
I've got mavenized Android app in Eclipse, which I do build & deploy by running these commands from command line:

mvn clean install
mvn android:deploy

From some moment, I am not able to run my Android app on the device, it crashes with message:

01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application com.mycompany.myPackage.MyClass: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.mycompany.myPackage.MyClass" on path: /data/app/com.mycompany.myPackage-1.apk
01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819):    at
01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819):    at
01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819):    at$1400(
01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819):    at$H.handleMessage(

I've noticed that during running

mvn clean install

Eclipse pops out a error message:

Updating SVN status: Could not remove \\target\classes\com\mycompany\myPackage\MyClass.class

If I close Eclipse and build application afterwards with

mvn clean install

then it's fine and app works on device.

Any ideas? Is this Eclipse problem or SVN?

¿Fue útil?


OK, I've managed to solve this issue by running this command on two folders.

svn resolve --accept working target/
svn resolve --accept working target/classes

Still not sure how did svn get to that situation...

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