.

It should be something like:

IndustrialistFactory.delete({id: id, industrialistId: industrialistId  }).
    function( value ){
      $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id});
    function( error ){

What is promise:1

A promise represents a future value, usually a future result of an asynchronous operation, and allows us to define what will happen once this value becomes available, or when an error occurs.


You need to wait for the delete promise to resolve before attempting to query the server again.

$scope.deleteUser = function (industrialistId, id) {
    IndustrialistFactory.delete({id: id, industrialistId: industrialistId  })
              $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id});
              //something went wrong...

I would have commented, but don't have the rep. Just wanted to point out that I was having the same problem (ang v1.2.6) but realized it was because I was doing:

var obj = IndustrialistFactory({...});

rather than what it needs to be (on the resource itself)

var obj = IndustrialistFactory({...});
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