
理由は本当にわかりません awaitasync ここで私のコードのパフォーマンスを改善しないでください 彼らがそうすることになっているように.

(行う 気付く awaitasync 個別のスレッドを作成しないでください。ただし、OSはParallalでダウンロードを実行し、元のスレッドで私のコードを呼び戻す必要があります。)

私は使用していますか asyncawait 不適切ですか?それらを使用する適切な方法は何ですか?


using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

static class Program
    static int SumPageSizesSync(string[] uris)
        int total = 0;
        var wc = new WebClient();
        foreach (var uri in uris)
            total += wc.DownloadData(uri).Length;
            Console.WriteLine("Received synchronized data...");
        return total;

    static async Task<int> SumPageSizesAsync(string[] uris)
        int total = 0;
        var wc = new WebClient();
        foreach (var uri in uris)
            var data = await wc.DownloadDataTaskAsync(uri);
            Console.WriteLine("Received async'd CTP data...");
            total += data.Length;
        return total;

    static int SumPageSizesManual(string[] uris)
        int total = 0;
        int remaining = 0;
        foreach (var uri in uris)
            Interlocked.Increment(ref remaining);
            var wc = new WebClient();
            wc.DownloadDataCompleted += (s, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Received manually async data...");
                Interlocked.Add(ref total, e.Result.Length);
                Interlocked.Decrement(ref remaining);
            wc.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(uri));
        while (remaining > 0) { Thread.Sleep(25); }
        return total;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var uris = new string[]
            // Just found a slow site, to demonstrate the problem :)
            var start = Environment.TickCount;
            Console.WriteLine("Synchronous: {0} milliseconds", Environment.TickCount - start);
            var start = Environment.TickCount;
            Console.WriteLine("Manual: {0} milliseconds", Environment.TickCount - start);
            var start = Environment.TickCount;
            Console.WriteLine("Async CTP: {0} milliseconds", Environment.TickCount - start);


Received synchronized data...
Received synchronized data...
Received synchronized data...
Received synchronized data...
Received synchronized data...
Synchronous: 14336 milliseconds
Received manually async data...
Received manually async data...
Received manually async data...
Received manually async data...
Received manually async data...
Manual: 8627 milliseconds          // Almost twice as fast...
Received async'd CTP data...
Received async'd CTP data...
Received async'd CTP data...
Received async'd CTP data...
Received async'd CTP data...
Async CTP: 13073 milliseconds      // Why so slow??



一般的なルールとして、あなたが持っている場合、タスクの継続を使用しないことが最善です await/async 利用可能。また、使用しないでください WaitAny / WaitAll - async 同等のものです WhenAnyWhenAll.


static async Task<int> SumPageSizesAsync(IEnumerable<string> uris)
  // Start one Task<byte[]> for each download.
  var tasks = uris.Select(uri => new WebClient().DownloadDataTaskAsync(uri));

  // Asynchronously wait for them all to complete.
  var results = await TaskEx.WhenAll(tasks);

  // Calculate the sum.
  return results.Sum(result => result.Length);



static async Task<int> SumPageSizesAsync(string[] uris)
    int total = 0;
    var wc = new WebClient();
    var tasks = new List<Task<byte[]>>();
    foreach (var uri in uris)
          .Add(wc.DownloadDataTaskAsync(uri).ContinueWith(() => { total += data.Length;
    return total;


        var start = Environment.TickCount;
        await SumPageSizesAsync(uris);
        Console.WriteLine("Async CTP: {0} milliseconds", Environment.TickCount - start);

私は間違っているかもしれません - 非同期のものは新しいものであり、私はそれに100%精通していません - しかし、同期バージョンと同様のタイミングは私を抱きしめているようです。

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