

  • IO [ IO (Int, String, Int) ], や
  • IO [ (Int, String, IO Int) ], や
  • [ (Int, String, IO Int) ]

しかし純粋な機能がするべきだ [ (Int, String, Int) ].この思いclumsily削除の値からIO monadまったようなものIO[(Int,string,Int)]、それらのIO monad)の純ます。あることは容易ではありませ事前に定義されないということですよね...?このリフト全体のデータ構造へのmonad、すべての 内部 種類純粋なのか。(それはすごく便利!)



ご利用可能に liftM* 機能から ます。Monad モジュール、または liftA* 機能 applicatives.

liftM できるリフト、純粋な機能を内での作業Monad、例えば:

ghci> let s = return "Hello" :: IO String
ghci> liftM reverse s

このような手動で作ろう"s >>= \x -> return (reverse x)"で取り扱います。

こんなお手伝をさせていただき [(String, Int, IO Int)] たとえば、純粋に機能する [(String, Int, Int)].以降、第三元素のタプルかな Int.

その場合っ果に関数を書く [(String, Int, IO Int)] -> IO [(String, Int, Int)] この解除の純粋な機能です。


conv :: Monad m => (f (m a) -> m (f a)) -> [f (m a)] -> m [f a]
conv f = sequence . map f


liftTrd :: Monad m => (a, b, m c) -> m (a, b, c)
liftTrd (x, y, mz) = mz >>= \z -> return (x, y, z)

conv liftTrd [("hi", 4, return 2)] :: IO [(String, Int, Int)]




> reduce [(["ab", "c"], "12")] :: [(String, String)]

> reduce [(["ab", "c"], "12")] :: [(Char, Char)]

> reduce [("ab", "12"), ("cd", "3")] :: [(Char, Char)]


complexReduce :: Monad m => m (m (a, b, m [m (c, m d)])) -> m (a, b, [(c, d)])
complexReduce = reduce


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, IncoherentInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances #-}

import Control.Monad

-- reduce reduces types to simpler types,
-- when the reduction is in one of the following forms:
-- * make a Monad disappear, like join
-- * move a Monad out, like sequence
-- the whole magic of Reduce is all in its instances
class Reduce s d where
  reduce :: s -> d

-- Box is used only for DRY in Reduce instance definitions.
-- Without it we, a Reduce instance would need
-- to be tripled for each variable:
-- Once for a pure value, once for a monadic value,
-- and once for a reducable value
newtype Box a = Box { runBox :: a }
instance Monad m => Reduce (Box a) (m a) where
  reduce = return . runBox
instance Reduce a b => Reduce (Box a) b where
  reduce = reduce . runBox
redBox :: Reduce (Box a) b => a -> b
redBox = reduce . Box

-- we can join
instance (Monad m
  , Reduce (Box a) (m b)
  ) => Reduce (m a) (m b) where
  reduce = join . liftM redBox

-- we can sequence
-- * instance isnt "Reduce [a] (m [b])" so type is always reduced,
--   and thus we avoid overlapping instances.
-- * we cant make it general for any Traversable because then
--   the type system wont find the right patterns.
instance (Monad m
  , Reduce (Box a) (m b)
  ) => Reduce (m [a]) (m [b]) where
  reduce = join . liftM (sequence . fmap redBox)

instance (Monad m
  , Reduce (Box a) (m c)
  , Reduce (Box b) (m d)
  ) => Reduce (a, b) (m (c, d)) where
  reduce (a, b) = liftM2 (,) (redBox a) (redBox b)

instance (Monad m
  , Reduce (Box a) (m d)
  , Reduce (Box b) (m e)
  , Reduce (Box c) (m f)
  ) => Reduce (a, b, c) (m (d, e, f)) where
  reduce (a, b, c) =
    liftM3 (,,) (redBox a) (redBox b) (redBox c)
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