
i would like to ask you the following qeustion:

is ist Possible to user Java Classes in Action script like in the following example?





I need to call the Class in Java to use the Class in Actionscript. The Goal is to write in ActionScript MyClass.login("user","pw"); an the Java Class make the Action. Is that Possible? I heard something of Remote Class Stuff but i dont think that's the right think.

I'm working on a Red5 Server who will do the Login Stuff and gives only a User Value Object back which will be proffed if is null or not

syr for my bad english, Hope you understand it.



Yes, it is possible from ActionScript to call a method in Java. To connect both project you can use BlazeDS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlazeDS

Here you can find a manual which explain step by step how to do a small example : blazeDS example.

Hope this helps!

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