
I've got mavenized Android app in Eclipse, which I do build & deploy by running these commands from command line:

mvn clean install
mvn android:deploy

From some moment, I am not able to run my Android app on the device, it crashes with message:

01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application com.mycompany.myPackage.MyClass: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.mycompany.myPackage.MyClass" on path: /data/app/com.mycompany.myPackage-1.apk
01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819):    at
01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819):    at
01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819):    at$1400(
01-24 15:59:44.044: E/AndroidRuntime(25819):    at$H.handleMessage(

I've noticed that during running

mvn clean install

Eclipse pops out a error message:

Updating SVN status: Could not remove \\target\classes\com\mycompany\myPackage\MyClass.class

If I close Eclipse and build application afterwards with

mvn clean install

then it's fine and app works on device.

Any ideas? Is this Eclipse problem or SVN?

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La solution

OK, I've managed to solve this issue by running this command on two folders.

svn resolve --accept working target/
svn resolve --accept working target/classes

Still not sure how did svn get to that situation...

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