
I've been investigating a few of them.

What I have found so far that seems usable.

Windmill Selenium Watin

Windmill looks like it has the basics (still not sure if I can write C# unit tests with it)

Watin seems awesome with Unit tests..

of the 3, it looks like Selenium is trying to be the most fully featured af the 3 (most recent version is today!)

any comments or suggestions?


Our QA team is using WatiN quite extensively on the project I'm working on currently. WatiN has worked great for us so far - and we've actually hooked it up to our continuous integration server so the build fails if any of the unit tests that WatiN runs fail. Kind of nice. Further - there isn't an HTML element out there that you can't reference using WatiN, so even if the element you need to inspect doesn't have an ID or a class, you can always get to it some way or another. Finally, WatiN executes tests quite quickly. It really is very nice.

One other framework I will mention is WebAii. I've never used it personally, but I know some other people who like it quite alot. I think the API is similar to WatiN.

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