
Actualmente estoy usando BlazeDS y codician las características de las pantallas LCD, pero nunca voy a pedir a mis clientes a pagar el $$$. Por lo tanto estoy considerando empezar a construir estas capacidades a mí mismo, el uso de herramientas de terceros (dpHibernate?) O cambiar a GraniteDS.

Dado que, estamos llegando arriba en los dos años de la última vez esta pregunta se le preguntó , pensé que le pediría de nuevo.

Desde ese momento, Spring-Flex ha añadido soporte serialización Hibernate a BlazeDS para evitar excepciones init perezosas. También hay una nueva opción de configuración BlazeDS para serializar propiedades de sólo lectura.

Por otro lado, la capacidad de marea GraniteDS parece estar madurando.

Además de la especificación servlet 3.0 ha estado fuera por un tiempo y tal vez el apoyo adicional para NIO hace una diferencia para aquellos que necesitan empujar tipo de mensajes.

¿Cuál es la última?

¿Fue útil?


I've never used GraniteDS in production, but in my opinion it will always have more goodies than BlazeDS..unless some company will decide to make money from BlazeDS, like adding features, offering paid support & professional services. I think that Farata Systems is doing that but probably they are doing custom development for various clients..and not adding features into the mainline.

So probably from a productivity point of view GraniteDS can be a good choice - before choosing it I will double check if the community is quite active, if you receive answers to your technical question on their forums and most important if it's easy to understand the GraniteDS source code in case you run into technical difficulties.

Related to messaging I assume that if you wish a professional solution you will not choose niether BlazeDS not GraniteDS - there are dedicated solutions on the market. If not both should be ok (BlazeDS has a little bit more options from what I know).

By professional solutions I mean LCDS, Lightstreamer, Kaazing (and probably more). Some important features from LCDS which are not included BlazeDS: reliable messaging, message throttling, the ability to deploy the solution in architectures where DMZ is a must (, the ability to connect also to non Flex clients (HTML).

Otros consejos

As of today (February 29, 2012), the GraniteDS community is still very active, the product evolves with new features on a regular basis and you can get developer and production support if you run into technical issues (see here) or just want a kind of insurance for critical deployements.

GraniteDS' messaging is based on asynchronous servlets, it is mature (introduced late 2007), proven in demanding production environments and much more scalable than the BlazeDS messaging stack (based on classical servlets).

Actually we (Farata Systems) continue improving our open source offering that works nicely BlazeDS. The latest version (4.2) of our tool called Clear Data Builder can generate CRUD applications in minutes based on Hibernate or POJOs. We hooked up Spring framework too - all BlazeDS client's requests are processed by Spring's DispatcherServlet.

Here's the Wiki Page There are screencasts and a workshop at the bottom of the main Wiki page that takes you step-by-step through the BlazeDS with Hibernate process and you'll also see how easy it is to connect the Spring Security module. We support data synchronization, hierarchical data collections, transactional updates, pagination, and more.

Apparently, we need to make more noise to make this nice (and free) product more popular :)

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