
I am trying to install Oracle 11g express edition on debian.

I downloaded it and unpackage.

I use alien -i --scripts on the folder.

And now i can access to the files and other folders.

The problem is when I try to do the next command configure etc/init.d/oracle-xe it says "command not found".

I'm stuck with this.

Sorry if there are some mistakes in the writing I'm from Spain

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The documentation you linked to says to do this:

/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure

... not the way you have it, as configure etc/.... The configure is an argument to the oracle-xe command, not a command itself; and you need the leading / on the path before etc.

You might find this answer and the links in it useful.

It's the way @Alex Poole said, according to the 11gR2 Installation Guide. As the error is "Command not found", check that the /etc/init.d/oracle-xe file actually exists.

ls -l /etc/init.d/oracle-xe

Don't forget to post the output, as it may bring context to this problem.

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