
그것은 소식질과 변색 가능성을 감안할 때, 모든 조인이 필요한 모든 문자열을 프로그래밍 방식으로 만들고 싶습니다.

짧게, 이와 같은 문자열을 만드는 방법을 찾으려고합니다 :

FROM SourceTable t
JOIN IntermediateTable t1 on t1.keycolumn = t.keycolumn
JOIN TargetTable t2 on t2.keycolumn = t1.keycolumn

주어진 테이블의 모든 외래 키를 반환하는 쿼리가 있지만이 모든 것을 재귀 적으로 실행하려고하면 최적의 조인 경로를 찾아 문자열을 만드는 데 한계가됩니다.

    p.name AS ParentTable
    ,pc.name AS ParentColumn
    ,r.name AS ChildTable
    ,rc.name AS ChildColumn
FROM sys.foreign_key_columns fk
JOIN sys.columns pc ON pc.object_id = fk.parent_object_id AND pc.column_id = fk.parent_column_id 
JOIN sys.columns rc ON rc.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id AND rc.column_id = fk.referenced_column_id
JOIN sys.tables p ON p.object_id = fk.parent_object_id
JOIN sys.tables r ON r.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id
WHERE fk.parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID('aTable')
ORDER BY ChildTable, fk.referenced_column_id

나는 이것이 이전에 완료되었다는 것을 확신하지만, 나는 예를 들지 않는 것 같습니다.

도움이 되었습니까?


나는 외국 키가 순회의 초보적인 버전을하는 스크립트를 가지고 있었다.나는 그것을 빨리 적응 시켰고, 그것을 시작점으로 사용할 수 있습니다.

대상 테이블이 주어지면 단일 열 외부 키를 타겟에 도달하기 위해 횡단 할 수있는 모든 가능한 소스 테이블에 대해 가장 짧은 경로 (또는 TIES의 경우)에 대한 조인 문자열을 인쇄하려고 시도합니다.표.이 스크립트는 몇 천 테이블과 내가 시도한 많은 FK 연결이있는 데이터베이스에서 잘 작동하는 것으로 보입니다.

다른 사람들이 의견을 언급 할 때 멀티 컬럼 외래 키를 처리 해야하는 경우이를보다 복잡하게 만들어야합니다.또한 이것은 어떤 의미가 아닌 프로덕션 준비가되어 있지 않은 코드가 아닙니다.이 기능을 빌드하기로 결정한 경우 도움이되는 출발점이되기를 바랍니다.

-- Drop temp tables that will be used below
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#paths') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #paths
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#shortestPaths') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #shortestPaths

-- The table (e.g. "TargetTable") to start from (or end at, depending on your point of view)
DECLARE @targetObjectName SYSNAME = 'TargetTable'

-- Identify all paths from TargetTable to any other table on the database,
-- counting all single-column foreign keys as a valid connection from one table to the next
;WITH singleColumnFkColumns AS (
    -- We limit the scope of this exercise to single column foreign keys
    -- We explicitly filter out any multi-column foreign keys to ensure that they aren't misinterpreted below
    SELECT fk1.*
    FROM sys.foreign_key_columns fk1
    LEFT JOIN sys.foreign_key_columns fk2 ON fk2.constraint_object_id = fk1.constraint_object_id AND fk2.constraint_column_id = 2
    WHERE fk1.constraint_column_id = 1
        AND fk2.constraint_object_id IS NULL
, parentCTE AS (
    -- Base case: Find all outgoing (pointing into another table) foreign keys for the specified table
        p.object_id AS ParentId
        ,OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(p.object_id) + '.' + p.name AS ParentTable
        ,pc.column_id AS ParentColumnId
        ,pc.name AS ParentColumn
        ,r.object_id AS ChildId
        ,OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(r.object_id) + '.' + r.name AS ChildTable
        ,rc.column_id AS ChildColumnId
        ,rc.name AS ChildColumn
        ,1 AS depth
        -- Maintain the full traversal path that has been taken thus far
        -- We use "," to delimit each table, and each entry then has a
        -- "<object_id>_<parent_column_id>_<child_column_id>" format
        ,   ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), p.object_id) + '_NULL_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), pc.column_id) +
            ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), r.object_id) + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), pc.column_id) + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), rc.column_id) AS TraversalPath
    FROM sys.foreign_key_columns fk
    JOIN sys.columns pc ON pc.object_id = fk.parent_object_id AND pc.column_id = fk.parent_column_id 
    JOIN sys.columns rc ON rc.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id AND rc.column_id = fk.referenced_column_id
    JOIN sys.tables p ON p.object_id = fk.parent_object_id
    JOIN sys.tables r ON r.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id
    WHERE fk.parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(@targetObjectName)
        AND p.object_id <> r.object_id -- Ignore FKs from one column in the table to another


    -- Recursive case: Find all outgoing foreign keys for all tables
    -- on the current fringe of the recursion
        p.object_id AS ParentId
        ,OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(p.object_id) + '.' + p.name AS ParentTable
        ,pc.column_id AS ParentColumnId
        ,pc.name AS ParentColumn
        ,r.object_id AS ChildId
        ,OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(r.object_id) + '.' + r.name AS ChildTable
        ,rc.column_id AS ChildColumnId
        ,rc.name AS ChildColumn
        ,cte.depth + 1 AS depth
        ,cte.TraversalPath + ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), r.object_id) + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), pc.column_id) + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), rc.column_id) AS TraversalPath
    FROM parentCTE cte
    JOIN singleColumnFkColumns fk
        ON fk.parent_object_id = cte.ChildId
        -- Optionally consider only a traversal of the same foreign key
        -- With this commented out, we can reach table A via column A1
        -- and leave table A via column A2.  If uncommented, we can only
        -- enter and leave a table via the same column
        --AND fk.parent_column_id = cte.ChildColumnId
    JOIN sys.columns pc ON pc.object_id = fk.parent_object_id AND pc.column_id = fk.parent_column_id 
    JOIN sys.columns rc ON rc.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id AND rc.column_id = fk.referenced_column_id
    JOIN sys.tables p ON p.object_id = fk.parent_object_id
    JOIN sys.tables r ON r.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id
    WHERE p.object_id <> r.object_id -- Ignore FKs from one column in the table to another
        -- If our path has already taken us to this table, avoid the cycle that would be created by returning to the same table
        AND cte.TraversalPath NOT LIKE ('%_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), r.object_id) + '%')
INTO #paths
FROM parentCTE
ORDER BY depth, ParentTable, ChildTable

-- For each distinct table that can be reached by traversing foreign keys,
-- record the shortest path to that table (or one of the shortest paths in
-- case there are multiple paths of the same length)
INTO #shortestPaths
    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ChildTable ORDER BY depth ASC) AS rankToThisChild
    FROM #paths
) x
WHERE rankToThisChild = 1
ORDER BY ChildTable

-- Traverse the shortest path, starting from the source the full path and working backwards,
-- building up the desired join string as we go
    -- Base case: Start with the from clause to the child table at the end of the traversal
    -- Note that the first step of the recursion will re-process this same row, but adding
    -- the ParentTable => ChildTable join
    SELECT p.ChildTable
        , p.TraversalPath AS ParentTraversalPath
        , NULL AS depth
        , CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), 'FROM ' + p.ChildTable + ' t' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), p.depth+1)) AS JoinString
    FROM #shortestPaths p


    -- Recursive case: Process the ParentTable => ChildTable join, then recurse to the
    -- previous table in the full traversal.  We'll end once we reach the root and the
    -- "ParentTraversalPath" is the empty string
    SELECT cte.ChildTable
        , REPLACE(p.TraversalPath, ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, p.ChildId) + '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, p.ParentColumnId)+ '_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, p.ChildColumnId), '') AS TraversalPath
        , p.depth
        , cte.JoinString + '
' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), 'JOIN ' + p.ParentTable + ' t' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), p.depth) + ' ON t' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), p.depth) + '.' + p.ParentColumn + ' = t' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), p.depth+1) + '.' + p.ChildColumn) AS JoinString
    FROM joinCTE cte
    JOIN #paths p
        ON p.TraversalPath = cte.ParentTraversalPath
-- Select only the fully built strings that end at the root of the traversal
-- (which should always be the specific table name, e.g. "TargetTable")
SELECT ChildTable, 'SELECT TOP 100 * 
' +JoinString
WHERE depth = 1
ORDER BY ChildTable

다른 팁

테이블의 키 목록을 두 개의 필드 탭, key_name 연결하려는 모든 테이블에 대해.

예제, Table City

  • 도시 | City_name
  • 도시 | country_name
  • 도시 | Province_Name
  • 도시 | City_code

마찬가지로 ProvinceCountry.

테이블의 데이터를 수집하고 단일 테이블 (예 : 메타 데이터 테이블)

에 넣습니다.

이제 아래 쿼리를 초안

select * from
(Select Table_name,Key_name from Meta_Data 
where Table_name in ('City','Province','Country')) A,
(Select Table_name,Key_name from Meta_Data 
where Table_name in ('City','Province','Country')) B,
(Select Table_name,Key_name from Meta_Data 
where Table_name in ('City','Province','Country')) C


A.Table_Name <> B.Table_name and
B.Table_name <> C.Table_name and
C.Table_name <> A.Table_name and
A.Column_name = B.Column_name and
B.Column_name = C.Column_name

일치하는 키 (동일한 키 이름)를 기반으로 테이블을 어떻게 연결할 수 있습니까?

키 이름이 일치하지 않을 수 있다고 생각되면 대체 키 필드가 포함되어 있고 여기서 조건에서 사용하려고 할 수 있습니다.

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