
this question might seem a little weird, but I can't wrap my head around why this is happening.

What I did was I renamed a custom segue class, and reflected it in the storyboard under 'custom class', but it still tries to call the old one.

I have cleaned the build folder and searched the project for the old custom class name and it does not find anything in xcode at least. I look inside the storyboard file, it's not there either.

Even if I delete the custom segue all toghether I get:

'Could not find a segue class named 'xxxxxxxxx''

The thing is I cannot understand from where it gets 'xxxxxxxxx' above, it is not in the storyboard file or in the code..

[[[self view] viewWithTag:1] resignFirstResponder];

When I debug this is where it goes to thread kill showing the error. I have removed all the outlets, events and segues on the textfield. I have no custom segue using 'xxxxxxxxx' as a class anywhere.

Is there any other thing I can do to clean the project more thoroughly? Where to begin?

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The answer is to reset the storyboard target membership, then reset the simulator.


This was what worked for me - I had to select the segue in interface builder and set the module from "None" to my project name, which appeared in the dropdown.

For others that came from the web searching for the answer: check if you have included implementation file in Build Phases. In my case, I had several targets and the second target was missing this implementation file.

Check out this other SO question. Answer to "Issue #1" by declaring the custom-seque-class to be and objective-c class

Similiar SO Q&A - speaks to a flaw in XCode

Summary of answer:

class CustomSequeLeft2Right {

My problem was i explicitly set the "Class" name in interface builder; which was not required. It is managed by Xcode and default to UIStoryboardSegue.

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