
I'm using $resource to add/delete list. The problem is after deletion I still see sometimes deleted element.

How I can resolve it?

This is the code:


var services = angular.module('cliConsApp.services', ['ngResource']);

services.factory('IndustrialistsFactory', function ($resource) {
    return $resource(
        {id: '@id'},
            query: { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
            create: { method: 'POST'}

services.factory('IndustrialistFactory', function ($resource) {
    return $resource(
        {id: '@id', industrialistId:'@industrialistId'},
        delete: { method: 'DELETE', params: {id: '@id'} }


app.controller('industrialistCtrl', ['$scope', 'IndustrialistsFactory', 'IndustrialistFactory',

function ($scope, IndustrialistsFactory, IndustrialistFactory) {

        $scope.createNewUser = function (id) {
            IndustrialistsFactory.create({id: id},$scope.industrialist);

            $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id });


        $scope.deleteUser = function (industrialistId, id) {
            IndustrialistFactory.delete({id: id, industrialistId: industrialistId  });

            $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id});

    $scope.init = function (id) {
        $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({id: $scope.id});



도움이 되었습니까?


The $resource is asyn process and returns promise1.

From your code:

IndustrialistFactory.delete({id: id, industrialistId: industrialistId  });

$scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id});

You try to delete element and immediately after load new object.

Try to run $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id}); only after you got callback that element was deleted.

It should be something like:

IndustrialistFactory.delete({id: id, industrialistId: industrialistId  }).
    function( value ){
      $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id});
    function( error ){

What is promise:1

A promise represents a future value, usually a future result of an asynchronous operation, and allows us to define what will happen once this value becomes available, or when an error occurs.

다른 팁

You need to wait for the delete promise to resolve before attempting to query the server again.

$scope.deleteUser = function (industrialistId, id) {
    IndustrialistFactory.delete({id: id, industrialistId: industrialistId  })
              $scope.industrialists= IndustrialistsFactory.query({},{id: id});
              //something went wrong...

I would have commented, but don't have the rep. Just wanted to point out that I was having the same problem (ang v1.2.6) but realized it was because I was doing:

var obj = IndustrialistFactory({...});

rather than what it needs to be (on the resource itself)

var obj = IndustrialistFactory({...});
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