
I've got a protocol:

@protocol Gadget <NSObject>

@property (readonly) UIView *view;

- (void) attachViewToParent:(UIView *)parentView;


And an "abstract" base class, with an implementation (as a getter, not shown) of -(UIView *)view:

// Base functionality
@interface AbstractGadget : NSObject {
    UIView *view;

@property (readonly) UIView *view;


But when I implement the Gadget protocol in a subclass of AbstractGadget, like so:

// Concrete
@interface BlueGadget : AbstractGadget <Gadget> {

- (void) attachViewToParent:(UIView *)parentView;


@implementation BlueGadget

- (void) attachViewToParent:(UIView *)parentView {


I get a compiler error telling me "warning: property 'view' requires method '-view' to be defined." I can make this go away using @dynamic, or adding a stub method:

- (UIView *) view {
    return [super view];

But I just want to know if I'm doing something that's not supported, something I shouldn't be doing, or if it's just a limitation / bug in the compiler?

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By declaring the property as @dynamic you are telling the compiler that the property getter (and setter if required) are implemented elsewhere (potentially at runtime). This sounds like a perfectly reasonable use case to me.

See The Docs for more information.


I also came across this exact issue. This is one of situations that @dynamic is there for.

Here is the rule for variable, property and synthesize in objective-C:

If you have a property, you must have a @synthesize or you declare @dynamic and write the getter and setter method yourself.

So, because you have a property called view, you have to declare @synthesize. That should be it. Nothing to do with @protocol, inheritance

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