
I have a maven based project. There are four different projects like shown in the structure below. Each main project and the subprojects have their own pom.xml files.


I am running mvn site on ProjectC which is dependent on ProjectB which is inter-dependent on ProjectA and ProjectB

So when i run maven site all the test results for all these projects get created individually. What I would also like to do is to create a aggregation of all the test results in these projects and sub-projects and show it in one place.

So is it possible with maven site?

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Solution 2

A bit different approach would be to see test results in specialized servers like Jenkins or Sonar. This way no need to modify existing projects.

See running examples at and

Two screenshot from Sonar: Test results

Result by module and package Test results by module & package

For Jenkins there is Dashboard View Plugin enter image description here


Yes. There are two options:

  1. "You can do this by setting on all of your projects to a common folder."

  2. You can add extra directories to the maven-surefire-report-plugin by adding an reportsDirectories element with reportsDirectory children (documentation).

So this should work:

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