
can someone tell me how to convert code templates from xcode3 to xcode4? I am reading article at and author offers his OpenGLES code template, but I can't get it working in new xcode4, seems it have different format. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance :)

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I had the same problem, here is a list of the changes you need to do to make your xcode 3 templates works with xcode 4 :

First you have to move your templates to a new directory :

/YourUserDirectory/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/File Templates

(previously it was /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/File Templates)

Then you need to :

  • rename your templates from "*.pbfiletemplate" to ".xctemplate"
  • rename class.h into ___FILEBASENAME___.h (the class.m can stay unchanged)
  • inside all of your files change «FILEBASENAMEASIDENTIFIER» into ___FILEBASENAMEASIDENTIFIER___
  • Additonaly all the key words like «FILENAME», «PROJECTNAME», need to be replaced by ___FILENAME___, ___PROJECTNAME___, etc
  • «OPTIONALHEADERIMPORTLINE» needs to be replaced by #import "___FILEBASENAME___.h"

Hope this helps, Vincent


Until XCode 4 is finalised, there's probably not much point in this. However, you can side by side install XCode 3 and 4 and the XCode project format is compatible between them. Hence, I'd just install the template in XCode 3, create your new project(s), then open the results in XCode 4.

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