
Estoy usando el siguiente script para extraer datos de una herramienta de terceros, crear una tabla en una base de datos MySQL y llenarlo con los datos resultantes. El script se ejecuta y puedo ver la impresión de todos los datos solicitados en la ventana de shell de Python. Sin embargo, cuando abro la base de datos, la tabla se crea con los nombres de la columna, pero no hay filas ni datos. He buscado y leí que no necesito usar 'Conn.commit' para un script que solo está recuperando datos. ¿Ese es el caso aquí? Si no, ¿alguien ve otra razón por la cual los datos no están llenando la tabla?

import httplib2, urllib, json, pprint, getpass, string, time, MySQLdb

def usage():
    print "Usage: python26 or ./"

if len(sys.argv) != 1:

# Connect to the database and create the tables
conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",
                   user = "XXXXXXXXX",
                   passwd = "XXXXXXXX")
cursor = conn.cursor ()
cursor.execute ("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS tenable")
cursor.execute ("CREATE DATABASE tenable")
cursor.execute ("USE tenable")
cursor.execute ("""
CREATE TABLE cumvulndata
  offset         BIGINT(10),
  pluginName     TEXT,
  repositoryID   SMALLINT(3),
  severity       TINYINT(2),
  pluginID       MEDIUMINT(8),
  hasBeenMitigated   TINYINT(1),
  dnsName        VARCHAR(255),
  macAddress     VARCHAR(40),
  familyID       INT(4),
  recastRisk     TINYINT(1),
  firstSeen      DATETIME,
  ip             VARCHAR(15),
  acceptRisk     TINYINT(1),
  lastSeen       DATETIME,
  netbiosName    VARCHAR(255),
  port           MEDIUMINT(5),
  pluginText     MEDIUMTEXT,
  protocol       TINYINT(3)
# Security Center organizational user creds
user = 'XXXXXXXXX'
passwd = 'XXXXXXXX'
url = 'https://Security Center Server/request.php'

def SendRequest(url, headers, data):
    http = httplib2.Http()
    response, content = http.request(url, 
    if 'set-cookie' in response:
       headers['Cookie'] = response['set-cookie']
    return response, content

headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}

input = {'password': passwd,
     'username': user}

# Convert input to login JSON
inputjson = json.dumps(input)

data = {"request_id": "8",
    "module": "auth",
    "action": "login",
    "input": inputjson}

# Send Login Request
response, content = SendRequest(url, headers, data)

# Decode JSON to python data structure
result = json.loads(content)

if result["error_code"] == 0:
    print "SC4 Login Successful"
    token = result['response']['token']
    print "Session Token:",token

# Construct the cumulative vuln query JSON 
cuminput = {'tool':'vulndetails',
     'filters': [

cuminputjson = json.dumps(cuminput)

cumdata = {"request_id": "1",
        "module": "vuln",
    "action": "query",
        "token": token}

# Send the cumulative JSON and then populate the table
cumresponse, content = SendRequest(url, headers, cumdata)
resultc = json.loads(content)
off = 0
    print "\nFilling cumvulndata table with vulnerabilities from the cumulative    database.     Please wait..."
for result in resultc['response']['results']:
    off += 1
    cursor.execute ("""INSERT INTO cumvulndata   (offset,pluginName,repositoryID,severity,pluginID,hasBeenMitigated,dnsName,macAddress,familyID,recastRisk,firstSeen,ip,acceptRisk,lastSeen,netbiosName,port,pluginText,protocol)
    (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,(FROM_UNIXTIME(%s)),%s,%s,(FROM_UNIXTIME(%s)),%s,%s,%s,%s)""",   (off,result["pluginName"],result["repositoryID"],result["severity"],result["pluginID"],result["hasBeenMitigated"],result["dnsName"],result["macAddress"],result["familyID"],result["recastRisk"],result["firstSeen"],result["ip"],result["acceptRisk"],result["lastSeen"],result["netbiosName"],result["port"],result["pluginText"],result["protocol"]))

# Close the cursor and connection
cursor.close ()
conn.close ()

print "Done!!"
¿Fue útil?


Prueba esto

import httplib2, urllib, json, pprint, getpass, string, time, MySQLdb
import sys
def usage():
    print "Usage: python26 or ./"

if len(sys.argv) != 1:

# Connect to the database and create the tables
conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",
                   user = "XXXXXXXXXX",
                   passwd = "XXXXXXXX")
cursor = conn.cursor ()
cursor.execute ("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS tenable")
cursor.execute ("CREATE DATABASE tenable")
cursor.execute ("USE tenable")
cursor.execute ("""
CREATE TABLE cumvulndata
  offset         BIGINT(10),
  pluginName     TEXT,
  repositoryID   SMALLINT(3),
  severity       TINYINT(2),
  pluginID       MEDIUMINT(8),
  hasBeenMitigated   TINYINT(1),
  dnsName        VARCHAR(255),
  macAddress     VARCHAR(40),
  familyID       INT(4),
  recastRisk     TINYINT(1),
  firstSeen      DATETIME,
  ip             VARCHAR(15),
  acceptRisk     TINYINT(1),
  lastSeen       DATETIME,
  netbiosName    VARCHAR(255),
  port           MEDIUMINT(5),
  pluginText     MEDIUMTEXT,
  protocol       TINYINT(3)
cursor.execute ("""INSERT INTO cumvulndata   (offset,pluginName,repositoryID,severity,pluginID,hasBeenMitigated,dnsName,macAddress,familyID,recastRisk,firstSeen,ip,acceptRisk,lastSeen,netbiosName,port,pluginText,protocol)
    (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)""",   ('123','plugin','10','1','12','1',"dnsName","macAddress",'15','1','2011-2-2',"ip",'9','2012-5-2',"netbiosName",'123',"pluginText","2"))

#Commit the changes.

Por favor commit Los cambios luego obtendrán los datos insertados.

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