
I'm debugging my (Common) Lisp code in Slime tied to clisp.

When the debugger generates the Backtrace it's my understanting that I can hit 'v' on a frame to take me to the source.

However, when I do this on the any frame I get:

frame-source-location not implemented

Is this expected, am I missing anything?

Edit1: In addition every single frame has "No Locals", is this to be expected too?

Edit2: In fact, the whole backtrace output is pretty unintelligible. I'm new to Lisp, so I wasn't initially sure if this was expected or not - but I'm attaching a screenshot, hopefully someone can confirm for me if this looks 'normal':

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Edit3 I'm guessing this is related

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Since posting the question I have found this link which seems to indicate the Slime and clisp integration is not quite working as it should be.

So, in the meantime I have installed Steel Bank Common Lisp (sbcl), as easy as (on Ubuntu/Debian)

sudo apt-get install sbcl

and configured Slime to use that instead of clisp:

Snippet of my .emacs file:

;;; Lisp (SLIME) interaction 
;;(setq inferior-lisp-program "clisp") 
(setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")

This results in more pleasant debug output:

alt text

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