
I'm creating a program on win32, the program stops responding on .get function, I don't know what to do else, I think the problem is with std::ifstream inFile; but I need it outside of the main program, so I can use it in everywhere, for example here I use inFile in WM_CREATE and also in WM_KEYDOWN and close the file when the window closes. is it posible to do?

char Map[10][10], c[256];
std::ifstream inFile;

case WM_CREATE: { ("Map.txt");
    if (!inFile) {
       ::MessageBox(hwnd, "Failed to open file", "Error", MB_OK);
    int i,j;
    do {                                             //loop for skipping comments
        Map[j][i] = inFile.get();                    //<---stuck here
        if (Map[j][i] ==';') inFile.getline(c, 256);     
    } while (Map[j][i] ==';');

    while (Map[j][i] !=';') {                        //loop for painting
        switch (Map[j][i]) {
        //paint based on char
        Map[j][i] = inFile.get();
        if (i==10) {j++; i=0;}
case WM_KEYDOWN: {             
   inFile.getline(c, 256);                           // continue reading from file
   int j=0; int i=0;
   Map[j][i] = inFile.get();
   while (Map[j][i] !=';') {
        switch (Map[j][i]) {
        //paint based on char
        Map[j][i] = inFile.get();
        if (i==10) {j++; i=0;}
break; }
    PostQuitMessage (0);
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Your problem is that you're not initializing i and j. Try initializing them to 0. Also, you presumably want to update them in your loop so you don't continuously store the character in the same element.

Then you need to reinitialize i and j to 0 before the painting loop. However, painting is usually done in WM_PAINT (I'm not even sure it'll work in WM_CREATE.)


If the steam enters error/eof state in your while loop, Map[j][i] won't ever be set to ';' resulting in an endless loop:

do {                                             //loop for skipping comments
    Map[j][i] = inFile.get();                    //<---stuck here
    if (Map[j][i] ==';') inFile.getline(c, 256);     
} while (inFile.good() && Map[j][i] ==';');
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