
What is the easiest way to traverse a hashtable's keys in ascending alphabetical order?

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This is fairly dependent upon what the type of the key is. But lets assume for a minute that they are strings. You could use the following LINQ query

Hashtable table = GetHashTable();
var keys = table.Keys.Cast<String>().OrderBy(x => x);

For more complex structures the LINQ query is only slightly different. Lets assume you had the following definition for a key

struct Name {
  public string First;
  public string Last;
  // Equality code omitted

The LINQ code would be the following

Hashtable table = GetHashtable();
var keys = table.Keys.Cast<Name>().OrderBy(x => x.First).ThenBy(x => x.Last);


Well, I found this snippet to be the most suitable to my situation:

Hashtable settings = GetSettings();
ArrayList keys = new ArrayList();
foreach (object key in keys)
    // Logic here

If you want a map which keeps its keys in natural order, I suggest you don't use Hashtable to start with. If you're still using 1.1, using System.Collections.SortedList. If you're using 2.0 or higher, use SortedList<TKey, TValue> or SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>. The latter two are largely the same in terms of API, but have different performance characteristics - see the docs for more information.

Thats not really what hash tables are designed for (they are made to have uniform distribution of keys). Use a sorted tree?

It'll probably be slightly faster to use SortedList -

SortedList settings = new SortedList(GetSettings());
foreach (object key in settings.Keys)

creating & sorting the ArrayList is O(n) + O(nlog n) = O(nlog n), whereas the SortedList constructor (according to the docs) is O(n), so it'll be faster to use SortedList directly rather than using an arraylist and explicitly sorting

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