
Dada una fuente de fuentes y una mesa objetivo, me gustaría crear programáticamente una cadena con todas las uniones requeridas.

En resumen, estoy tratando de encontrar una manera de crear una cadena como esta:

FROM SourceTable t
JOIN IntermediateTable t1 on t1.keycolumn = t.keycolumn
JOIN TargetTable t2 on t2.keycolumn = t1.keycolumn

Tengo una consulta que devuelve todas las llaves extranjeras para una tabla dada, pero estoy encontrando en limitaciones al tratar de ejecutar todo esto recursivamente para encontrar la ruta de unión óptima y hacer la cadena.

SELECT AS ParentTable
    , AS ParentColumn
    , AS ChildTable
    , AS ChildColumn
FROM sys.foreign_key_columns fk
JOIN sys.columns pc ON pc.object_id = fk.parent_object_id AND pc.column_id = fk.parent_column_id 
JOIN sys.columns rc ON rc.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id AND rc.column_id = fk.referenced_column_id
JOIN sys.tables p ON p.object_id = fk.parent_object_id
JOIN sys.tables r ON r.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id
WHERE fk.parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID('aTable')
ORDER BY ChildTable, fk.referenced_column_id

Estoy seguro de que esto se ha hecho antes, pero parece que no puedo encontrar un ejemplo.

¿Fue útil?


Tuve un script que hace una versión rudimentaria de Traversal de clave extranjera.Lo adapté rápidamente (ver más abajo), y podría usarlo como punto de partida.

Dada una tabla de destino, el script intenta imprimir la cadena de unirse para la ruta más corta (o una de ellas en el caso de los lazos) para todas las tablas de origen posibles, de que las claves externas de una sola columna se puedan atravesar para alcanzar el objetivomesa.El script parece estar funcionando bien en la base de datos con un par de miles de miles y muchas conexiones FK que lo intenté.

Como otros mencionan en los comentarios, tendría que hacer que esto sea más complejo si necesita manejar las claves externas de varias columnas.Además, tenga en cuenta que esto no es por ningún medio, código listo para la producción, totalmente probado.Espero que sea un punto de partida útil si decides desarrollar esta funcionalidad!

-- Drop temp tables that will be used below
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#paths') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #paths
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#shortestPaths') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #shortestPaths

-- The table (e.g. "TargetTable") to start from (or end at, depending on your point of view)
DECLARE @targetObjectName SYSNAME = 'TargetTable'

-- Identify all paths from TargetTable to any other table on the database,
-- counting all single-column foreign keys as a valid connection from one table to the next
;WITH singleColumnFkColumns AS (
    -- We limit the scope of this exercise to single column foreign keys
    -- We explicitly filter out any multi-column foreign keys to ensure that they aren't misinterpreted below
    SELECT fk1.*
    FROM sys.foreign_key_columns fk1
    LEFT JOIN sys.foreign_key_columns fk2 ON fk2.constraint_object_id = fk1.constraint_object_id AND fk2.constraint_column_id = 2
    WHERE fk1.constraint_column_id = 1
        AND fk2.constraint_object_id IS NULL
, parentCTE AS (
    -- Base case: Find all outgoing (pointing into another table) foreign keys for the specified table
        p.object_id AS ParentId
        ,OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(p.object_id) + '.' + AS ParentTable
        ,pc.column_id AS ParentColumnId
        , AS ParentColumn
        ,r.object_id AS ChildId
        ,OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(r.object_id) + '.' + AS ChildTable
        ,rc.column_id AS ChildColumnId
        , AS ChildColumn
        ,1 AS depth
        -- Maintain the full traversal path that has been taken thus far
        -- We use "," to delimit each table, and each entry then has a
        -- "<object_id>_<parent_column_id>_<child_column_id>" format
        ,   ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), p.object_id) + '_NULL_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), pc.column_id) +
            ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), r.object_id) + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), pc.column_id) + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), rc.column_id) AS TraversalPath
    FROM sys.foreign_key_columns fk
    JOIN sys.columns pc ON pc.object_id = fk.parent_object_id AND pc.column_id = fk.parent_column_id 
    JOIN sys.columns rc ON rc.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id AND rc.column_id = fk.referenced_column_id
    JOIN sys.tables p ON p.object_id = fk.parent_object_id
    JOIN sys.tables r ON r.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id
    WHERE fk.parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(@targetObjectName)
        AND p.object_id <> r.object_id -- Ignore FKs from one column in the table to another


    -- Recursive case: Find all outgoing foreign keys for all tables
    -- on the current fringe of the recursion
        p.object_id AS ParentId
        ,OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(p.object_id) + '.' + AS ParentTable
        ,pc.column_id AS ParentColumnId
        , AS ParentColumn
        ,r.object_id AS ChildId
        ,OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(r.object_id) + '.' + AS ChildTable
        ,rc.column_id AS ChildColumnId
        , AS ChildColumn
        ,cte.depth + 1 AS depth
        ,cte.TraversalPath + ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), r.object_id) + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), pc.column_id) + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), rc.column_id) AS TraversalPath
    FROM parentCTE cte
    JOIN singleColumnFkColumns fk
        ON fk.parent_object_id = cte.ChildId
        -- Optionally consider only a traversal of the same foreign key
        -- With this commented out, we can reach table A via column A1
        -- and leave table A via column A2.  If uncommented, we can only
        -- enter and leave a table via the same column
        --AND fk.parent_column_id = cte.ChildColumnId
    JOIN sys.columns pc ON pc.object_id = fk.parent_object_id AND pc.column_id = fk.parent_column_id 
    JOIN sys.columns rc ON rc.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id AND rc.column_id = fk.referenced_column_id
    JOIN sys.tables p ON p.object_id = fk.parent_object_id
    JOIN sys.tables r ON r.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id
    WHERE p.object_id <> r.object_id -- Ignore FKs from one column in the table to another
        -- If our path has already taken us to this table, avoid the cycle that would be created by returning to the same table
        AND cte.TraversalPath NOT LIKE ('%_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), r.object_id) + '%')
INTO #paths
FROM parentCTE
ORDER BY depth, ParentTable, ChildTable

-- For each distinct table that can be reached by traversing foreign keys,
-- record the shortest path to that table (or one of the shortest paths in
-- case there are multiple paths of the same length)
INTO #shortestPaths
    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ChildTable ORDER BY depth ASC) AS rankToThisChild
    FROM #paths
) x
WHERE rankToThisChild = 1
ORDER BY ChildTable

-- Traverse the shortest path, starting from the source the full path and working backwards,
-- building up the desired join string as we go
    -- Base case: Start with the from clause to the child table at the end of the traversal
    -- Note that the first step of the recursion will re-process this same row, but adding
    -- the ParentTable => ChildTable join
    SELECT p.ChildTable
        , p.TraversalPath AS ParentTraversalPath
        , NULL AS depth
        , CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), 'FROM ' + p.ChildTable + ' t' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), p.depth+1)) AS JoinString
    FROM #shortestPaths p


    -- Recursive case: Process the ParentTable => ChildTable join, then recurse to the
    -- previous table in the full traversal.  We'll end once we reach the root and the
    -- "ParentTraversalPath" is the empty string
    SELECT cte.ChildTable
        , REPLACE(p.TraversalPath, ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, p.ChildId) + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, p.ParentColumnId)+ '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, p.ChildColumnId), '') AS TraversalPath
        , p.depth
        , cte.JoinString + '
' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), 'JOIN ' + p.ParentTable + ' t' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), p.depth) + ' ON t' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), p.depth) + '.' + p.ParentColumn + ' = t' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), p.depth+1) + '.' + p.ChildColumn) AS JoinString
    FROM joinCTE cte
    JOIN #paths p
        ON p.TraversalPath = cte.ParentTraversalPath
-- Select only the fully built strings that end at the root of the traversal
-- (which should always be the specific table name, e.g. "TargetTable")
SELECT ChildTable, 'SELECT TOP 100 * 
' +JoinString
WHERE depth = 1
ORDER BY ChildTable

Otros consejos

Puede poner la lista de teclas de una tabla con dos campos TAB_NAME, KEY_NAME Para todas las tablas que desea conectarse.

Ejemplo, para la tabla City

  • ciudad | City_Name
  • Ciudad | Country_Name
  • ciudad | provincia_name
  • ciudad | City_code

Igualmente Province y Country.

Recopile los datos de las tablas y colóquela en una sola tabla (por ejemplo, Metadata TABLE)

ahora borrando la consulta como a continuación

select * from
(Select Table_name,Key_name from Meta_Data 
where Table_name in ('City','Province','Country')) A,
(Select Table_name,Key_name from Meta_Data 
where Table_name in ('City','Province','Country')) B,
(Select Table_name,Key_name from Meta_Data 
where Table_name in ('City','Province','Country')) C


A.Table_Name <> B.Table_name and
B.Table_name <> C.Table_name and
C.Table_name <> A.Table_name and
A.Column_name = B.Column_name and
B.Column_name = C.Column_name

Esto le obtendrá cómo puede vincular las tablas según las teclas correspondientes (los mismos nombres clave)

Si cree que el nombre de las llaves puede no coincidir, puede incluir un campo de clave alternativo e intente usarlo en la condición donde se encuentre.

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