
I've found myself writing

for(int i=0;i<myvec.size();i++)

a lot, and I'd like to compress this into a foreach statement, but I'm not sure how to get param in there without going super-verbose. I've also got things like

for(int i=0;i<myvec.size();i++)

and I'd like to rewrite that guy too. Any thoughts?

Oh, also, for various reasons, I don't want to use boost.

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#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>

class X
        void doWhat(int x) {}
        bool IsOK() const {return true;}
class CallWhatIfOk
        CallWhatIfOk(int p): param(p) {}

        void operator()(X& x) const
        {   if (x.IsOK())    {x.doWhat(param);}}
        int param;

int main()
    std::vector<X>      myVec;

    std::for_each(  myVec.begin(),

    std::for_each(  myVec.begin(),


Oh, also, for various reasons, I don't want to use boost.

Valid decision, but most likely the wrong one. Consider Boost as an extension to the STL. C++ is a library-driven language. If you don't take this into account, your code will be qualitatively inferior.

While std::for_each can be used here, the absence of lambda expressions in C++ until C++0x makes this tedious. I advocate using Boost.ForEach! It makes this much easier:

foreach (yourtype x, yourvec)
    if (x.IsOK())

My preferred solution is usually to write a functor to do what I need:

struct doWhatever {
  doWhatever(const Param& p) p(p) {}
  void operator(MyVec v&, Param p) {

  Param p;

And then the loop:

std::for_each(myvec.begin(), myvec.end(), doWhatever(param));

Depending on how many variations of this you have, this might be a bit too verbose. There are plenty of options for doing it inline though. boost::lambda would let you construct the function you need at the call-site. boost::bind (or the standard library bind functions) would let you bind the parameter param to the function so you don't need to supply it as an argument every time.

boost::lambda is probably the most concise and flexible approach. I usually use the plain functor approach because the syntax is easier to remember. ;)

well when we have compilers that support C++0x lambda expresions, this becomes straightforward and minimally invasive:

std::for_each(myvec.begin(),myvec.end(),[&](X& item){

and the second example may look like this:

std::for_each(myvec.begin(),myvec.end(),[&](X& item){   
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/if.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>

struct A
  bool IsOK () { return true; }
  void DoWhatever (int param) {}

struct B
  bool IsOk (A * a) { return true; }
  void DoWhatever (A * a, int param) {}

typedef std::vector<A *> Myvec;

void main()
  Myvec myvec;
  int param = 1;
  B b;

  // first challenge using boost::bind (fnct in the same class)
  std::for_each (myvec.begin(), myvec.end(),
    boost::bind (&A::DoWhatever, _1, param));

  // first challenge using boost::bind (fnct in an external class)
  std::for_each (myvec.begin(), myvec.end(),
    boost::bind (&B::DoWhatever, &b, _1, param));

  // second challange using boost::lambda (fnct in the same class)
  std::for_each (myvec.begin(), myvec.end(),
      boost::lambda::bind (&A::IsOK, boost::lambda::_1), 
      boost::lambda::bind (&A::DoWhatever, boost::lambda::_1, param)

  // second challange using boost::lambda (fnct in an external class)
  std::for_each (myvec.begin(), myvec.end(),
      boost::lambda::bind (&B::IsOK, &b, boost::lambda::_1), 
      boost::lambda::bind (&B::DoWhatever, &b, boost::lambda::_1, param)


You can simplify it by using namespaces...

If you are using GCC you can define something like:

#define foreach(element, array) \
    for(typeof((array).begin()) element = (array).begin(), __end_##element = (array).end();\
        element != __end_##element;\

and use it after like this:

foreach(element, array){
    element->DoSomething(); //or (*element)->DoSomething() if type is already a pointer

I use this on a custom array but it works fine with std::vector too.

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