
I've been asked to look at an old project that requires Maven 2.1 and a couple JARs that are not (and will not) stored in our Nexus.

I'm trying to follow the advice from @Nikita Volkov in this post about creating a project repo to hold the JARs as artifacts. The idea being I can check this repo into source control. I can then check it out on any machine and have it build without any special configuration.

To start with I've created a repo and added my first Jar to it by running:

mvn install:install-file -DlocalRepositoryPath=repo -DcreateChecksum=true -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=lib/myJar.jar -DartifactId=myArtifact -Dversion=0.0.1

I then create POM that looks like:





When I view this in Eclipse if flags the dependency with error
Missing artifact

When I run it from the command line Iget the error
Unable to find resource '' in repository my-repo

Clearly I've not understood something in the original post, but I don't see what

So, can anybody provide a working example of how to create a in-project Maven Repo?

Update The files stored in my local repo are:

  • my/group/myArtifact/0.0.1/myArtifact-0.0.1.jar
  • my/group/myArtifact/0.0.1/myArtifact-0.0.1.jar.md5
  • my/group/myArtifact/0.0.1/myArtifact-0.0.1.jar.sha1
  • my/group/myArtifact/0.0.1/myArtifact-0.0.1.pom
  • my/group/myArtifact/0.0.1/myArtifact-0.0.1.pom.md5
  • my/group/myArtifact/0.0.1/myArtifact-0.0.1.pom.sha1
  • my/group/myArtifact/maven-metadata-local.xml
  • my/group/myArtifact/maven-metadata-local.xml.md5
  • my/group/myArtifact/maven-metadata-local.xml.sha1

Update The contents of my .m2/settings file is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""

¿Fue útil?


Working solution after several updates to the original question

Your settings.xml file declares a catch-all mirror. This takes effect over the local repository declaration in your pom file. Either remove the catch-all mirror, or try excluding the repository ID of your project repository from the mirroring:


Original answer

Looks like you install the library to the default local Maven repository location (~/.m2/repository), but then you try to pick it up from a location within your project.

Try changing the repository location for Maven before you run the "mvn install:install-file" goal. You can do this by adding a "localRepository" setting in your settings.xml.

You could also create a new settings.xml specifically for your project and tell Maven to use that whenever you work on your project (-s parameter on the command line). IDEs like Eclipse or IntelliJ also support using an alternative settings.xml file.

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