
i would like to ask you the following qeustion:

is ist Possible to user Java Classes in Action script like in the following example?





I need to call the Class in Java to use the Class in Actionscript. The Goal is to write in ActionScript MyClass.login("user","pw"); an the Java Class make the Action. Is that Possible? I heard something of Remote Class Stuff but i dont think that's the right think.

I'm working on a Red5 Server who will do the Login Stuff and gives only a User Value Object back which will be proffed if is null or not

syr for my bad english, Hope you understand it.

도움이 되었습니까?


Yes, it is possible from ActionScript to call a method in Java. To connect both project you can use BlazeDS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlazeDS

Here you can find a manual which explain step by step how to do a small example : blazeDS example.

Hope this helps!

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