
Here is some VHDL code I am given for reading and writing to a memory address that I am trying to understand. The basic idea is that if we have a rising clock edge and write is enabled (we = '1'), then we modify the array called ram and store data inside. Then we assign the address from which we just read to addr_reg, and then outside the process we assign the contents of ram at address addr_reg to q for reading output.

process(clk) begin
    if(rising_edge(clk)) then
        if(we = '1') then
            ram(addr) <= data;
        end if;
        -- Register the address for reading
        addr_reg <= addr;
    end if;
end process;

q <= ram(addr_reg);

In this case, is the process "slower" than the hardcoded line q <= ram(addr_reg);? In other words, are we reading the previous value at addr_reg while simultaneously writing a new value to addr such that on the next clock edge that value will be read? Or is the hardcoded line q <= ram(addr_reg); fired after addr_reg is assigned in the process, so we are reading the value that we just wrote, namely data?

For a complete answer, I'm looking for a detailed explanation of the timeline of events for this code with respect to the clock.

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On rising_edge(clk) both ram and addr_reg are updated with the new contents. The effect of this updated contents is visible right after (a delta cycle) the rising edge of clk through the combinatorial q <= ram(addr_reg), which will shown the new values immediately.

So you are reading the value that we just wrote, namely data. The signals for this case are shown below.

enter image description here

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