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How to create line chart for all columns of a data frame a in R?

R ProgrammingServer Side ProgrammingProgramming

To check the trend of all columns of a data frame, we need to create line charts for all of those columns. These line charts help us to understand how data points fall or rise for the columns. Once we know the trend, we can try to find the out the reasons behind them and take appropriate actions. We can plot line charts for each of the column by using plot.ts function that plots data as a time series.


Consider the below data frame.

> set.seed(1)
> x1<-rpois(30,5)
> x2<-rpois(30,2)
> x3<-runif(30,2,10)
> x4<-runif(30,2,5)
> x5<-rnorm(30,2)
> x6<-rbinom(30,10,0.6)
> df<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6)
> head(df,20)
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
1 4 2 9.303007 2.718888 4.4016178 7
2 4 2 4.348827 2.176803 1.9607600 7
3 5 2 5.672526 3.926865 2.6897394 4
4 8 1 4.659157 4.628808 2.0280022 6
5 3 3 7.206964 4.336744 1.2567268 4
6 8 2 4.064134 4.391926 2.1887923 7
7 9 3 5.828362 3.365823 0.1950414 5
8 6 0 8.130485 3.230252 3.4655549 5
9 6 3 2.673975 4.432611 2.1532533 4
10 2 2 9.002571 3.814800 4.1726117 6
11 3 3 4.712584 3.964172 2.4755095 5
12 3 2 8.715523 3.059592 1.2900536 6
13 6 3 4.773468 2.810780 2.6107264 8
14 4 2 4.670199 4.978052 1.0659024 4
15 7 2 5.810810 3.900480 0.7463666 7
16 5 3 9.137587 2.639624 2.2914462 6
17 6 0 8.914716 2.388117 1.5567081 8
18 11 2 5.119916 3.434354 2.0011054 4
19 4 3 8.218566 4.772223 2.0743413 7
20 7 3 9.684944 3.796283 1.4104791 5

Plotting all the columns as a time series −

> plot.ts(df)


Published on 11-Aug-2020 15:59:35
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