
Avere la tabella seguente my_tabe:

M01 |   1
M01 |   2
M02 |   1

Voglio interrogarlo per ottenere:

M01 |   1,2
M02 |   1

Sono riuscito a avvicinarmi usando la seguente query:

with my_tabe as
    select 'M01' as scycle, '1' as sdate from dual union
    select 'M01' as scycle, '2' as sdate from dual union
    select 'M02' as scycle, '1' as sdate from dual
SELECT scycle, ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(sdate, ','), ',')
    select scycle, sdate, rownum rn
    from my_tabe
    order by 1 desc
CONNECT BY PRIOR rn = rn - 1


SCYCLE      |   RES
M02         |   1,2,1
M01         |   1,2

Che è sbagliato. Sembra che io sia vicino, ma temo di non farlo qual è il prossimo passo ...

Qualche consiglio?

È stato utile?


Devi limitare il tuo connect by allo stesso scycle valore, e conta anche il numero di corrispondenze e filtra su questo per evitare di vedere risultati intermedi.

with my_tabe as
    select 'M01' as scycle, '1' as sdate from dual union
    select 'M01' as scycle, '2' as sdate from dual union
    select 'M02' as scycle, '1' as sdate from dual
select scycle, ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(sdate, ','), ',')
    select distinct sdate,
        count(1) over (partition by scycle) as cnt,
        row_number() over (partition by scycle order by sdate) as rn
    from my_tabe
where rn = cnt
start with rn = 1
connect by prior rn + 1 = rn
and prior scycle = scycle

------ -----------------------------------------
M01    1,2
M02    1

Se sei su 11g puoi usare il integrato LISTAGG funzione invece:

with my_tabe as
    select 'M01' as scycle, '1' as sdate from dual union
    select 'M01' as scycle, '2' as sdate from dual union
    select 'M02' as scycle, '1' as sdate from dual
select scycle, listagg (sdate, ',') 
within group (order by sdate) res
from my_tabe
group by scycle

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