SPSS creating table with multipe variables down, and the variables values horizontally

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21829513

  •  12-10-2022
  •  | 


Let's say I have two variables. "Like Ice" and "Like cofee". Both variables have the same values "Do not like", "like", "love".

I want to make a table displaying this:

        | Do not like | Like | Love |
Like ice|     8       |   3  |  15  |
Like Cof|    13       |   7  |   6  |

the variables downwards, and their values horizontal, displaying the number of choices.

Thank you!

È stato utile?


Very easy with ctables. Put the variables in the rows and specify statistic in the opposite dimension. This is called a comperimeter table.

Altri suggerimenti

If you have only original TABLES module, or for some other reason want to stick with it, you may use the following syntax:

   /TABLE var1+var2 by (LABELS).

Default statistics is COUNT.

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