
Sono un novizio a VTiger, io sto usando la versione 5.2.0 di provare, imparare attuazione Issue Tracking.


Un client invia una e-mail a dire, Mail Converter o posta Scanner .. scansioni per la nuova e-mail e se trovato crea un nuovo biglietto.

Se amministratore vede un nuovo biglietto che viene sollevata in Incidenze, apporta alcune modifiche quali l'assegnazione a qualcuno, o fare un commento, ecc .. VTE invia una e-mail a un cliente dicendo che admin ha modifiche al biglietto.

Diciamo cliente vuole alcune modifiche, così risponde ad, un nuovo biglietto è sollevata perché una nuova posta come è arrivato e lo scanner di posta crea un nuovo biglietto.


Invece di aggiornare un ticket esistente, che il cliente ha inviato prima, la creazione di una nuova ogni biglietto duplica il problema facendo molti biglietti per un problema, che è un grosso problema.

Quando mai un client invia una mail a, Oggetto della email va come titolo del biglietto e Corpo di e-mail come descrizione biglietteria.


Title of Ticket is SubjectClientSent

didnot cliente come qualcosa dopo di amministrazione rende alcune modifiche e il cliente decide di rispondere all'e-mail che VTiger lo ha mandato, è in genere in questo modo.

Re: TT17 [ Ticket Id : 22 ] Re : SubjectClientSent

Non voglio posta scanner per creare un nuovo biglietto con il titolo di biglietto come Re: TT17 [ Ticket Id : 22 ] Re : SubjectClientSent, voglio che per aggiornare il biglietto in uscita con il titolo SubjectClientSent

Ho provato a farlo con la creazione di una nuova regola di qualcosa di simile ..

alt text

Ma, la sua ancora la creazione di un nuovo biglietto.

Potresti aiutarmi a correggere questo?

C'è un modo migliore di aggiornare il ticket esistente?

Grazie per l'aiuto e il supporto.

È stato utile?


ha trovato la soluzione!

Tutta la risposta è stata scritta rubare informazioni dal VTiger documento PDF , Forum VTiger , VTiger Bug link

Il sotto le immagini mostra la processo di base coinvolti nella automatizzando ticketing con MailScanner o MailConverter

! [Processo di stampa Scanner] [4]

1 Clienti (avendo un record di contatto / account) invia e-mail a, con oggetto “Test Trouble Ticket”

2: Mail Scanner crea biglietto, la collega alla corrispondenza contatto / record di conto filtrata da EMAILID consultare. HelpDeskHandler invierà un'email di conferma con ulteriori informazioni su come rispondere ulteriormente al Cliente. Gli sguardi e-mail oggetto del tipo “TT15 [Ticket Id: 1483] Test di Trouble Ticket”

3: risposte cliente alla parte riconoscimento email tenuta del soggetto a intatta Come scanner mail è configurato con la regola Regex sul soggetto e trova una corrispondenza Trouble Ticket legata al cliente, aggiorna i commenti con il corpo del messaggio.

4: Quando il team di supporto di aggiornamento loro commento, una e-mail viene inviata al Cliente di nuovo.

I seguenti passaggi ci aiuterà a raggiungere questa funzionalità

Passo 1: Impostazione Server posta in uscita

Se il server di posta in uscita è Gmail, le seguenti impostazioni dovrebbe funzionare per voi

Mail Server Settings (SMTP)     
Server Name ssl:// 
User Name 
Password    ******  
From Email 
Requires Authentication?    Yes 

Passaggio 2: Installazione MailScanner o MailConverter

DEFAULT Information 

Scanner Name    DEFAULT
Server Name
Protocol       imap4
User Name
SSL Type       ssl
SSL Method      novalidate-cert
Connect URL     {}
Status       Enabled

Scanning Information 

Look for    All Messages from lastscan
After scan   Mark message as Read

Passaggio 3: impostare regole per creare e aggiornare i biglietti in MailScanner o MailConverter

Rules For Mail Converter [DEFAULT] 

    Subject     Regex   Ticket Id[^:]?: ([0-9]+)
    Match   All Condition
    Action  Update Ticket

    Match   Any Condition
    Action  Create Ticket 

Passo 4: Configurare

aggiornare le seguenti variabili nel


dall'informazione indirizzo da utilizzare per l'invio di posta elettronica Esempio:



DA nome da utilizzare a scopo di visualizzazione per le email Sentout. Esempio: Automated Rispondi

$HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME = 'Company Support';


indirizzo di risposta-TO da impostare nel email trasmesso. Esempio:


L'impostazione di questa informazione è uno dei passo importante per Autoticketing. Quando l'utente tenta di Reply per le e-mail automatiche del TO l'indirizzo sarà impostato dalla posta-client e raggiunge la cassetta postale per che abbiamo impostato la scansione.

Passo 5: Creare HelpDeskHandler.php in vtigerCRM / modules / Supporto /

 * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
 * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
 * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
 * All Rights Reserved.

class HelpDeskHandler extends VTEventHandler {

  function __getSendToEmail($crmid) {
    if(empty($crmid)) return false;

    $sendtoemail = false;

    global $adb;

    $metaresult = $adb->pquery("SELECT setype FROM vtiger_crmentity WHERE crmid=? AND deleted = 0", array($crmid));
    if($metaresult && $adb->num_rows($metaresult)) {
      $metaresultrow = $adb->fetch_array($metaresult);

      $emailres = false;

      if($metaresultrow['setype'] == 'Contacts') {
        $emailres = $adb->pquery("SELECT email,yahooid FROM vtiger_contactdetails WHERE contactid = ?", array($crmid));
      } else if($metaresultrow['setype'] == 'Accounts') {
        $emailres = $adb->pquery("SELECT email1,email2 FROM vtiger_account WHERE accountid = ?", array($crmid));

      if($emailres && $adb->num_rows($emailres)) {
        $emailresrow = $adb->fetch_array($emailres);

        if(!empty($emailresrow[0])) $sendtoemail = $emailresrow[0];
        if(!empty($emailresrow[1])) $sendtoemail = $emailresrow[1];


    return $sendtoemail;


  function handleEvent($eventName, $entityData) {
    global $log, $adb;

    if($eventName == 'vtiger.entity.aftersave') {
      $moduleName = $entityData->getModuleName();

      // Event not related to HelpDesk - IGNORE
      if($moduleName != 'HelpDesk') {

      // Take action if the service running is MailScanner (either via Cron/Scan Now)
      if(isset($_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['service'] == 'MailScanner' ) {

        $focus = $entityData->focus;

        $sendToEmail = $this->__getSendToEmail($focus->column_fields['parent_id']); 

        // If the entity is create new and we know whom to send the mail proceed.
        if($entityData->isNew() && $sendToEmail) {

          include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Mailer.php';
          $mailer = new Vtiger_Mailer();
          $mailer->ConfigSenderInfo($HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAIL_ID, $HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME);

          $mailer->initFromTemplate('Auto Ticket First Response Template');

          // Update the email subject
          $mailer->Subject = sprintf("%s [ Ticket Id : %s ] Re : %s",

          $mailer->SendTo( $sendToEmail, '', false, false, true );


Passo 6: Crea modello di email nominato come "Auto Ticket First Response"

Questa è una e-mail di conferma aziendali Supporto invia automaticamente dopo client invia e-mail a

Per creare Email Template andare su Impostazioni / E-Mail Modelli; Selezionare Nuovo modello e il nome come "Auto Ticket First Response"

Passo 7: Creare un nuovo file PHP e nome come RegisterHelpDeskHandler.php

Inserire il codice seguente e eseguire il file

 * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
 * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
 * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
 * All Rights Reserved.

$Vtiger_Utils_Log = true;

include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php';
include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Event.php';

$moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('HelpDesk');
Vtiger_Event::register($moduleInstance, 'vtiger.entity.aftersave', 'HelpDeskHandler', 'modules/HelpDesk/HelpDeskHandler.php');

Per eseguire, è sufficiente digitare il seguente URL


Si dovrebbe vedere il seguente output nel browser

Registering Event vtiger.entity.aftersave with [modules/HelpDesk/HelpDeskHandler.php] HelpDeskHandler ... DONE

Punto 9: Controllare il bug

Se siete su VTiger 5.2.0, il bug è già fissato!

Se non , vai a moduli / Impostazioni / MailScanner / core / MailScannerAction.php e riinserire l'intero codice con il seguente codice

 ** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
 * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
 * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
 * All Rights Reserved.


 * Mail Scanner Action
class Vtiger_MailScannerAction {
    // actionid for this instance
    var $actionid  = false; 
    // scanner to which this action is associated
    var $scannerid = false;
    // type of mailscanner action
    var $actiontype= false;
    // text representation of action
    var $actiontext= false;
    // target module for action
    var $module    = false;
    // lookup information while taking action
    var $lookup    = false;

    // Storage folder to use
    var $STORAGE_FOLDER = 'storage/mailscanner/';

    /** DEBUG functionality */
    var $debug     = false;
    function log($message) {
        global $log;
        if($log && $this->debug) { $log->debug($message); }
        else if($this->debug) echo "$message\n";

     * Constructor.
    function __construct($foractionid) {

     * Initialize this instance.
    function initialize($foractionid) {
        global $adb;
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM vtiger_mailscanner_actions WHERE actionid=? ORDER BY sequence", Array($foractionid));

        if($adb->num_rows($result)) {
            $this->actionid   = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'actionid');
            $this->scannerid  = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'scannerid');
            $this->actiontype = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'actiontype');
            $this->module     = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'module');
            $this->lookup     = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'lookup');
            $this->actiontext = "$this->actiontype,$this->module,$this->lookup";

     * Create/Update the information of Action into database.
    function update($ruleid, $actiontext) {
        global $adb;

        $inputparts = explode(',', $actiontext);
        $this->actiontype = $inputparts[0]; // LINK, CREATE
        $this->module     = $inputparts[1]; // Module name
        $this->lookup     = $inputparts[2]; // FROM, TO

        $this->actiontext = $actiontext;

        if($this->actionid) {
            $adb->pquery("UPDATE vtiger_mailscanner_actions SET scannerid=?, actiontype=?, module=?, lookup=? WHERE actionid=?",
                Array($this->scannerid, $this->actiontype, $this->module, $this->lookup, $this->actionid));
        } else {
            $this->sequence = $this->__nextsequence();
            $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_mailscanner_actions(scannerid, actiontype, module, lookup, sequence) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
                Array($this->scannerid, $this->actiontype, $this->module, $this->lookup, $this->sequence));
            $this->actionid = $adb->database->Insert_ID();
        $checkmapping = $adb->pquery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS ruleaction_count FROM vtiger_mailscanner_ruleactions 
            WHERE ruleid=? AND actionid=?", Array($ruleid, $this->actionid));
        if($adb->num_rows($checkmapping) && !$adb->query_result($checkmapping, 0, 'ruleaction_count')) {
            $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_mailscanner_ruleactions(ruleid, actionid) VALUES(?,?)", 
                Array($ruleid, $this->actionid));

     * Delete the actions from tables.
    function delete() {
        global $adb;
        if($this->actionid) {
            $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM vtiger_mailscanner_actions WHERE actionid=?", Array($this->actionid));
            $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM vtiger_mailscanner_ruleactions WHERE actionid=?", Array($this->actionid));

     * Get next sequence of Action to use.
    function __nextsequence() {
        global $adb;
        $seqres = $adb->pquery("SELECT max(sequence) AS max_sequence FROM vtiger_mailscanner_actions", Array());
        $maxsequence = 0;
        if($adb->num_rows($seqres)) {
            $maxsequence = $adb->query_result($seqres, 0, 'max_sequence');
        return $maxsequence;

     * Apply the action on the mail record.
    function apply($mailscanner, $mailrecord, $mailscannerrule, $matchresult) {
        $returnid = false;
        if($this->actiontype == 'CREATE') {
            if($this->module == 'HelpDesk') {
                $returnid = $this->__CreateTicket($mailscanner, $mailrecord); 
        } else if($this->actiontype == 'LINK') {
            $returnid = $this->__LinkToRecord($mailscanner, $mailrecord);
        } else if($this->actiontype == 'UPDATE') {
            if($this->module == 'HelpDesk') {
                $returnid = $this->__UpdateTicket($mailscanner, $mailrecord, 
        return $returnid;

     * Update ticket action.
    function __UpdateTicket($mailscanner, $mailrecord, $regexMatchInfo) {
        global $adb;
        $returnid = false;

        $usesubject = false;
        if($this->lookup == 'SUBJECT') {
            // If regex match was performed on subject use the matched group
            // to lookup the ticket record
            if($regexMatchInfo) $usesubject = $regexMatchInfo['matches'];
            else $usesubject = $mailrecord->_subject;

            // Get the ticket record that was created by SENDER earlier
            $fromemail = $mailrecord->_from[0];

            $linkfocus = $mailscanner->GetTicketRecord($usesubject, $fromemail);
            $relatedid = $linkfocus->column_fields[parent_id];

            // If matching ticket is found, update comment, attach email
            if($linkfocus) {
                $timestamp = $adb->formatDate(date('YmdHis'), true);
                $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_ticketcomments(ticketid, comments, ownerid, ownertype, createdtime) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
                    Array($linkfocus->id, $mailrecord->getBodyText(), $relatedid, 'customer', $timestamp));
                // Set the ticket status to Open if its Closed
                $adb->pquery("UPDATE vtiger_troubletickets set status=? WHERE ticketid=? AND status='Closed'", Array('Open', $linkfocus->id));

                $returnid = $this->__CreateNewEmail($mailrecord, $this->module, $linkfocus);

            } else {
                // TODO If matching ticket was not found, create ticket?
                // $returnid = $this->__CreateTicket($mailscanner, $mailrecord);
        return $returnid;

     * Create ticket action.
    function __CreateTicket($mailscanner, $mailrecord) {
        // Prepare data to create trouble ticket
        $usetitle = $mailrecord->_subject;
        $description = $mailrecord->getBodyText();

        // There will be only on FROM address to email, so pick the first one
        $fromemail = $mailrecord->_from[0]; 
        $linktoid = $mailscanner->LookupContact($fromemail);
        if(!$linktoid) $linktoid = $mailscanner->LookupAccount($fromemail);

        /** Now Create Ticket **/
        global $current_user;
        if(!$current_user) $current_user = new Users();
        $current_user->id = 1;

        // Create trouble ticket record
        $ticket = new HelpDesk();
        $ticket->column_fields['ticket_title'] = $usetitle;
        $ticket->column_fields['description'] = $description;
        $ticket->column_fields['ticketstatus'] = 'Open';
        $ticket->column_fields['assigned_user_id'] = $current_user->id;
        if($linktoid) $ticket->column_fields['parent_id'] = $linktoid;

        // Associate any attachement of the email to ticket
        $this->__SaveAttachements($mailrecord, 'HelpDesk', $ticket);

        return $ticket->id;

     * Add email to CRM record like Contacts/Accounts
    function __LinkToRecord($mailscanner, $mailrecord) {
        $linkfocus = false;

        $useemail  = false;
        if($this->lookup == 'FROM') $useemail = $mailrecord->_from;
        else if($this->lookup == 'TO') $useemail = $mailrecord->_to;

        if($this->module == 'Contacts') {
            foreach($useemail as $email) {
                $linkfocus = $mailscanner->GetContactRecord($email);
                if($linkfocus) break;
        } else if($this->module == 'Accounts') {
            foreach($useemail as $email) {          
                $linkfocus = $mailscanner->GetAccountRecord($email);
                if($linkfocus) break;

        $returnid = false;
        if($linkfocus) {
            $returnid = $this->__CreateNewEmail($mailrecord, $this->module, $linkfocus);
        return $returnid;

     * Create new Email record (and link to given record) including attachements
    function __CreateNewEmail($mailrecord, $module, $linkfocus) {   
        global $current_user, $adb;
        if(!$current_user) $current_user = new Users();
        $current_user->id = 1;

        $focus = new Emails();
        $focus->column_fields['parent_type'] = $module;
        $focus->column_fields['activitytype'] = 'Emails';
        $focus->column_fields['parent_id'] = "$linkfocus->id@-1|";
        $focus->column_fields['subject'] = $mailrecord->_subject;

        $focus->column_fields['description'] = $mailrecord->getBodyHTML();
        $focus->column_fields['assigned_user_id'] = $linkfocus->column_fields['assigned_user_id'];
        $focus->column_fields["date_start"]= date('Y-m-d', $mailrecord->_date);

        $to = $mailrecord->_to[0];
        $cc = (!empty($mailrecord->_cc))? implode(',', $mailrecord->_cc) : '';
        $bcc= (!empty($mailrecord->_bcc))? implode(',', $mailrecord->_bcc) : '';
        $flag=''; // 'SENT'/'SAVED'
        //emails field were restructured and to,bcc and cc field are JSON arrays
        $focus->column_fields['from_email'] = $from;
        $focus->column_fields['saved_toid'] = $to;
        $focus->column_fields['ccmail'] = $cc;
        $focus->column_fields['bccmail'] = $bcc;  

        $emailid = $focus->id;

        $this->log("Created [$focus->id]: $mailrecord->_subject linked it to " . $linkfocus->id);

        // TODO: Handle attachments of the mail (inline/file)
        $this->__SaveAttachements($mailrecord, 'Emails', $focus);

        return $emailid;

     * Save attachments from the email and add it to the module record.
    function __SaveAttachements($mailrecord, $basemodule, $basefocus) {
        global $adb;

        // If there is no attachments return
        if(!$mailrecord->_attachments) return;

        $userid = $basefocus->column_fields['assigned_user_id'];
        $setype = "$basemodule Attachment";

        $date_var = $adb->formatDate(date('YmdHis'), true);

        foreach($mailrecord->_attachments as $filename=>$filecontent) {
            $attachid = $adb->getUniqueId('vtiger_crmentity');
            $description = $filename;
            $usetime = $adb->formatDate($date_var, true);

            $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_crmentity(crmid, smcreatorid, smownerid, 
                modifiedby, setype, description, createdtime, modifiedtime, presence, deleted)
                VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", 
                Array($attachid, $userid, $userid, $userid, $setype, $description, $usetime, $usetime, 1, 0));

            $issaved = $this->__SaveAttachmentFile($attachid, $filename, $filecontent);
            if($issaved) {
                // Create document record
                $document = new Documents();
                $document->column_fields['notes_title']      = $filename;
                $document->column_fields['filename']         = $filename;
                $document->column_fields['filestatus']       = 1;
                $document->column_fields['filelocationtype'] = 'I';
                $document->column_fields['folderid']         = 1; // Default Folder 
                $document->column_fields['assigned_user_id'] = $userid;

                // Link file attached to document
                $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_seattachmentsrel(crmid, attachmentsid) VALUES(?,?)", 
                    Array($document->id, $attachid));

                // Link document to base record
                $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_senotesrel(crmid, notesid) VALUES(?,?)", 
                    Array($basefocus->id, $document->id));              

     * Save the attachment to the file
    function __SaveAttachmentFile($attachid, $filename, $filecontent) {
        global $adb;

        $dirname = $this->STORAGE_FOLDER;
        if(!is_dir($dirname)) mkdir($dirname);

        $description = $filename;
        $filename = str_replace(' ', '-', $filename);
        $saveasfile = "$dirname$attachid" . "_$filename";
        if(!file_exists($saveasfile)) {

            $this->log("Saved attachement as $saveasfile\n");

            $fh = fopen($saveasfile, 'wb');
            fwrite($fh, $filecontent);

        $mimetype = MailAttachmentMIME::detect($saveasfile);

        $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_attachments SET attachmentsid=?, name=?, description=?, type=?, path=?",
            Array($attachid, $filename, $description, $mimetype, $dirname));

        return true;

Step10: Se ancora affrontare problemi, ed ancora potete ottenere la funzionalità di biglietto di aggiornamento;  Controlla i Forum Vtiger.

[4]: ?? testo enfatizzato * testo enfatizzato *

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