
I'm trying to make a build structure where files aren't just "floating about".

The reason for this is that I'm using Drupal and don't want to have the gruntfile, package.json and "node_modules"-folder placed loosely in the "themes"-folder.

My desired file structure:

- sites
    - all
        - themes
            - grunt_environment
                - node_modules
                - src
                - package.json
            - theme_name

I'm using grunt-contrib-clean and want to clean up my "theme_name"-folder each time I re-build my project. Unfortunately I get the following message:

Warning: Cannot delete files outside the current working directory. Use --force to continue.

So I guess my options are: 1 - Live with the fact that files are "floating about" in the themes folder. 2 - Find another way of structuring my files 3 - Clean the folder manually

or (what I hope for):

4 - Set an option to allow certain folders to be deleted by the grunt-contrib-clean module.

So - I'd really like to go with the 4th option, but the 2nd could do if anyone has a clever way of structuring my files.

Anyone who's experienced and overcome a similar structuring problem when working with Drupal (or Wordpress for that matter?)

Thanks in advance.

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Set the force option of grunt-contrib-clean to true to delete files outside of your current working directory. It avoids deleting outside the cwd to avoid accidentally deleting your entire system.

  options: force: true

A better option, IMO, is to put the, node_modules, and package.json at the base of your project.

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