
Je suis relativement nouveau sur Giraph et j'essaie de faire fonctionner ma boucle d'édition-compilation-déploiement Giraph pour notre code.Je suis capable d'exécuter divers exemples inspirés de , mais je suis coincé avec une ClassNotFoundException lors de l'exécution de ma version modifiée de l'exemple SimpleShortestPathsVertex Giraph.J'ai essayé différentes combinaisons de -libjars et HADOOP_CLASSPATH, mais je suis à court d'idées et j'apprécierais vraiment votre aide.Les détails suivent.


  • Hadoop :Hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.4.0
  • Giraphe :giraph-examples-1.0.0-for-hadoop-2.0.0-alpha-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Le PageRankBenchmark fonctionne correctement

$ hadoop jar $GIRAPH_HOME/giraph-examples/target/giraph-examples-1.0.0-for-hadoop-2.0.0-alpha-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
org.apache.giraph.benchmark.PageRankBenchmark \
-Dgiraph.zkList=<myhost>:2181 \
-e 1 -s 3 -v -V 50 -w 1

14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201407291058_0015
(full output is below)

Le GiraphRunner SimpleShortestPathsVertex fonctionne également correctement

$ hadoop jar $GIRAPH_HOME/giraph-examples/target/giraph-examples-1.0.0-for-hadoop-2.0.0-alpha-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner \
-Dgiraph.zkList=<myhost>:2181 \
org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsVertex \
-vif \
-vip ginput/tiny_graph.txt \
-of \
-op goutput/shortestpathsC2 \
-ca SimpleShortestPathsVertex.source=2 \
-w 1

14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201407291058_0017
(full output is below)

Prime:les résultats sont corrects :

$ hadoop fs -cat goutput/shortestpathsC2/p*
0   1.0
2   2.0
1   0.0
3   1.0
4   5.0

Mais ma version modifiée de SimpleShortestPathsVertex obtient ClassNotFoundException

Le fichier jar contenant le sommet modifié (KdlSimpleShortestPathsVertex, pas de package) est OK :

$ jar -tf ~/kdl_hadoop_play.jar

Mais ma course vomit :

$ hadoop jar $GIRAPH_HOME/giraph-core/target/giraph-1.0.0-for-hadoop-2.0.0-alpha-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner \
-Dgiraph.zkList=<myhost>:2181 \
-libjars ~/kdl_hadoop_play.jar \
KdlSimpleShortestPathsVertex \
-vif \
-vip /user/cornell/ginput/tiny_graph.txt \
-of \
-op /user/cornell/goutput/shortestpathsC2 \
-ca KdlSimpleShortestPathsVertex.source=2 \
-w 1

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: KdlSimpleShortestPathsVertex
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at org.apache.giraph.utils.ConfigurationUtils.populateGiraphConfiguration(
at org.apache.giraph.utils.ConfigurationUtils.parseArgs(
at org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main(

Ma meilleure hypothèse...

... après avoir regardé autour de vous, GiraphRunner ne traite peut-être pas correctement les -libjars, comme le laisse entendre ("Assurez-vous que votre code utilise GenericOptionsParser").En parcourant la source Giraph, je ne vois pas cette classe accessible.J'ai essayé de définir HADOOP_CLASSPATH sur mon pot, mais cela n'a pas résolu le problème.

Toute aide serait géniale !

Sortie PageRankBenchmark

14/08/01 11:42:27 INFO job.GiraphJob: run: Since checkpointing is disabled (default), do not allow any task retries (setting = 0, old value = 4)
14/08/01 11:42:28 WARN mapred.JobClient: Use GenericOptionsParser for parsing the arguments. Applications should implement Tool for the same.
14/08/01 11:42:28 WARN bsp.BspOutputFormat: checkOutputSpecs: ImmutableOutputCommiter will not check anything
14/08/01 11:42:29 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201407291058_0015
14/08/01 11:42:30 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 0% reduce 0%
14/08/01 11:42:40 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 50% reduce 0%
14/08/01 11:42:41 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 100% reduce 0%
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201407291058_0015
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient: Counters: 39
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:   File System Counters
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     FILE: Number of bytes read=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     FILE: Number of bytes written=369846
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     FILE: Number of read operations=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     FILE: Number of large read operations=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     FILE: Number of write operations=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     HDFS: Number of bytes read=88
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     HDFS: Number of bytes written=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     HDFS: Number of read operations=2
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     HDFS: Number of large read operations=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     HDFS: Number of write operations=1
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:   Job Counters 
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Launched map tasks=2
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total time spent by all maps in occupied slots (ms)=15772
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms)=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total time spent by all maps waiting after reserving slots (ms)=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total time spent by all reduces waiting after reserving slots (ms)=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:   Map-Reduce Framework
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Map input records=2
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Map output records=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Input split bytes=88
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Spilled Records=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     CPU time spent (ms)=2230
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Physical memory (bytes) snapshot=411357184
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=2428895232
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total committed heap usage (bytes)=806027264
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:   Giraph Stats
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Aggregate edges=50
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Aggregate finished vertices=50
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Aggregate vertices=50
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Current master task partition=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Current workers=1
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Last checkpointed superstep=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Sent messages=0
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Superstep=4
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:   Giraph Timers
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Input superstep (milliseconds)=238
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Setup (milliseconds)=2903
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Shutdown (milliseconds)=68
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Superstep 0 (milliseconds)=77
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Superstep 1 (milliseconds)=64
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Superstep 2 (milliseconds)=45
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Superstep 3 (milliseconds)=43
14/08/01 11:42:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total (milliseconds)=3442

Sortie SimpleShortestPathsVertex

14/08/01 11:47:37 INFO utils.ConfigurationUtils: No edge input format specified. Ensure your InputFormat does not require one.
14/08/01 11:47:37 INFO utils.ConfigurationUtils: Setting custom argument [SimpleShortestPathsVertex.source] to [2] in GiraphConfiguration
14/08/01 11:47:37 WARN job.GiraphConfigurationValidator: Output format vertex index type is not known
14/08/01 11:47:37 WARN job.GiraphConfigurationValidator: Output format vertex value type is not known
14/08/01 11:47:37 WARN job.GiraphConfigurationValidator: Output format edge value type is not known
14/08/01 11:47:37 INFO job.GiraphJob: run: Since checkpointing is disabled (default), do not allow any task retries (setting = 0, old value = 4)
14/08/01 11:47:37 WARN mapred.JobClient: Use GenericOptionsParser for parsing the arguments. Applications should implement Tool for the same.
14/08/01 11:47:38 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201407291058_0017
14/08/01 11:47:39 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 0% reduce 0%
14/08/01 11:47:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 50% reduce 0%
14/08/01 11:47:45 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 100% reduce 0%
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201407291058_0017
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient: Counters: 39
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:   File System Counters
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     FILE: Number of bytes read=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     FILE: Number of bytes written=367068
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     FILE: Number of read operations=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     FILE: Number of large read operations=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     FILE: Number of write operations=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     HDFS: Number of bytes read=200
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     HDFS: Number of bytes written=30
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     HDFS: Number of read operations=5
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     HDFS: Number of large read operations=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     HDFS: Number of write operations=2
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:   Job Counters 
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Launched map tasks=2
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total time spent by all maps in occupied slots (ms)=8538
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms)=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total time spent by all maps waiting after reserving slots (ms)=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total time spent by all reduces waiting after reserving slots (ms)=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:   Map-Reduce Framework
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Map input records=2
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Map output records=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Input split bytes=88
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Spilled Records=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     CPU time spent (ms)=1590
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Physical memory (bytes) snapshot=341344256
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=2363527168
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total committed heap usage (bytes)=504758272
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:   Giraph Stats
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Aggregate edges=12
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Aggregate finished vertices=5
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Aggregate vertices=5
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Current master task partition=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Current workers=1
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Last checkpointed superstep=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Sent messages=0
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Superstep=4
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:   Giraph Timers
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Input superstep (milliseconds)=181
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Setup (milliseconds)=313
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Shutdown (milliseconds)=128
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Superstep 0 (milliseconds)=57
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Superstep 1 (milliseconds)=54
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Superstep 2 (milliseconds)=36
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Superstep 3 (milliseconds)=35
14/08/01 11:47:46 INFO mapred.JobClient:     Total (milliseconds)=805
Était-ce utile?

La solution

OK, après avoir regardé les scripts Hadoop avec Hadoop et Giraph-Source, je pense que je l'ai compris. Le gros indice est venu de Utilisation de l'option Libjars avec Hadoop avec cette ligne de la sortie:

warn Mapred.jobclient: Utilisez GenericOptionParser pour analyser le arguments. Les applications doivent mettre en œuvre un outil pour la même chose.

La cause semble être que Giraphrunner utilise ses propres configurationsTiltilss.Parseargs () pour obtenir l'org.apache.commandline au lieu d'utiliser l'org.apache.hadoop.util.genericOptionParser.getCommandLine (), qui Honore l'option "libjars". Cela m'a conduit à revenir sur les outils de manutention génériques génériques de Hadoop: classe de classe et / ou hadoop_classpath. Voici ce qui a fonctionné:

  • SET HADOOOP_CLASSPATH Pour inclure votre jar d'application et le bocal de base Gigraph, en utilisant un Colon Délimiteur.
  • Pass -Libjars à l'aide de ce même point de classe, mais avec un virgule Délimiteur.

Par exemple, sur ma machine:

$ export GIRAPH_HOME=/share/apps/giraph
$ export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/home/<me>/kdl_hadoop_play.jar:$GIRAPH_HOME/giraph-ex.jar:$HADOOP_CLASSPATH
$ export LIBJARS=/home/<me>/kdl_hadoop_play.jar,$GIRAPH_HOME/giraph-core.jar
$ hadoop fs -rm -R goutput/shortestpathsC2
$ hadoop jar $GIRAPH_HOME/giraph-ex.jar org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner \
-Dgiraph.zkList=<myhost>:2181 \
-libjars ${LIBJARS} \
KdlSimpleShortestPathsVertex \
-vif \
-vip /user/cornell/ginput/tiny_graph.txt \
-of \
-op /user/cornell/goutput/shortestpathsC2 \
-ca SimpleShortestPathsVertex.source=2 \
-w 1
$ hadoop fs -cat goutput/shortestpathsC2/p*

qui donne la sortie et les résultats attendus.

Plus généralement, il serait utile que l'équipe giraphe ait changé le code pour utiliser l'analyseur (apparemment) plus standard.

espère que cela aide!

Autres conseils

Je ne sais pas pourquoi cela ne fonctionne pas, mais il existe un moyen rapide et simple de résoudre ce problème.Essayez de mettre votre code giraph-examples/src/main/java/org/apache/giraph/examples/ répertoire (où se trouve SimpleShortestPath).Et puis construisez le pot giraph-examples en exécutant mvn -DskipTests --projects giraph-examples --also-make package.Ensuite, exécutez simplement votre programme comme vous l'avez fait pour SimpleShortestPath en remplaçant SimpleShortestPath par votre nom de fichier.J'espère que cela aide.

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Non affilié à StackOverflow
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