SPSS creating table with multipe variables down, and the variables values horizontally

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21829513

  •  12-10-2022
  •  | 


Let's say I have two variables. "Like Ice" and "Like cofee". Both variables have the same values "Do not like", "like", "love".

I want to make a table displaying this:

        | Do not like | Like | Love |
Like ice|     8       |   3  |  15  |
Like Cof|    13       |   7  |   6  |

the variables downwards, and their values horizontal, displaying the number of choices.

Thank you!



Very easy with ctables. Put the variables in the rows and specify statistic in the opposite dimension. This is called a comperimeter table.


If you have only original TABLES module, or for some other reason want to stick with it, you may use the following syntax:

   /TABLE var1+var2 by (LABELS).

Default statistics is COUNT.

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