
Trying to find a good name for a method swapping each coordinate X and Y values.

Is there a name for this operation?

Essentially, here's what is done

(1, 2) -> (2, 1)

On a polygon, this is the same as having a rotation of -90 degrees and doing a horizontal flip or mirror.

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In a matrix, it is called the Transpose.


This is called a reflection, or line symmetry. In your case, the line is X=Y. It is invariant by the symmetry.

It would be reflection about line x=y which is one of the transformations in coordinate geometry.


Perhaps you want a transpose it would turn the row vector (1 2) into a column vector (1 2), so your question and example with the (1, 2) is a little unclear. Abstractly:

array=[[  0.,   1.,   2.],
       [ 11.,   0.,   3.],
       [ 22.,  33.,   0.]]
print transposed_array 
       [[  0.,  11.,  22.],
       [  1.,   0.,  33.],
       [  2.,   3.,   0.]]

It is NOT a reflection about x=y (at best x=-y and only for square matrices). Please look at the link abelenky posted on transpose. Eric Bainville and Andriyev answer's would be closer to correct if they said x=-y, but never technically sufficient. Also, it is NOT a matrix inversion which involves changing the values of individual components. If I interpret your statement "rotation of -90 degrees [that is 90 degrees clockwise] and doing a horizontal flip or mirror." correctly, then this is indeed the correct answer.

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