

Questa domanda ha già una risposta qui:


Vorrei vedere la struttura dell'oggetto in JavaScript (per il debug). C'è qualcosa di simile a var_dump in PHP?

È stato utile?


La maggior parte dei browser moderni ha una console nei loro strumenti di sviluppo, utile per questo tipo di debug.


Quindi otterrai un'interfaccia ben mappata dell'oggetto / qualunque cosa nella console.

Dai un'occhiata alla console documentazione per maggiori dettagli.

Altri suggerimenti

Il modo più comune:


Comunque devo menzionare JSON.stringify che è utile per scaricare variabili in script non browser:

console.log( JSON.stringify(object) );

La funzione JSON.stringify supporta anche la preimpostazione integrata, come sottolineato da Simon Zyx .


var obj = {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3};

console.log( JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2) ); // spacing level = 2

Il frammento sopra verrà stampato:

  "x": 1,
  "y": 2,
  "z": 3

Su puoi visualizzare i browser che supportano nativamente la funzione JSON.stringify :

Puoi anche utilizzare la libreria Douglas Crockford per aggiungere il supporto JSON.stringify su vecchi browser: https: //

Documenti per JSON.stringify :

Spero che questo aiuti :-)

Ho scritto questa funzione JS dump () per funzionare come var_dump () di PHP. Per mostrare il contenuto della variabile in una finestra di avviso: dump (variabile) Per mostrare il contenuto della variabile nella pagina Web: dump (variabile, 'body') Per ottenere solo una stringa della variabile: dump (variabile, 'none')

/* repeatString() returns a string which has been repeated a set number of times */ 
function repeatString(str, num) {
    out = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        out += str; 
    return out;

dump() displays the contents of a variable like var_dump() does in PHP. dump() is
better than typeof, because it can distinguish between array, null and object.  
  v:              The variable
  howDisplay:     "none", "body", "alert" (default)
  recursionLevel: Number of times the function has recursed when entering nested
                  objects or arrays. Each level of recursion adds extra space to the 
                  output to indicate level. Set to 0 by default.
Return Value:
  A string of the variable's contents 
  Can't pass an undefined variable to dump(). 
  dump() can't distinguish between int and float.
  dump() can't tell the original variable type of a member variable of an object.
  These limitations can't be fixed because these are *features* of JS. However, dump()
function dump(v, howDisplay, recursionLevel) {
    howDisplay = (typeof howDisplay === 'undefined') ? "alert" : howDisplay;
    recursionLevel = (typeof recursionLevel !== 'number') ? 0 : recursionLevel;

    var vType = typeof v;
    var out = vType;

    switch (vType) {
        case "number":
            /* there is absolutely no way in JS to distinguish 2 from 2.0
            so 'number' is the best that you can do. The following doesn't work:
            var er = /^[0-9]+$/;
            if (!isNaN(v) && v % 1 === 0 && er.test(3.0))
                out = 'int';*/
        case "boolean":
            out += ": " + v;
        case "string":
            out += "(" + v.length + '): "' + v + '"';
        case "object":
            //check if null
            if (v === null) {
                out = "null";

            //If using jQuery: if ($.isArray(v))
            //If using IE: if (isArray(v))
            //this should work for all browsers according to the ECMAScript standard:
            else if ( === '[object Array]') {  
                out = 'array(' + v.length + '): {\n';
                for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
                    out += repeatString('   ', recursionLevel) + "   [" + i + "]:  " + 
                        dump(v[i], "none", recursionLevel + 1) + "\n";
                out += repeatString('   ', recursionLevel) + "}";
            else { //if object    
                sContents = "{\n";
                cnt = 0;
                for (var member in v) {
                    //No way to know the original data type of member, since JS
                    //always converts it to a string and no other way to parse objects.
                    sContents += repeatString('   ', recursionLevel) + "   " + member +
                        ":  " + dump(v[member], "none", recursionLevel + 1) + "\n";
                sContents += repeatString('   ', recursionLevel) + "}";
                out += "(" + cnt + "): " + sContents;

    if (howDisplay == 'body') {
        var pre = document.createElement('pre');
        pre.innerHTML = out;
    else if (howDisplay == 'alert') {

    return out;

L'equivalente var_dump in JavaScript? Semplicemente, non ce n'è uno.

Ma ciò non significa che rimani impotente. Come alcuni hanno suggerito, utilizzare Firebug (o equivalente in altri browser), ma a differenza di quanto suggerito da altri, non utilizzare la console .log quando hai uno strumento (leggermente) migliore console.dir :


Stampa un elenco interattivo di tutte le proprietà dell'oggetto. Questo   sembra identico alla vista che vedresti nella scheda DOM.

Come altri hanno già accennato, il modo migliore per eseguire il debug delle variabili è utilizzare la console per sviluppatori di un browser moderno (ad es. Chrome Strumenti per sviluppatori , Firefox + Firebug , Opera Dragonfly (che ora è scomparso nella nuova Opera basata su Chromium (Blink), ma come sviluppatori dire , " Dragonfly non è morto anche se non possiamo ancora fornirti ulteriori informazioni " ) .

Ma nel caso abbiate bisogno di un altro approccio, c'è un sito davvero utile chiamato php.js :

che fornisce " alternative JavaScript alle funzioni PHP " - in modo da poterle usare come faresti in PHP. Copia e incolla le funzioni appropriate qui, MA tieni presente che questi codici possono essere aggiornati sul sito originale nel caso in cui vengano rilevati alcuni bug, quindi ti suggerisco di visitare sito ! (A proposito. NON sono affiliato al sito, ma lo trovo estremamente utile.)

var_dump () in JavaScript

Ecco il codice dell'alternativa JS di var_dump () :
dipende dalla funzione echo () :

function var_dump() {
  //  discuss at:
  // original by: Brett Zamir (
  // improved by: Zahlii
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  //  depends on: echo
  //        note: For returning a string, use var_export() with the second argument set to true
  //        test: skip
  //   example 1: var_dump(1);
  //   returns 1: 'int(1)'

  var output = '',
    pad_char = ' ',
    pad_val = 4,
    lgth = 0,
    i = 0;

  var _getFuncName = function(fn) {
    var name = (/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/)
    if (!name) {
      return '(Anonymous)';
    return name[1];

  var _repeat_char = function(len, pad_char) {
    var str = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      str += pad_char;
    return str;
  var _getInnerVal = function(val, thick_pad) {
    var ret = '';
    if (val === null) {
      ret = 'NULL';
    } else if (typeof val === 'boolean') {
      ret = 'bool(' + val + ')';
    } else if (typeof val === 'string') {
      ret = 'string(' + val.length + ') "' + val + '"';
    } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
      if (parseFloat(val) == parseInt(val, 10)) {
        ret = 'int(' + val + ')';
      } else {
        ret = 'float(' + val + ')';
    // The remaining are not PHP behavior because these values only exist in this exact form in JavaScript
    else if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
      ret = 'undefined';
    } else if (typeof val === 'function') {
      var funcLines = val.toString()
      ret = '';
      for (var i = 0, fll = funcLines.length; i < fll; i++) {
        ret += (i !== 0 ? '\n' + thick_pad : '') + funcLines[i];
    } else if (val instanceof Date) {
      ret = 'Date(' + val + ')';
    } else if (val instanceof RegExp) {
      ret = 'RegExp(' + val + ')';
    } else if (val.nodeName) {
      // Different than PHP's DOMElement
      switch (val.nodeType) {
      case 1:
        if (typeof val.namespaceURI === 'undefined' || val.namespaceURI === '') {
          // Undefined namespace could be plain XML, but namespaceURI not widely supported
          ret = 'HTMLElement("' + val.nodeName + '")';
        } else {
          ret = 'XML Element("' + val.nodeName + '")';
      case 2:
        ret = 'ATTRIBUTE_NODE(' + val.nodeName + ')';
      case 3:
        ret = 'TEXT_NODE(' + val.nodeValue + ')';
      case 4:
        ret = 'CDATA_SECTION_NODE(' + val.nodeValue + ')';
      case 5:
        ret = 'ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE';
      case 6:
        ret = 'ENTITY_NODE';
      case 7:
        ret = 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE(' + val.nodeName + ':' + val.nodeValue + ')';
      case 8:
        ret = 'COMMENT_NODE(' + val.nodeValue + ')';
      case 9:
        ret = 'DOCUMENT_NODE';
      case 10:
        ret = 'DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE';
      case 11:
      case 12:
        ret = 'NOTATION_NODE';
    return ret;

  var _formatArray = function(obj, cur_depth, pad_val, pad_char) {
    var someProp = '';
    if (cur_depth > 0) {

    var base_pad = _repeat_char(pad_val * (cur_depth - 1), pad_char);
    var thick_pad = _repeat_char(pad_val * (cur_depth + 1), pad_char);
    var str = '';
    var val = '';

    if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null) {
      if (obj.constructor && _getFuncName(obj.constructor) === 'PHPJS_Resource') {
        return obj.var_dump();
      lgth = 0;
      for (someProp in obj) {
      str += 'array(' + lgth + ') {\n';
      for (var key in obj) {
        var objVal = obj[key];
        if (typeof objVal === 'object' && objVal !== null && !(objVal instanceof Date) && !(objVal instanceof RegExp) &&
          objVal.nodeName) {
          str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] =>\n' + thick_pad + _formatArray(objVal, cur_depth + 1, pad_val,
        } else {
          val = _getInnerVal(objVal, thick_pad);
          str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] =>\n' + thick_pad + val + '\n';
      str += base_pad + '}\n';
    } else {
      str = _getInnerVal(obj, thick_pad);
    return str;

  output = _formatArray(arguments[0], 0, pad_val, pad_char);
  for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    output += '\n' + _formatArray(arguments[i], 0, pad_val, pad_char);


print_r () in JavaScript

Ecco la funzione print_r () :
Dipende anche da echo () .

function print_r(array, return_val) {
  //  discuss at:
  // original by: Michael White (
  // improved by: Ben Bryan
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
  //    input by: Brett Zamir (
  //  depends on: echo
  //   example 1: print_r(1, true);
  //   returns 1: 1

  var output = '',
    pad_char = ' ',
    pad_val = 4,
    d = this.window.document,
    getFuncName = function(fn) {
      var name = (/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/)
      if (!name) {
        return '(Anonymous)';
      return name[1];
  repeat_char = function(len, pad_char) {
    var str = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      str += pad_char;
    return str;
  formatArray = function(obj, cur_depth, pad_val, pad_char) {
    if (cur_depth > 0) {

    var base_pad = repeat_char(pad_val * cur_depth, pad_char);
    var thick_pad = repeat_char(pad_val * (cur_depth + 1), pad_char);
    var str = '';

    if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && obj.constructor && getFuncName(obj.constructor) !==
      'PHPJS_Resource') {
      str += 'Array\n' + base_pad + '(\n';
      for (var key in obj) {
        if ([key]) === '[object Array]') {
          str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] => ' + formatArray(obj[key], cur_depth + 1, pad_val, pad_char);
        } else {
          str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] => ' + obj[key] + '\n';
      str += base_pad + ')\n';
    } else if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
      str = '';
    } else {
      // for our "resource" class
      str = obj.toString();

    return str;

  output = formatArray(array, 0, pad_val, pad_char);

  if (return_val !== true) {
    if (d.body) {
    } else {
      try {
        // We're in XUL, so appending as plain text won't work; trigger an error out of XUL
        d = XULDocument;
        this.echo('<pre xmlns="" style="white-space:pre;">' + output + '</pre>');
      } catch (e) {
        // Outputting as plain text may work in some plain XML
    return true;
  return output;

var_export () in JavaScript

Puoi anche trovare utile var_export () , che dipende anche da echo () :

function var_export(mixed_expression, bool_return) {
  //  discuss at:
  // original by: Philip Peterson
  // improved by: johnrembo
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  //    input by: Brian Tafoya (
  //    input by: Hans Henrik (
  // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
  // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
  //  depends on: echo
  //   example 1: var_export(null);
  //   returns 1: null
  //   example 2: var_export({0: 'Kevin', 1: 'van', 2: 'Zonneveld'}, true);
  //   returns 2: "array (\n  0 => 'Kevin',\n  1 => 'van',\n  2 => 'Zonneveld'\n)"
  //   example 3: data = 'Kevin';
  //   example 3: var_export(data, true);
  //   returns 3: "'Kevin'"

  var retstr = '',
    iret = '',
    cnt = 0,
    x = [],
    i = 0,
    funcParts = [],
    // We use the last argument (not part of PHP) to pass in
    // our indentation level
    idtLevel = arguments[2] || 2,
    innerIndent = '',
    outerIndent = '',
    getFuncName = function(fn) {
      var name = (/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/)
      if (!name) {
        return '(Anonymous)';
      return name[1];
  _makeIndent = function(idtLevel) {
    return (new Array(idtLevel + 1))
      .join(' ');
  __getType = function(inp) {
    var i = 0,
      match, types, cons, type = typeof inp;
    if (type === 'object' && (inp && inp.constructor) &&
      getFuncName(inp.constructor) === 'PHPJS_Resource') {
      return 'resource';
    if (type === 'function') {
      return 'function';
    if (type === 'object' && !inp) {
      // Should this be just null?
      return 'null';
    if (type === 'object') {
      if (!inp.constructor) {
        return 'object';
      cons = inp.constructor.toString();
      match = cons.match(/(\w+)\(/);
      if (match) {
        cons = match[1].toLowerCase();
      types = ['boolean', 'number', 'string', 'array'];
      for (i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        if (cons === types[i]) {
          type = types[i];
    return type;
  type = __getType(mixed_expression);

  if (type === null) {
    retstr = 'NULL';
  } else if (type === 'array' || type === 'object') {
    outerIndent = _makeIndent(idtLevel - 2);
    innerIndent = _makeIndent(idtLevel);
    for (i in mixed_expression) {
      value = this.var_export(mixed_expression[i], 1, idtLevel + 2);
      value = typeof value === 'string' ? value.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
      replace(/>/g, '&gt;'): value;
      x[cnt++] = innerIndent + i + ' => ' +
        (__getType(mixed_expression[i]) === 'array' ?
          '\n' : '') + value;
    iret = x.join(',\n');
    retstr = outerIndent + 'array (\n' + iret + '\n' + outerIndent + ')';
  } else if (type === 'function') {
    funcParts = mixed_expression.toString()
    match(/function .*?\((.*?)\) \{([\s\S]*)\}/);

    // For lambda functions, var_export() outputs such as the following:
    // '\000lambda_1'. Since it will probably not be a common use to
    // expect this (unhelpful) form, we'll use another PHP-exportable
    // construct, create_function() (though dollar signs must be on the
    // variables in JavaScript); if using instead in JavaScript and you
    // are using the namespaced version, note that create_function() will
    // not be available as a global
    retstr = "create_function ('" + funcParts[1] + "', '" +
      funcParts[2].replace(new RegExp("'", 'g'), "\\'") + "')";
  } else if (type === 'resource') {
    // Resources treated as null for var_export
    retstr = 'NULL';
  } else {
    retstr = typeof mixed_expression !== 'string' ? mixed_expression :
      "'" + mixed_expression.replace(/(["'])/g, '\\$1')
    replace(/\0/g, '\\0') + "'";

  if (!bool_return) {
    return null;

  return retstr;

echo () in JavaScript

function echo() {
  //  discuss at:
  // original by: Philip Peterson
  // improved by: echo is bad
  // improved by: Nate
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  //  revised by: Der Simon (
  // bugfixed by: Eugene Bulkin (
  // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
  // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
  // bugfixed by: EdorFaus
  //    input by: JB
  //        note: If browsers start to support DOM Level 3 Load and Save (parsing/serializing),
  //        note: we wouldn't need any such long code (even most of the code below). See
  //        note: link below for a cross-browser implementation in JavaScript. HTML5 might
  //        note: possibly support DOMParser, but that is not presently a standard.
  //        note: Although innerHTML is widely used and may become standard as of HTML5, it is also not ideal for
  //        note: use with a temporary holder before appending to the DOM (as is our last resort below),
  //        note: since it may not work in an XML context
  //        note: Using innerHTML to directly add to the BODY is very dangerous because it will
  //        note: break all pre-existing references to HTMLElements.
  //   example 1: echo('<div><p>abc</p><p>abc</p></div>');
  //   returns 1: undefined

  var isNode = typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports && typeof global !== "undefined" && {}
    global) == '[object global]';
  if (isNode) {
    var args =;
    return console.log(args.join(' '));

  var arg = '';
  var argc = arguments.length;
  var argv = arguments;
  var i = 0;
  var holder, win = this.window;
  var d = win.document;
  var ns_xhtml = '';
  // If we're in a XUL context
  var ns_xul = '';

  var stringToDOM = function(str, parent, ns, container) {
    var extraNSs = '';
    if (ns === ns_xul) {
      extraNSs = ' xmlns:html="' + ns_xhtml + '"';
    var stringContainer = '<' + container + ' xmlns="' + ns + '"' + extraNSs + '>' + str + '</' + container + '>';
    var dils = win.DOMImplementationLS;
    var dp = win.DOMParser;
    var ax = win.ActiveXObject;
    if (dils && dils.createLSInput && dils.createLSParser) {
      // Follows the DOM 3 Load and Save standard, but not
      // implemented in browsers at present; HTML5 is to standardize on innerHTML, but not for XML (though
      // possibly will also standardize with DOMParser); in the meantime, to ensure fullest browser support, could
      // attach (see for a simple test file)
      var lsInput = dils.createLSInput();
      // If we're in XHTML, we'll try to allow the XHTML namespace to be available by default
      lsInput.stringData = stringContainer;
      // synchronous, no schema type
      var lsParser = dils.createLSParser(1, null);
      return lsParser.parse(lsInput)
    } else if (dp) {
      // If we're in XHTML, we'll try to allow the XHTML namespace to be available by default
      try {
        var fc = new dp()
          .parseFromString(stringContainer, 'text/xml');
        if (fc && fc.documentElement && fc.documentElement.localName !== 'parsererror' && fc.documentElement.namespaceURI !==
          '') {
          return fc.documentElement.firstChild;
        // If there's a parsing error, we just continue on
      } catch (e) {
        // If there's a parsing error, we just continue on
    } else if (ax) {
      // We don't bother with a holder in Explorer as it doesn't support namespaces
      var axo = new ax('MSXML2.DOMDocument');
      return axo.documentElement;
    /*else if (win.XMLHttpRequest) {
     // Supposed to work in older Safari
      var req = new win.XMLHttpRequest;'GET', 'data:application/xml;charset=utf-8,'+encodeURIComponent(str), false);
      if (req.overrideMimeType) {
      return req.responseXML;
    // Document fragment did not work with innerHTML, so we create a temporary element holder
    // If we're in XHTML, we'll try to allow the XHTML namespace to be available by default
    //if (d.createElementNS && (d.contentType && d.contentType !== 'text/html')) {
    // Don't create namespaced elements if we're being served as HTML (currently only Mozilla supports this detection in true XHTML-supporting browsers, but Safari and Opera should work with the above DOMParser anyways, and IE doesn't support createElementNS anyways)
    if (d.createElementNS && // Browser supports the method
      (d.documentElement.namespaceURI || // We can use if the document is using a namespace
        d.documentElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'html' || // We know it's not HTML4 or less, if the tag is not HTML (even if the root namespace is null)
        (d.contentType && d.contentType !== 'text/html') // We know it's not regular HTML4 or less if this is Mozilla (only browser supporting the attribute) and the content type is something other than text/html; other HTML5 roots (like svg) still have a namespace
      )) {
      // Don't create namespaced elements if we're being served as HTML (currently only Mozilla supports this detection in true XHTML-supporting browsers, but Safari and Opera should work with the above DOMParser anyways, and IE doesn't support createElementNS anyways); last test is for the sake of being in a pure XML document
      holder = d.createElementNS(ns, container);
    } else {
      // Document fragment did not work with innerHTML
      holder = d.createElement(container);
    holder.innerHTML = str;
    while (holder.firstChild) {
    return false;
    // throw 'Your browser does not support DOM parsing as required by echo()';

  var ieFix = function(node) {
    if (node.nodeType === 1) {
      var newNode = d.createElement(node.nodeName);
      var i, len;
      if (node.attributes && node.attributes.length > 0) {
        for (i = 0, len = node.attributes.length; i < len; i++) {
          newNode.setAttribute(node.attributes[i].nodeName, node.getAttribute(node.attributes[i].nodeName));
      if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0) {
        for (i = 0, len = node.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) {
      return newNode;
    } else {
      return d.createTextNode(node.nodeValue);

  var replacer = function(s, m1, m2) {
    // We assume for now that embedded variables do not have dollar sign; to add a dollar sign, you currently must use {$var} (We might change this, however.)
    // Doesn't cover all cases yet: see
    if (m1 !== '\\') {
      return m1 + eval(m2);
    } else {
      return s;

  this.php_js = this.php_js || {};
  var phpjs = this.php_js;
  var ini = phpjs.ini;
  var obs = phpjs.obs;
  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
    arg = argv[i];
    if (ini && ini['phpjs.echo_embedded_vars']) {
      arg = arg.replace(/(.?)\{?\$(\w*?\}|\w*)/g, replacer);

    if (!phpjs.flushing && obs && obs.length) {
      // If flushing we output, but otherwise presence of a buffer means caching output
      obs[obs.length - 1].buffer += arg;

    if (d.appendChild) {
      if (d.body) {
        if (win.navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
          // We unfortunately cannot use feature detection, since this is an IE bug with cloneNode nodes being appended
        } else {
          var unappendedLeft = stringToDOM(arg, d.body, ns_xhtml, 'div')
            .cloneNode(true); // We will not actually append the div tag (just using for providing XHTML namespace by default)
          if (unappendedLeft) {
      } else {
        // We will not actually append the description tag (just using for providing XUL namespace by default)
        d.documentElement.appendChild(stringToDOM(arg, d.documentElement, ns_xul, 'description'));
    } else if (d.write) {
    } else {

Firebug .

Quindi, nel tuo javascript:

var blah = {something: 'hi', another: 'noway'};
console.debug("Here is blah: %o", blah);

Ora puoi guardare la console, fare clic sull'istruzione e vedere cosa c'è dentro blah

Una bella soluzione semplice per analizzare una risposta JSON a HTML.

var json_response = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
html_response += 'JSON Response:<br />';

jQuery.each(json_response, function(k, v) {
    html_response += outputJSONReponse(k, v);

function outputJSONReponse(k, v) {
    var html_response = k + ': ';

    if(jQuery.isArray(v) || jQuery.isPlainObject(v)) {
        jQuery.each(v, function(j, w) {
            html_response += outputJSONReponse(j, w);
    } else {
        html_response += v + '<br />';

    return html_response;

Puoi anche provare questa funzione. Non ricordo l'autore originale, ma tutti i crediti vanno a lui / lei.

Funziona come un incantesimo: uguale al 100% a var_dump in PHP.

Dai un'occhiata.

function dump(arr,level) {
	var dumped_text = "";
	if(!level) level = 0;

	//The padding given at the beginning of the line.
	var level_padding = "";
	for(var j=0;j<level+1;j++) level_padding += "    ";

	if(typeof(arr) == 'object') { //Array/Hashes/Objects
		for(var item in arr) {
			var value = arr[item];

			if(typeof(value) == 'object') { //If it is an array,
				dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' ...\n";
				dumped_text += dump(value,level+1);
			} else {
				dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' => \"" + value + "\"\n";
	} else { //Stings/Chars/Numbers etc.
		dumped_text = "===>"+arr+"<===("+typeof(arr)+")";
	return dumped_text;

// Example:

var employees = [
    { id: '1', sex: 'm', city: 'Paris' }, 
    { id: '2', sex: 'f', city: 'London' },
    { id: '3', sex: 'f', city: 'New York' },
    { id: '4', sex: 'm', city: 'Moscow' },
    { id: '5', sex: 'm', city: 'Berlin' }

// Open dev console (F12) to see results:


Lo propongo per aiutare chiunque abbia bisogno di qualcosa di prontamente pratico per darti una bella immagine prettificata (rientrata) di un Node . Nessuna delle altre soluzioni ha funzionato per me per un Node ("errore ciclico" o altro ...). Questo ti guida attraverso l'albero sotto il DOM Node (senza ricorrere alla ricorsione) e ti dà la profondità, tagName (se applicabile) e textContent ( se applicabile).

Qualsiasi altro dettaglio dai nodi che incontri mentre cammini sotto il nodo head può essere aggiunto secondo il tuo interesse ...

function printRNode( node ){
    // make sort of human-readable picture of the node... a bit like PHP print_r

    if( node === undefined || node === null ){
        throwError( 'node was ' + typeof node );
    let s = '';

    // NB walkDOM could be made into a utility function which you could 
    // call with one or more callback functions as parameters...

    function walkDOM( headNode ){
      const stack = [ headNode ];
      const depthCountDowns = [ 1 ];
      while (stack.length > 0) {
        const node = stack.pop();
        const depth = depthCountDowns.length - 1;
        // TODO non-text, non-BR nodes could show more details (attributes, properties, etc.)
        const stringRep = node.nodeType === 3? 'TEXT: |' + node.nodeValue + '|' : 'tag: ' + node.tagName;
        s += '  '.repeat( depth ) + stringRep + '\n';
        const lastIndex = depthCountDowns.length - 1;
        depthCountDowns[ lastIndex ] = depthCountDowns[ lastIndex ] - 1;
        if( node.childNodes.length ){
            depthCountDowns.push( node.childNodes.length );
            stack.push( ... Array.from( node.childNodes ).reverse() );
        while( depthCountDowns[ depthCountDowns.length - 1 ] === 0 ){
            depthCountDowns.splice( -1 );
    walkDOM( node );
    return s;
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Non affiliato a StackOverflow
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