
I'm using pygame with python 2.6 right now, But I want to use python 3.1.1 instead. The normal pygame only works with 2.x, but the subversion ones work with 3.x I think. But what about pgreloaded? Is that useable yet? The normal pygame actually works with 3.1 too, but not for os x (at least there isn't a download). Does anyone actually use pgreloaded or subversion pygames? So anyway, should I use pygame subversion, pgreloaded, or stick with the current pygame? I don't really care about being compatible with other things or distribution.


EDIT: Ok, I got rid of python 2.6, installed 3.1, used svn command to get pygame, tried running python3, didn't work, changed raw_input in to input(), worked, now my pygames (that were so simple that they work the same under 2.6 and 3.1) run with python 3.1. :) I didn't get pgreloaded because there's no documentation for it.

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Just stick with Python 2.6.


pgreloaded has documentation - there is even an own package at

I think JD's link to pgreloaded doc is out of date, try this one:

Or consider using Pyglet (, which is a thin wrapper around openGL, esp. made for games. It works pretty well, documentation is reasonable, but it of course lacks the massive userbase that Pygame has. It is more mature than PGreloaded imho.

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