
I've been investigating a few of them.

What I have found so far that seems usable.

Windmill Selenium Watin

Windmill looks like it has the basics (still not sure if I can write C# unit tests with it)

Watin seems awesome with Unit tests..

of the 3, it looks like Selenium is trying to be the most fully featured af the 3 (most recent version is today!)

any comments or suggestions?

다른 팁

Our QA team is using WatiN quite extensively on the project I'm working on currently. WatiN has worked great for us so far - and we've actually hooked it up to our continuous integration server so the build fails if any of the unit tests that WatiN runs fail. Kind of nice. Further - there isn't an HTML element out there that you can't reference using WatiN, so even if the element you need to inspect doesn't have an ID or a class, you can always get to it some way or another. Finally, WatiN executes tests quite quickly. It really is very nice.

One other framework I will mention is WebAii. I've never used it personally, but I know some other people who like it quite alot. I think the API is similar to WatiN.

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