
I am not sure why my following Objectify code is not working for searching within list of strings.

following is my entity class:

public class Employee
    @Id private Long id;
    private List <String> location;
    getter() .. setter()

Objectify ofy = ObjectifyService.begin();

List<Employee> employees= (List<Employee>) ofy.query(Employee.class).filter("location IN", "newyork");

employees list is empty .. even if i have Employee records with location arraylist containing "newyork"

도움이 되었습니까?



List<Employee> employees= (List<Employee>) ofy.query(Employee.class).filter("location", "newyork");

The IN operator in filter tells the query to search for Employees within a list of locations. Since you are only searching for one location, there is no need for this operator.

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